It is 2024, and we are still living in the memory of gas chambers of Adolf Hitler and Nazis while committing GENOCIDE in Gaza and supporting the crimes of apartheid in Gaza and Palestine. And wiping out of earth’s face over 25,000 innocent Palestinian people just like that. Like the innocent Palestinian people are “potatoes” while we are the higher beings!
We are saying “never again” to senseless murders and deaths committed by the Nazis and Adolf Hitler. That is important and makes sense obviously.
But the timing of the highlight of the holocaust memories and the out-of-proportion promotion of this event across imperialist media is so bad though. Why? You ask.
As fact on 23rd January 2024, the time when David Cameron delivered a speech for the Holocaust Memorial Day reception, We or our imperialist British-American politics seem to directly tell, through our political support, to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, “Carry on boss with your revenge on Gaza. Raze neighbourhoods and cities to the ground in Gaza because we got your back, boy! Keep up the work of destruction, terror and brutal oppression. Because our ideas and speeches and war ships will defend you.
So, with this out-of-proportion promotion of the Holocaust Memorial Day at a time that a fresh genocide happens in Gaza, what is the Imperialist British-American media trying to do here? To fool us face to face?
Alas, do these people have any...
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The evening of 11 January 2024, The Emperor, Rishi Sunak, bypassed the U.K Parliament to order air strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen. Thus joining the U.S imperialism in doing evil across our planet earth.
They opened a new war in the Middle East without even people in Yemen and us, the oppressed in the western world, being healed from wounds of the recent war in Yemen that claimed the innocent lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
About what recent war am I writing here?
U.K - U.S Imperialism to be honest has been waging a war in Yemen from 2015 to 2022. A recent war that has been both brutal and painful.
It has been painful because our imperialist western media monopolies have been very economical with this truth. Avoiding reporting about the war as much as it was possible until deaths and the human suffer in Yemen became an elephant in the room.
For example, British imperialist media begun to report with some form of serious writing when it could not hide the truth of pain and death anymore. For it was a far cry for pain to speak loudly.
So the Daily Mail wrote at last in 2017, two years with delay, "Britain's secret role in Saudi Arabia's dirty war: UK troops are training army that has left a million on the brink of starvation, investigation finds." (link - )
The recent war in Yemen, however, has been made possible through the efficient intellect of imperialist western politics that use other nations to do their dirty work elsewhere in the world!
For example, the British-American Imperialism used Saudi Arabia and UAE armies to wage the war in Yemen. And the latter used the weapons and political logistics of Britain and the U.S.A to do the job on behalf of new imperialism. Fair play between murdering politics.
This war obviously shows U.K - U.S Imperialist politics being involved directly and indirectly in the war and also guilty of war crimes as well.
It is a pity though and human pain that hunts you forever as a human. For this war has costed a lot to Yemeni people and to humanity itself. With innocent deaths, starvations and brutal killings that shocked the human consciousness of the time.
Every war shocks and traumatises your human spirit anyways. The war in Ukraine is a shock and trauma in the conscious humanity of our time. So is the war in Gaza and the continual oppression of the Palestinian people. Or wars waged in Africa and elsewhere.
Do I have any facts of the murders or deaths made possible or committed by western politics in Yemen? you may ask now.
According to the UN Data in 2022, “Over 7 years of conflict caused the death of 377 thousands Yemenis, mostly children and mostly from indirect causes.” Causes which befall on U.S., U.K Saudi Arabia, UAE politics and a few other bad actors.
Further facts are everywhere from trusted sites on the internet, such as the U.N and worldwide pamphlets and historical writings.
How was the war created? You ask.
According to the UN in 2014 Houthis insurgents took control of Yemen’s capital and demanded ....
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Eamonn Holmes has claimed that there is a 'total cover-up' by the ITV bosses in relation to Philip Schofield affair.
Further, the Sun wrote that “pals claim his career (the career of the boyfriend of Philip Schofield) was left in ruins when the tryst ended in 2020 after he was first shunted to Loose Women before ultimately leaving ITV.”
And now this person works at a remote pub miles away from London and miles away from the abusive ITV Bosses.
All these facts, and many more facts that I will note in this blog, raise more questions which lead one to think that there is or may be a cover up of child sex abuse by the ITV Bosses.
What does make me, Dr ACactivism, think so? you ask.
Questions, like why isn't done an ....
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According to the Guardian "Jeremy Paxman started his career in 1972 on the BBC’s graduate trainee programme."
So he has been for 51 years working for an imperialist media system that swallows entire nations and cultures through its influence and oppressive and controlling media system.
But can anyone conceptualise what it means to work for 51 years for such a powerful monopolistic and imperialist media organisation?
There are many thinking people, for example, who do not live for 51 years. George Orwell, one of the biggest thinkers of all times, died at the age of 46.
I am turning 36 in a few days and still for over 13 years I demand my right to be heard at BBC and in the U.K media monopolies. And for 13 years in row this right is being denied, oppressed and assassinated easily by these crocodile-like and vicious and ugly monstrous souls of the U.K Imperialist Media Monopolies.
Here is the answer to this vicious U.K Media circle. They begin their careers in the same way like Jeremy Paxman with a trainee programme. Then grovel like worms for social power and at the end, they metamorphose into vicious crocodiles through media power.
And at last, they become the ultimate human on earth - DICTATORS OF HUMAN INFORMATION. How great is that?
As such are the souls of these monstrous creatures in the U.K Media that only disease or death makes them understand that they have to give up media power. And let others be heard and participate through this media that was created before them. And that still lives with a meaning to inform people not oppress thinking humanity. And thus control people.
Britain is plenty of talents and people who have ideas. Yet, these U.K media dictators are ruling and controlling the souls of this nation in the same way that 12lve century religious bigots did in this country and elsewhere in Europe or world.
But Why are the British media WRITERS metamorphosing into dictators and oppressors of INFORMATION? you ask.
The answer of the above question is understood in the understanding of dictator's thinking and doing.
For example, the biggest evil of all dictators is their oppression of human freedoms and basic human rights. Like the oppression of a human right that gives to the thinking people the...
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Boris Johnson was paid £275,000 a year by the Daily Telegraph for writing a weekly blog at Telegraph back in 2018. While also working as a Conservative MP and getting a luxurious salary by the tax payers.
Hurray for Liberté, égalité and fraternité!
While THEY, our media and people of politics, who show to love liberté and égalité at least, they hold on the one hand the dagger to butcher our human ideals. And on the other hand, they hold the pen to write about human ideals and laws of Liberté, égalité, and fraternité!
Here I ask those politicians, who also do the job of a writer and speaker, why don’t they write for the U.K parliament or for their Political Party papers or websites but write for News MEDIA MONOPOLIES?
And how comes that you as News Media Monopolies pay politicians for writing and speaking, when an MP is paid £84,144 by British tax payers? That is £7,012 per month by the British tax payers.
And the latter, the tax payers, have paid politicians this luxurious salary to have them focus on their jobs and increase the prosperity of this nation through socialist and humanist ideals not to abuse these ideals and values, right?
As a matter of fact, the amount of money that British MPs get, to not mention government cronies’ salaries, is equal to the salary of a business person that runs successfully at least two small businesses. And the salaries of British MPs are almost 5 times higher than a ‘£1500’ working class salary.
Now when you are paid this luxurious amount of money by the tax payers of this country. Then where on earth do you take your right as a politician to write or speak and be paid by News Monopolies?
As a matter of fact, from truth to reason, this form of inner collaboration between Newspapers and politicians in the U.K is an open act of abuse of power.
This inner collaboration is an open abuse of the HUMAN IDEALS, like fairness and equality.
This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers is an abuse of the fundamental rights of a democratic society that intends to share the power equally.
This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers in the U.K dishonours any citizenship rights and Social Democracy that is based on Social VALUES.
This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers has only one answer – THE WORKINGS OF THE U.K. STATE MAFIA that continue to fool British people, abuse their rights and abuse the Social Democratic values of this country openly.
This abusive act or inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers, however, is an act of abuse of social power that is used by the Left and the Right wing papers all the same. This abusive technical body politic or practical thought is used by Labour, the Conservative and other political parties in the U.K – Left, Centre or Right.
Call them as they wish, but as a fact, all of them use this MAFIA-like practice that abuses social power and social values and human ideals. And yes it is perfectly legal!
I mean this is another fact that asks: When were laws made to prosecute the powerful and serve to the oppressed in this country?
Further, this MAFIA-like, and unscrupulous political technique or tactic has a bigger vision.
For it deep down it intends to make Newspapers a playing field for politicians and politics of today the playing field of Newspapers, their editors, writers and speakers only.
So, leaving any independent voices unheard and unable to participate and take their rights in society. While politicians and media people hold absolute control over information, like dictators, of this country called, U.K.
This MAFIA-like act between British Politicians and British Media Monopolies is then but abhorrent and abuses any social democratic value that has been engraved by big minds and great pens on earth.
Hence, this Abhorrent Act of Abuse and Corruption must be Condemned not lauded and passed as the new normal of the now and of the future.
For this inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers in the U.K, it is and it shows but …
“The truth, it is felt, becomes untruth when your enemy utters it.” George Orwell, Looking back on the Spanish War, 1943. Orwell opens his essay by expressing his ideas on the Spanish war. Saying that…...
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Leadership with responsibility, can this be done? Like we to be able to try our leaders in courts when they create suffer and pain or commit crimes against humanity through their bad politics or bad…...
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It was a pity to read the Guardian on 6th May 2022. A certain journalist or a little London reptile called, Aubrey Allegretti, with no logic of a writer whatsoever, was painting or describing crystal-clear…...
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A few questions beg me to ask myself and our western world, with Imperialist Britain, France, Germany and the U.S in it. So the first question asks, “Why should we feel right in our conscience…...
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Putin seems to know one precious thing very well from his long experience in politics. What is that damned precious thing that he knows? You ask. He knows the inner feelings of western politics in…...
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If you do not bring “murderers” to courts and justice. Then many common people may think that the murder of the people of other nations is fine. They may even think that murders committed by…...
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In this blog, I will write and reason and show why it is viable and justifiable to create a No FLY ZONE over the skies of Ukraine. So, let me begin this blog by mentioning…...
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I am in immeasurable pain. For when I see pictures of shattered buildings in Ukraine, dead bodies laid in the streets, and the terror caused on the Ukrainian people with women, children and men turned…...
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On 7 12 2021, I wrote that Putin is a cunning politician that can start a war against Ukraine to test Western imperialism.
And see if he can get away with his crimes against humanity, like he did in Syria. And it proved true. He ordered his army to invade Ukraine.
Now Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces to be on high alert.
Why is this happening? You ask.
Putin is Being Hum....
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Che Guevara is known for his desire to liberate the oppressed against imperialism. His desire to stand with the weakest and fight with a pen and rifle against the strongest. And his willingness and resolve…...
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As a matter of fact western politics want to exploit the labour power of the world through big corporations. They want to accumulate the goods of the entire planet and exploit our Mother Earth. Yet…...
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Whenever people rise and demand their rights on the table, it is then and there that politicians show their true colors.
In recent years, for example, we have seen protestors brutally being oppressed in Paris, in Amsterdam, in London, New Zealand, Australia, U.S.A and recently in Canada.
What does this all mean to a political system or to the politics of the day?
As a matter of fact a political system that tr....
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“Why Russia's Ukraine aggression matters to Americans” wrote the CNN on January 2022. A headline that was intended to scapegoat a nation and a people and turn them into our enemy.
The BBC and the Guardian have not been any different. The latter, like CNN, see hatred as a new form of...
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When Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons in August 2013 against his own people, that thing crossed a red line for the politics of then Barack Obama and US. Yet Vladimir Putin and the Russian politics intervened and the US and western powers st
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Almost in every level and structure of political thinking and doing, London and the U.K show to have turned into a despicable corrupt Third World Country.
How is it possible? you ask.
I will prove this thinking in this blog with very clear-cut facts that show and prove this form of corruption.
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On 10 01 2022, Ben Wallace said to U.K parliament that Britain will supply Ukraine with weapons. And that a small team of British troops would be sent to Ukraine to provide training.
This thing of arm sales and military training to Ukraine, to be honest, has been ongoing since 2015. And we see no change. And no one is que......
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In 2007, a 30 year old man called, Ashley Tabor-King, with a dream to invade media and control the ideas of this country called, U.K. This ADOLF HITLER-like kind of artist comes and invests his money on media.
And thus dozens of different radios, like Heart FM, LBC, Capital FM, XFM, Gold Radio, Choice FM, and more, all have conglomerated within a few years under the ....
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On 7 January 2022, I asked Global media for Transparency. Asking questions for the salaries of politicians who work as journalists at GLOBAL. And they replied saying that, “Global is a Private Limited Company and therefore we are not required to disclose such information.”
So people who are supposed to be transparent and open to the public because they control means of information. They are the ones who fanatically conceal the ideas of TRANS....
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According to the ITV News, “Downing Street staff were invited to a drinks party in the Number 10 garden during the height of nationwide lockdown to "make the most of the lovely weather".
This balling or party, it is said that happened on May 20, 2020. With more than 100 Downing Street staff invited to bring booze and party hard with Boris Johnson and friends. Encouraged to social gatherings in the time of the first lockdown by the Prime Minister’s Principal Private Secretary, Martin Reynolds.
So, at a time, when British people could meet outside of work with.....
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I ask, “Can it be fair or right or just or justifiable in any way possible being a Member of the Parliament and doing paid work for an assumed FAIR MEDIA as a writer and…...
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There are a few books that I have loved in my life. And they are but Tartuffe by Moliere. Macbeth by Shakespeare, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes and the books of Machiavelli. Moliere,…...
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In this blog, I will speak about a U.K government study in the housing market called, Housing prices in London – an economic analysis of London’s housing market. A document written by Joel Marsden who…...
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What did Andrew Marr do in his career as a journalist at BBC?
Did he lead a revolution where people participated into politics and brought change?
Did Andrew Marr preach fairness and social justice?
Did he bring any form of social change? Like demanding the end to the control of information by a few media monopolies, or an end into the unfairness of today economy or a change in laws that turn the "status quo" upside down?
Nothing of that kind did he do. Rather he ruled like a DICTATOR. A proper twisted MONSTER with no love for what is FAIR and what is HUMAN. Imposing his ideas and the ideas of his class by the force of the MEDIA MONOPOLIES into British and EU people.
Have you ever opened Twitter and seen, hashtag #Marr or #marrshow? And do you know what that means?
That means scientific socialism. From fact to Reason. People have been watching the News Monopolies of the BBC and hence, they express the ideas of the BBC on Twitter. A crystal-clear fact of mind-controlling people.
At the end, Andrew Marr, this twisted monster and dictator, cannot be deemed to have done any form of change for good.,
For how can you do that when you dream like a worm to metamorphose into a crocodile for all your life?
And when finally, the metamorphosis happens through MEDIA MONOPOLIES, then you rule over media like a dictator?
Inviting at the BBC and MEDIA MONOPOLIES only those who think like they think - Underworld monsters.
My existential fact that I keep opposing and creating. And I continue to be oppressed in the middle of London shows the dark GREED of the Andrew Marr-like underworld monsters.
It is clear as day the philosophy that I express here. And that says that to think like a revolutionary being and bring change goes against the spirit of the political system of the time.
And that is logical. For example, How can you work for Tony Hall, when he was the director-general and used BBC to scapegoat an entire religion, and still be against Tony?
You need to be a PROPER worm to praise those above you and lick their boots in order to work for them. Look at Rianna Croxford how she licks boots and follows on the footsteps of the crocodile Andrew Marr.
That is literally the IDEA where a wormish being metamorphoses his or her larva into a full-blown crocodile through the reputation, authority and fame of the century-long swallowing MEDIA MONOPOLIES.
And now after a successful career as a Crocodile at the BBC, it is a pity to see that Andrew Marr is still not able to go independent. But still grovel and think to exchange the studios of the media monopolies instead of going out of them crying.
In short, Andrew Marr still thinks to Give more power to the power of the media monopolies for which he should scream against. And tell to the world that "the control of INFORMATION in the forms of news or media monopolies should stop once and forever."
Anyways, we see what we see, Andrew Marr has his eyes covered by GREED for more social power. A Worm that has turned into a Crocodile through the power of MEDIA MONOPOLIES. And now, like all dictators, who lose touch with what is human and who all have been once GOOD GUYS, now Andrew Marr is metamorphosed into Underworld Monster.
And it is his actions that show that. Like his action of leaving the oppressive BBC, that has stifled independent thinking for decades controlling information with 15th century religious fanaticism, for the RACIST Radio of the LBC, that has been the epicentre of Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins,.
So, this underworld monster, Andrew Marr, is exchanging the studios of MEDIA Monopolies. He is not going independent. For they cannot ever think of being independent WRITERS. For they have always thought to metamorphose into crocodiles and monsters.
Andrew Marr and his cronies cannot think to support FAIRNESS and Social Justice through clean hands. Like by disassociating themselves from media monopolies.
His close pal, Andrew Neil, he tried to go out of the MEDIA MONOPOLIES.
Thus it came to pass that Andrew Neil got lost after that. His insatiable greed made him follow higher MONEY INTEREST above what is HUMAN. And he came back crying from the GB News after he swallowed in his monster-like tummy hundreds of thousands of pounds. While hating and abusing the most oppressed classes of today.
This is ladies and gentlemen, the underworld monster that you follow, listen and tweet and idolise on twitter and elsewhere.
At the end, when you become a social monster and dictator is hard to become a saint again, isn’t it? For once a DARK DICTATOR means forever a dark dictator.
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I feel like my brain is plucked out by the stress that I get from the abuse of power of today politicians.
"We dot abuse our power" may be the answer of all politicians after reading my first paragraph for sure.
But then, I ask; "How on earth, can you allow gaps in laws so openly that show that London’s landlords are allowed to abuse basic tenants’ rights in the most inhumane and cruel way and yet you tell me that today politicians are not abusing their power?
What is the problem? You ask, dear Andy Slaughter and you dear politicians and MPs of London.
As a matter of fact today laws allow landlords to abuse tenants' rights in different ways.
For example, even though you pay your rent, landlords can threaten you with eviction for no reason. Some give you a tenancy agreement and so do not. They can bully you and they can harass you and even leave you without electricity or gas, yet police will not attend the case or bother about you as a tenant. When your rights are abused.
Why not?
It is obvious that today laws give super powers to landlords because they are the owners of the property where you live and pay rent!
So police forces, for example, seem to have been advised to tolerate the abuse of Landlords.
And this is personal experience. My last call to Met police U.K is with reference 6230 15/12 2021.
I called Met Police and said; Landlord is trying to open my door by force and threaten me with eviction. Even though I have paid my rent. Yet the police did not attend and said; this is a civil matter.
And the police are right, for it is in our laws that landlords can evict you without a reason. And eviction is not a criminal matter but a civil matter.
We see then, that this, dear Andy Slaughter and dear MPs of London, is not a problem of the police. But a problem of the MPs like you. Who make laws to abuse citizens. And allow the strongest to get away with heinous and horrible forms of abuse.
Why the Housing Problem today is an EMERGENCY?
Housing or shelter today is a matter of urgency. Because of Covid-19 occurrences that have worsened relations between landlord and tenant to its lowest point in British history.
For example, before the pandemic even though there was plenty of discrimination in the London housing market, still there were ways to find shelter easier than today after the pandemic. While today the majority of London landlords, (allow me to avoid the class think prejudice) have become like vicious wolves. Absolutely abusive and criminal.
Why? What happened? you ask again.
In the pandemic, citizens of London had to live with people, that they used to see once or twice a day before the pandemic, 24 hours a day.
Isolation and overcrowding created depression and conflicts and made life a struggle for existence. Personally, I was part of this struggle.
According to the ONS statistics “Almost one in five adults (19.2%) were likely to be experiencing some form of depression, indicated by moderate to severe depressive symptoms, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (June 2020). This had almost doubled from around 1 in 10 (9.7%) before the pandemic (July 2019 to March 2020).”
Thus, these unforeseen circumstances created conflict. And homelessness. And some people did pay the rent and some did not because of the unforeseen circumstances.
From April to June 2020, according to ONS, the number of households owed a relief duty, that is homeless people, increased 16.9% from the same quarter in the previous year, linked to the Everyone In campaign. And driven by the 29.7% increase in single households (households without children) owed a relief duty over the same period. The number of households in temporary accommodation had increased 13.9% from the same quarter in the previous year, also linked to the Everyone In campaign and driven by a 45.9% increase single households in temporary accommodation.
In 2020-21, according to the same study, “The most common reason for loss of last settled home under relief was due to domestic abuse at 9,460 or 31.8% of households with children owed a relief duty. This is a 13.6% increase from 2019-20.
Why am I saying these facts to you or what is the today problem? You ask.
As a result of the pandemic, the pain of people has become BIGER. But the GREED of the Landlords of London properties is increased as well. For they are becoming even more greedy than before the pandemic. And this is a big problem.
For example, letting agencies have made rules or laws within our laws, which are unacceptable rules that intend to make sure that only those earning above their “imaginary expectations” can get in their properties.
So, Problem number one today is the fact that whatever form of bully and eviction threats that come from London’s landlords is not a criminal matter but a civil matter.
An example, I went to meet Mary Keane on 7th December 2021. We agreed for a six months tenancy through a verbal agreement.
But from the first night in the property, I was left to shiver from cold because she refused to tell me where the “heating switch” is and did not turn the heating on at all. The next day I made a complaint, and I said, politely and humanely to turn the heating on. I offered to pay for all the bills. Yet the EGO and the GREED of Mary Keane was impossible to negotiate to my pain.
So Mary Keane of Hammersmith refused to tell me where the heating “switch” is and also left me without electricity. And then told me to go.
Abusing my basic needs. And playing the Aggressive BULLY that eats your heart alive simply because our laws allow the Landlords of London to do so.
She said, this complaint is too much for me, get out of my property. So easy was for her to throw me out after only a few days in the property.
My pain, my tears, my struggle everything dashed to nothing despite being a respectful tenant.
Why? Because my fate, my life, my rights as a human being depend on the Greed and sick ego of every London landlord that may share as such values.
So, I am telling a little painful story, that happened to me and that has happened many times in the past. because I demand change. And a law first of all to make a CRIMINAL matter harassment and eviction threats and eviction in itself. So police can attend the case, make notes and file prosecution charges to the abusive landlords.
Problem number two is the fact that to get a room in your constituency of Hammersmith, where I live, and in many areas of London, one needs to earn 2.5 times above the price of the rent. And this is but incredibly horrible. That means one needs to earn £1875 for a £750 room. Which is mean, ugly, monstrous, and disgusting abuse of social power.
Let us, dear Andy Slaughter and dear MPs of London, do some little maths.
The national minimum wage for people who are over 23 years old is £8.91.
£8.91 x 48 hours = £427.68
£427.68 x 4 = £1,710.72
£1,710.72 x 12 months = £20,528
According to, “On a £20,528 salary, your take home pay will be £17,621 after tax and National Insurance. This equates to £1,468 per month and £339 per week.
So these agencies are leaving out of their properties and denying the right to rent to the majority of working class people in London. And therefore the HOUSING PROBLEM in LONDON is a matter of urgency.
Problem number three;
Discrimination against the Housing Benefit Claimants continues for over 2 decades.
Housing benefit is not accepted by the majority of letting agencies and not accepted by the majority of the landlords of London. These facts are real and awash across the major letting websites, such as SpareRoom and OpenRent.
And we are seeing that you as MPs of London are not raising your voice for good in the U.K parliament to bring some form of change. And I demand a stop to this form of unbearable discrimination.
This problem of open discrimination towards London tenants, however, has been known since in 1998 at least.
A research paper called, Rent levels, affordability and housing benefit, that was written by Wendy Wilson and Bryn Morgan for the House of Commons Library on 12lve June 1998. It says that “A recent survey by the Association of Residential Letting Agents found that existing housing benefit restrictions had
led to an increase in the number of landlords who refuse to let to benefit claimants; 48% of
respondents to the survey said they would not let to people on housing benefit.”
Problem number four, Rents are increasing with speedy steps. So we need a public organisation that can set limits to rents and allow us to breathe. A room in Hammersmith has increased from £650 to £750 within a year. And this is the fact that I see daily.
Problem number five – London councils abuse their power
Problem number five is the fact that Hammersmith Council works with letting agencies that discriminate and create pain. And no one can hold these thugs accountable.
Last, year, I told to Andy Slaughter how Hammersmith and Fulham council murdered a human being, by driving him to hyper anxiety and over stress. Drove dozens and hundreds of people to tears, misery and pain. Evicted me illegally in the street with all my belongings. And pushed me personally to suicide through a continual and calculated psychological abuse.
Hammersmith council was caught red-handed working with abusive letting agencies that did not accept Housing Benefit.
I told you as my then MP of people screaming and pulling their hairs from the pain of the oppression of Hammersmith and Fulham council.
However, while living in the London's temporary accommodation, I saw many London councils in general do the same. Cause pain, threaten people with eviction and driving people to tears and self-hate.
Yet, as of today, December 2021, I see no change. And I have not even received a phone call by yourself as my MP, dear Andy Slaughter, to come and sit down and talk. Even though, I have sent you emails and asked to read one of my blogs that spoke of change.
Nevertheless, this latest appeal now goes to all MPs of London. For the housing problem in London is a matter of urgency. And we have come to this day and moment from a continual abuse of tenants' rights by our laws.
SOLUTION. What is the solution?
There should be established an independent body, like those that were in England during 1970s and 1980s, that supervise the rent market. And a new law to engrave certain standards that comprise rights of the tenants.
And I think that this law should be made to create fairness and dignity through these standards.
Standard one; the law must make unreasonable eviction a criminal offence. So police can get involved. And abusive landlords can be stopped on the spot.
Standard number two; the law should get rid of these ridiculous standards created after the pandemic by greedy letting agencies and cruel landlords. Facts which I mentioned as problem number two.
Standard number three; a law must once and forever stipulate the that it is criminal to discriminate against the unemployed in the housing market. Just like it is criminal to discriminate against colour of skin and sexual orientation.
Standard number four; the law should make rent limits and create public organisations that set the rent prices to a logical level. And as you see, we need a form of change that was brought by the Rent Act of 1977 that created the "Fair Rent Officer" ideas.
Standard number five; the law should punish councils, like any other public working body, that work with letting agencies that discriminate. And councillors to be brought to justice.
Standard number six, lower the luxurious salaries of London's councillors, who have turned into PASHAS, getting super luxurious salaries for themselves of above £200,000. While London's councils are awash with homelessness.
As we see from the above facts and reasons, that there are a few things that are crucial to human dignity and fairness. And if a law considers ideas of fairness and human dignity then we shut down discrimination and abuse of power in the housing or shelter matter.
Failure to defend human dignity and fairness in this case is abuse of power in itself.
And this weight lies with you as an MP, dear Andy Slaughter, and with you dear MPs of London and with your colleagues who chose to become MPs in the U.K parliament as well.
P.S (Links that I have sent to you to read and consider;
Enough Is Enough - Make Discrimination in the housing market against the unemployed and the poor unlawful by engraving our Human Basic Right for accommodation into a LAW - Dr ACactivism - Philosopher
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No doubt that it is western imperialism, with its decisions to hold Palestine under continual oppression, to destroy Yemen and to set Syria on fire and so on., that inspires Putin to think of “extreme self-defence measures.”
So then, it is logical to say that the red lines of Vladmir Putin and his screeching wolf-like voice in regards to Ukraine’s sovereignty and right to decide are but "extreme self-defence measures."
Vladmir Putin is in pains of " great economic loss" and lives in the fear that Ukraine will do better if they work with the West and so isolate Russia and make it even poorer.
However, the wishes and desires of Putin’s politics are not only unacceptable but unrealisable. Putin does not want Ukraine to join NATO or the European Union at all.
He wants to keep Ukraine as its own little slave and be forever under Putin’s or Putin-like politicians’ rules!
In reality this does not happen even among real brothers.
For I ask; Who is my brother to tell me what to do?
So there is no moral point to support in any form or in any way the bully and threatening politics of Vladimir Putin in relation to Ukraine.
Ukraine is free, it should remain free and it deserves to be free for the sake of what is human and for what we exist here. That is FREEDOM and Social Justice.
Why is the Russian military amassing near the Ukraine's border and what are they doing there? you ask.
The Russian military build-up along Ukraine’s border tells us that Russian politics are there in a way and manner doing the job of a Hitman.
That is, Putin’s politics in short are trying to threaten and bully and murder for as long as these politics can get away with what they do. In a way and manner, as such politics are but Hitmen-like politics.
At the end, when the western politics get serious about human rights and stands up firmly in favour of Ukraine’s sovereignty, the hitmen-like politics of Putin will withdraw and go home.
Nevertheless. The hitmen-like politics of Vladimir Putin are but an extreme self-defence measure of a loser-like politician. Who is desperately trying to slow and counteract Western Evil Imperialism.
Somehow, we are set between two evil powers. And all we can do is scream and take to the streets in protests against WAR and for PEACE. For peace is better than war of course. And it cannot come without people, real people like me and you, asking for it.
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It is the sad news of the day, where we hear again and again that other immigrants and more immigrants have lost their lives for a better life and a better future.
My heart breaks and tears flow as natural as our existence. Why can we not do something for better? I ask.
So again we hear that on 24 11 2021, 27 immigrants have drowned while crossing the English Channel.
Now you ask, who are those who responsible for the murder of these immigrants?
Let me tell you that this is not a natural tragedy but a man-made tragedy. A tragedy made by European imperialism that creates divisions, wars and that unjustly controls the economy of the world.
Never forget, that economical oppression towards other nations, that is created across the world through the accumulation of wealth in our western world through our western global companies, means more wealth for us and more poverty for others.
Life is hard to be lived in utter misery and utter oppression. And this blame goes out to people like the hypocrites and cruel politicians of Europe, like Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron.
Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron, they are the first ones to...
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Today, 21 November 2021, I read that a few blogs written by the New Nazi writers of the Sun newspaper on May and June 2021 about Caroline Crowch’s death were not changed at all!
These blogs which hatefully blamed Albanians for something that no Albanian had done. And which called us, “Face of Death, ruthless, ” and all the names under the sun with shameful lies. These blogs are still there!
The Sun on June 2021 made lies take the shape of truth in a doublethink 1984 dystopian thinking. Fooling the whole U.K just like that.
What a joke that the British media is! It makes you laugh and cry in the same time!
The Sun wrote, “The Albanian suspect is described as "strong, around 5ft 5ins, with short blond hair," who reportedly "is a violent abuser who hates women," reports Star.”
In here we see that it is not only the Sun making lies take the shape of truth, but the entire U.K media monopolies that believe in hearsays. And think that hearsays should be the future of truth and reason.
So these Oxford University-like journalists by circulating “lies” among each other they pass lies for truth. And make lies appear as truth in the human history!
At the end, the police in Greece all what they had said was “We believe them to be as such and such.”
A journalists who believes in Truth knows that is not an established fact. And to create mountains of lies based on people’s personal feelings is but an unacceptable form of journalism. Or in short, say, Fascist and Nazi forms of thought.
And what is more shameful is the fact that the Sun has neither apologised nor deleted these shameful blogs.
You ask, “Why should they do that? Who is going to stand up for a small oppressed country that is not even equal to the quarter of London’s population?”
A nation that has neither the right amount of the number of people, so to make a noise about it. Nor does it have the money numbers to hold accountable the MURDERING NEW NAZI MEDIA Journalists of the U.K.
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We live in strange times as never before in human history.
For in our time TRUTH and Honesty and pain are rendered powerless by Media monopolies.
A rich man, like those who pump with money the GB News today or like the Murdoch media empire that it has done continually since it was created, wakes up in the middle of the night. And says; “Let me create a media army or monopoly and influence the politics of today! Because this is how I like.”
Thus the rich go on top of everything simply because they are able to buy writers, journalists and journalism and have the power to create MEDIA MONOPOLIES.
Thus, philosophy sounds ridiculous if it is not expressed by the writers of the media monopolies. And humanity does not even make sense without there being a writer that is either writing from the media monopolies or supported by them!
Wow! What a strange time to be alive! Nothing makes sense but the authority and reputation of the UK, US, French and German media monopolies.
Independent thinking then has never in human history been so much despised. And media and political grovelling worms have never ever been so much admired.
A journalist writing for the BBC, ITV or Sky News etc., A judge ruling from a corrupt court. A politician speaking out of a criminal parliament, that historically make laws that support the rich and the powerful in Britain. And a Prime Minster using executive governing powers to create a war. These four STATE powers are today literally equal to the power of GOD in Britain of the 19th century in terms of faith, trust and admiration. Which are all qualities of god in religious theory.
But nevertheless, have you ever thought which kind of writer is more fair in his thoughts and writing?
A writer writing for the ITV, like Piers Morgan that gets over 1.5 million pounds per year, or a writer that is independent and writes out of the pain of oppression and for a deaf and blind humanity that he or she intends to wake up with his honest and humanist thoughts?
This judgement I will leave to future generations who will be inspired with my passion for truth and reason and above all for what is HUMAN.
For now let me continue with my treatise.
What do I mean by the term, POLITICAL ANIMAL?
The U.K government is made of four assumed branches of power, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary and the U.K media monopolies.
The three first governing powers are official. While the fourth POWER is an unofficial governing power controlled either by rich media barons or highly paid media editors or funded by the state and the rich people’s donations. Like the media monopolies of the BBC.
Now all of these governing powers essentially pretend to be independent. And all of them are independent in judging the cases of working class people or immigrants. But when it comes to high crimes committed by the members of their class. They either stay silent or talk about these matters with sarcasm and irony and just in passing. “Hey we mentioned it, just another war where British imperialism takes part and murders innocent people – like Yemen or Syria etc. Nothing wrong with that.”
So these hypocritical powerful members in these four branches of power in the U.K is what I call the POLITICAL ANIMAL BEINGS. Vicious, hypocritical, greedy, unethical, abusive, mafia-like, criminal and anti-humans.
Some facts and truth please? you ask.
Let me pick a fact among a sea of facts to show the thinking of these four branches of power of the imperialist U.K or U.K State MAFIA.
For example, there is an example of pain and truth, like a civil war created in Yemen. And British soldiers that are caught red-handed supporting the Saudis. That have butchered Yemen for years.
Facts? Facts are showed by the U.K media themselves who could not hide the elephant in the room. And by many human rights groups as well. Like or Amnesty International.
On 17th December 2015, "Amnesty International wrote; UK Government breaking the law supplying arms to Saudi Arabia, say leading lawyers."
So showing the U.K politics complicit in war crimes.
Years later, in 2017, the Daily Mail couldn't hide the elephant in the room and the cry of the human rights groups for justice and peace. So the Daily Mail also wrote of the facts. See the screenshot below.
However, as I said above, they, U.K Media monopolies, write in passing and skip the appeal for justice.
That is, the way they present facts and report in this case are not even up to the morality of reporting the news when a U.K minister is caught having a sexual relationship with his secretary!
So they, U.K Media Monopolies like the Daily Mail or the Guardian, write in passing for attention, money and fame, when crimes against humanity are committed by U.K politicians.
Every one reads but no one bothers! Why?
“A writer is the educator of the adult world,” said once James Joyce.
So when these writers write without a passion for justice and without responsibility for their power, so the soul of the British people feels and thinks.
They think it is okay to murder others. A pint in the evening after a comedy show, a chat at work after a night out, a thought after reading or watching the news, an idea expressed after watching their favourite movie. This is the universal British soul. They breathe in. and breathe out the ideas of the POLITICAL ANIMAL BEINGS.
The U.K media controls the U.K public opinion in short. And it is their media authority and media reputation that makes them appear as the higher intelligence.
So media monopolies write, British people think and follow. And this is seen in many hashtags on twitter.
Where after something is being discussed on Question Time Show, for example, we see British people write on twitter under a hashtag called, #questiontime or whatever the Guardian has written etc.
Can here be more clear the link of my thought between fact and reason?
So, on 25th November 2017, The Daily Mail is happy to report but unhappy to point the finger at the corrupt British Justice system that refuses to judge the heads of this big evil. That is made by the human hand and the human mind.
“The British Army is secretly training Saudi Arabian troops to fight in Yemen, where the country has been accused of committing crimes against humanity, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Up to 50 UK military personnel have been teaching battlefield skills to soldiers who will be deployed in the so-called ‘dirty war’.”
This is how the Daily Mail wrote on November 2017. At a time when Theresa May was the Prime Minster and Boris Johnson was the foreign secretary.
Then there, in Yemen, are heard casualties of human loss. Children are left to starve to death, women are murdered and innocent people killed just like that.
But I ask, “Who takes responsibility for the loss of the human lives where even graves scream out of their skeletons for JUSTICE?”
You like to be a politician and a Prime Minister or a prominent politician but refuse to take responsibility for your big evil thinking and doing, right?
You like to make the rules and have big money and power in your hand and become the most powerful person of this country. Yet you do not like any form of human responsibility!
Hold on, a second. For British universities produce politicians like Boris Johnson and Theresa May like commodities. Every month there can be a new Boris Johnson and a new Theresa May in Power.
But can we have a politician like Boris Johnson that is held responsible for his political actions? Eh?
We see then, that this simple just and fair humanist thinking has turned into an ideal.
Why is there no responsibility for the crimes and injustices committed by the Imperialist British POLITICAL ANIMAL? You ask.
Now it is logical to say that if we imagine a nation where we are all equal in front of the law, then a prime minster, a journalist and a judge are all subject to the law of this land like all of us.
But the question here is, “who is going to bring U.K imperialist politicians to justice or even to courts? The U.K police?”
According to a paper written by Jennifer Brown ( for the House of Commons Library, “The Home Office is responsible for policing policy for England and Wales. It is responsible for: • publishing a statutory document called the Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR). The SPR sets out the most pressing national crime threats and how police force should be responding to them.
…presenting the annual Police Grant Report to Parliament for approval.
….The Home Secretary is also (either directly or indirectly) responsible for key policing appointments including the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (the most senior police officer in the UK), the Director General of the NCA and the IOPC, the Chair of the College of Policing and Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary.”
So, U.K police as a force and reason of this country cannot hold responsible their bosses for crimes committed outside of the U.K. And that is logical.
For how can you do that against your boss that has committed a crime in another country?
But U.K politicians are held responsible in the U.K of course. Like for having sex with their secretaries. But not sent to prison for lobbying, for accepting gifts from Russian kleptocrats or from Saudi Arabia and from Qatar bosses. Or for cutting Universal Credit or for creating conditions for homelessness and unbearable poverty and so on with their evils.
So we see that even in the U.K, here is a big noise about things that do not matter. While things that matter are either avoided or mentioned in passing!
Why does this happen? Why is this vicious Political Animal World in the U.K not held responsible for crimes against humanity and murder in countries outside the U.K?
Here is a long history of this “political animal world” in Britain.
But historically like today, powerful upper classes, like the media class, made of journalists and media barons, the justice system class, made of judges and courts, and the political class, that is made of politicians, support each other in Britain in a way and manner that MAFIA and thugs support each other with knives and guns and bombs in their thinking and making.
This has been so 500 years ago and this is so today. Marx said in the 19th century that "the English legislature is overdosed with genius. And he said also that "only against its will and under the pressure of the masses did the English Parliament give up the laws against Strikes and Trades’ Unions, after it had itself, for 500 years, held, with shameless egoism,the position of a permanent Trades’ Union of the capitalists against the labourers."
So, it is enough that you read certain works of Karl Marx to understand that the upper classes of Britain or the POLITICAL ANIMAL of Britain support each other up to the end of the 19th century.
Further, if you read the struggle of women’s right to vote in Britain. The story of Emily Wilding Davison, that was killed by the King George V’s horse. And the history of the National Minimum Wage, that was only fixed in 1999, after a 100 year struggle. Where the British upper classes magically used their rhetoric to enslave their own people with “low pay” up to the 1999.
And if you pay attention to the today history, where the POLITICAL ANIMAL Class rules without responsibility whatsoever. Like they did with the Covid-contracts and like they do with the rules of lobbying and in accepting donations. That in turn buy political influence.
Thus, if you read and understand the above ideas, then you will understand that British Upper classes support each other. And nothing has changed so far.
These upper classes then are both a political animal and a MAFIA body that have no sense of justice and humanity when it comes for the humanity of their people and for humanity at large.
So that means that in the past, their thought and thinking of justice goes as far as it concerns the upper classes of U.K. While today their sense of justice and freedom goes as far as it concerns the upper classes of the entire Western world as a group of people living in peace at the moment.
However, when it comes to humanity at large, the British upper classes are silent. Here and there we hear of a voice that cries for responsibility. But that voice is easily and quickly drowned out with the daily celebrity news and daily shows of Good Morning Britain and Question Time and daily trash talk on media.
So these upper classes of Britain, like media, politics and the justice system, they call evil good, and good evil, when such ideals fit to their political interest. And do not bother of the responsibility of murder or manipulation or corruption in a justifiable manner, when political actions commit as such painful human made evils.
Boris Johnson was in power then in 2017, still is and seems to remain in power. Say that we are short of politicians here! Say that Britain is dead and has no sons to take care of her with honesty and human responsibility!
A corrupt British justice system with a corrupt prosecuting political body is silent. The U.K media is silent. The judges in courts of the British justice system continue with their fake wigs to send simple working class people to prison daily. But still big political animals such as Boris Johnson, Theresa May etc., continue to live the lives of Heroes.
Gentlemen, we still live in the Political Animal World. That is, Politics without Responsibility.
So, it is High Time that we think of Change. For British Universities Create Politicians like Commodities daily and even hourly.
So let us hold upper classes, journalists, judges and politicians responsible for their evil thinking and doing. Judges must be prosecuted and dismissed for not speaking up against U.K politicians. When they are not brought to courts. Journalists must be fired for not demanding Justice unstoppably. Like they do when a minster is caught having sex with his secretary.
For we gave power to politicians to hold up human ideals,. Not to abuse our ideals.
But like Rousseau once said, ever since politicians took power, they called simple people animals and slaves. Because they felt above people with political power in their hands.
Arrogance then, still rules the inner and outer world of today upper classes in the Imperialist or new imperialist Britain. And they still think themselves irreplaceable.
That’s why Media and the Justice system does not hold responsible politics. And vice versa, the politics of today keep media monopolies as the new gods and the justice system as being fair. When they are the evil of today.
So here in this country is no justice and no change because here in this country is no political responsibility.
However, if we became a little bit more active and more humanist, we would see power rolling into people’s hands like in a communist ideal.
Here we would see that every year a new politician and a new judge and a new journalist can be in the chairs of social power where the fate of humanity and human ideals depend.
But as a matter of fact, we see that I pray for what is human in an inhumane world of political animals. For people are still not conscious that Political power is high social power. And as such it demands responsibility - social power responsibility.
For the POLITICAL ANIMAL OF BRITIAN has Been ruling, it is ruling and it seems that it will continues to rule without responsibility.
So I think that it is high time that we think of real change by taking real care or bringing to...
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There is not only one idea, one fact or one blog that show that Katherine Viner and the today leadership of the Guardian have pushed the only left wing newspaper in the U.K called, The…...
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Today 17th October 2021, MPs are crying on the U.K media monopolies. There is the BBC and the LBC inviting MPs who show how dreadful that life has become for them!
Say that there is every day a citizen wanting to stab an MP! What a joke! People who get such luxurious salaries, that are paid by the taxes of the same people that they now fear and distrust, these people tell us that they demand bigger security. Because they cannot trust anymore those who pay their salaries!
WHAT A JOKE THAT UK POLITICS AND UK MEDIA THAT THEY ARE! Bear with me, I will show you how painful is life for us, working class people, here at the bottom. How many stabbings that we see in comparison to the class of MPs.
Hypocrite MPs who just recently allowed a pay cut of £20 to universal credit claimants,. MPs who campaign for an increase of their MP salaries and a pay cut for the oppressed. Now they are shaking from horror!
And what horror? The horror that they make with the laws that they pass into the U.K parliament. A horror that they daily create for the working class people with the rules of the oppression and unfairness that they daily produce in action. From theory to practice.
Let us be daring and ask of this horror that we working class people live in the U.K: "How many working class people are stabbed in a year in the U.K? "
According to the ONS, a U.K government statistics website, there were 44,286 knife-enabled offences recorded by the police in the year ending March 2021. That is between March 2020 and March 2021.
So then, I ask, "Why is the stabbing of an MP hurting so much the class of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES and politicians? When the horror that working class people face in the U.K from stabbings is nowhere near a stabbing in a decade that MPs have faced, right?
Or is the stabbing of David Amess more worthy than the stabbings of 44,286 people in the U.K?
The answer. Because David Amess was one of them. So David Amess makes sense because he is part of the class of politics and media monopolies. Part of their animal group. Part of their family not part of the U.K family.
Now you see the difference. You see that U.K Media monopolies are not there to defend the British people but defend the interest of their class of greed and oppression.
What about the good that he, David Amess, made?
Politicians have never ever done any good to society. For it is the greed of politicians that decade after decade and century after century create further injustice, unfairness, corruption and abuse of power.
The housing problem is but the mess that U.K politicians have created with their hands. Brexit. The oppression of the Palestinian people and the arm deals with the Nazi Israeli politics. To not mention the business deals with the Saudi Arabia that butchered Jamal Khashoggi and continually abuses human rights.
So the reason why the U.K media monopolies pay so much attention to David Amess’ stabbing and care nothing, when it comes to working class people, is because of their common good or common class interest.
The U.K Media treats British people as aliens when they stab each other. That is a fact,. Do they pay the same attention with analysis and public discussion for each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, like they do to David Amess?
No, they do not do that. Because they do not care of the British working classes. They know deep down that political oppression drives man to crime. So they just write about everyday crime in passing, “Hey another stabbing happened today, enjoy it!”
While when it happens that the problem becomes any immigrant or Albanian, then they appeal to the Brits, “The Albanian…”
In this way, they unite all British people. The media here pretending that they care of British people by creating a common enemy – The Albanian Criminal or Albanian Mafia saga.
In short, the U.K media monopolies do not care of the British people. For if they cared they would pay to each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, the same attention. Like the attention that they pay to David Amess.
And through close analysis and humanist thought, we would probably think to give more to the oppressed. And make equality and fairness a law.
Yet the MEDIA MONOPOLIES do not do that.
Because all the U.K Media monopolies are discussing these days is the security of the MPS, when it should be discussed EQUALITY and FAIRNESS and Humanist education.
So people do not stab or kill or rob. Do not follow like sheep the thugs of upper classes. But idolise truth and reason and fairness and equality and stand up for....
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Tyson Fury knocked out Deontay Wilder in Las Vegas on 10th October 2021. Showing a bigger power, higher level of skill and longer resistance in boxing over Denotay Wilder.
I am not a fan of the brutality of boxing, but I see in it a philosophical point. Like what? you ask.
Like, for example, “How can one achieve a certain form of change in front of the GIANT MONSTERS of WESTERN IMPERIALIST MEDIA, like the BBC, NEW YORK TIMES, MURDOCH MEDIA, ITV, CNN etc?
How can you even be heard in front of them through truth? When they stomp in your voice of truth and reason like stomping on the head of a worm. Crushing your bodily and mind's existence like crushing down a worm.
The Western Imperialist Media drowning your voice out in this evil way. While they daily unfold their media propaganda in favour of their respective favourite political party.
Is this right, fair or just in any way?
In a manner, then, the journalists of the imperialist western media act like proper lackeys and corruption enablers, caressing and pampering the tail of the POLITICAL BEASTS of the western world through their ideas. While they write and talk from the headquarters of the Imperialist Western Media Monopolies.
News monopolies, like what? you ask.
The Murdoch Media's reach, for example, covers three continents and hundreds of millions of people. From Australia, to America and the UK, it controls a big chunk of the human information. And with it the HUMAN Brains.
While the BBC, CNN, ITV, the New York Times etc., are a few global CROCODILE HEADS. For their reach is global. And their News MONOPOLIES are but an absolute abuse and offence of FAIRNESS and therefore , absolute corruption.
So, how can you be heard with truth and reason in front of these giant crocodiles, like the BBC and CNN and the Murdoch Media etc?
When they have money and pay to promote their ideas through print, television and online? And thus they drown out, silence and control your human existence.
Further, this idea of MEDIA MONOPOLIES, how does it sound to you? FAIR, RIGHT, JUST? Or corruption in the heart and blood of whatever is human?
Simply the idea of MEDIA MONOPOLIES knocks out the idea of fairness and justice.
And this is the knockout punch of `Tyson Fury or the Gypsy King.
For you cannot think of fairness and justice in a world where MONOPOLIES rule and lead every single field of the human thinking and doing.
For it is these media monopolies that daily strangle and murder truth and justice.
And thus our Imperialist, Monopolistic Western Media by controlling information, it murders truth or our HUMAN IDEALS. And thus, our IMPERIALIST WESTERN MEDIA gives the AUTHORITY Of HUMAN IDEALS to their MEDIA Monopolies.
Thus truth is our western media monopolies and western media monopolies are the truth.
But in a world of two human ideals, such as Fairness and Justice, Truth is a Gypsy King, Tyson Fury Knockout Punch . That means it is heard, it is able to bring change, drain a swamp, fix a roof and build a new world for the sake of justice and human existence in peace and freedom.
Until then, continue to subscribe and listen those media monopolies who by fanning the tail of the imperialist politics, they make possible war criminals to evade prison. And continue to chop up the world.
Yemen, Syria, Palestine and now, recently, they are even trying to creating a close ally as an enemy – the fishing problem and France.
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What is happening in London is this, Landlords, letting agencies and referencing agencies are allowed to discriminate openly. And shamelessly so in the middle of the capital of Europe, London. When I called my council,…...
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There is something so obvious that can be observed so easily in the News Monopolies of the U.K Media. For example, in the Guardian, the BBC, ITV, Murdoch Media, we see NEWS MONOPOLIES.And in these…...
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Some media reports, like CNN, say that a US drone strike in Kabul killed nine members of one family – including six children.
A relative of the dead said to a local journalist working for the CNN, that they were an ordinary family. We are not ISIS or Daesh and this was a family home – where my brothers lived with their families.
A neighbour of the dead had said to the CNN journalist that there might have been up to 20 people killed in the air strike. But they cannot be recognised. For the entire house is destroyed and humans are turned into pieces.
Oh well, but who holds responsibility for this cruel and macabre act of death and pain?
Who is brought to Court and who is sent to Prison?
Each innocent human being killed demands responsibility and justice.
An innocent human being killed demands and asks for justice. But where is justice?
Where is responsibility and accountability for those who want to be at the top of the world ruling with blood in their hands?
Where is our ideal of justice?
Is anything more evil than going to revenge the blood of the dead American soldiers by murdering other innocent people?
Since the end of the WWII this is the problem of our western world. We united among each other and became a single body of evil. Killing and butchering others.
So even though there are plenty of wars and plenty of murders of innocent people, yet there is no top military general or top politician going to court and prison.
But why do we have our laws condemning murder? Only for the working class people of our western world?
You hypocrite public prosecutions, bring some murder charges on top military generals and top politicians and bring them to courts. While you judges with fake wigs when you see facts of murder and death, then judge it right. BRING THOSE GUILTY TO PRISON.
Or give up working for the justice system.
For the question here is and Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for the MURDERS of these innocent people? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?
And the answer is....
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Culture is accumulated over different many centuries and it is as powerful as iron. Hard to bend, and easy to set you in chains. That means, culture controls your mind to think in a certain…...
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What is happening in Afghanistan shows exactly the idea that Freedom was born out of the idea of oppression.
For that is very logical to be said that there was no need for freedom when we lived in the wild. And only a few people covered the space of an entire planet!
So, people disdain oppression and oppressors and fight for freedom. And as a matter of fact history shows us that “foreign invaders” are hated even more than domestic dictators.
Now, you ask, Who is better the cruel Taliban Barbarians or the Murdering Imperialist USA-UK-EU politics?
Let us begin explaining our reason with some facts. Since Western imperialism, with USA and U.K on the top, entered Afghanistan 20 years ago, in 2001, they begun by butchering, shooting and enslaving.
Incensed by September 11 attacks, the United States with U.K, as its best ally and others, invaded Afghanistan. Oppressing an entire nation, killing thousands of innocent people and keeping an entire nation under continual foreign oppression. (These facts are recorded in the history books.)
How can you do that?
The famous speech of George W. Bush on 20 Sep 2001, that said "you are either....
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A friend of my housemate was present at the illegal party where a 20-year-old was killed. He came to sleep last night to my house and said to me in the morning: I saw a big scuffle inside the warehouse beside Millwall stadium in South Bermondsey, London.
And then a few seconds later, he said, I saw a bloodbath with the victim stabbed with a broken glass beer bottle.
It makes me wonder though how BBC, the Independent and The Sun cover the crime. Without any condemnation for the organisers. And as if everything is part of the new normal for which we have police taking care of it. And we should do nothing to change this!
Just another crime scene, basically! The new normal, where media and police earn salaries and people butcher each other.
So, how shall we understand this?
As a matter of fact young and old people want to party and get off the stress. The stress of the pandemic, and the stress of living in big towns, where isolation has destroyed people’s psychology. Far from nature and far from free movement due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
So, I understand to some point illegal raves or illegal parties. People want to shed stress and depression. And I understand the pain of the people.
But tell me this, tell me of the greed and of the inhumanity of the....
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It came to pass that the British Mother, Caroline Crouch, was murdered by her Husband. As “Newsbomb gr” reported and as the Greek police announced on Twitter. But Albania and Albanians have two months being…...
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In the recent years, famous people like Oliver Darcy and Rachel Raley have campaigned hard to ban people from participating on big billionaire media. And out of jealousy for others, they have preached the same thing to happen even on our social media.
Here let me conceptualise the truth to you by mentioning a few names that have been banned from Twitter and other social media outlets.
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Almost three hundred years ago, Rousseau would say “Bad politics make bad people.”
But what does that mean? No doubt that it means that the most oppressed among us will take the guns as a method to survive.
Therefore, the most oppressed among us will kill. And that’s why we must stand for social justice. For we will be killed by the “Oppressed,” ones. Or live in fear. For it is the very oppressed that turn into criminals and terrorists. History has told us this. And history is telling us this lesson every day.
That’s the explanation of the idea that bad politics make bad people, and therefore criminals.
For no one is born a criminal. So then, it is oppressive politics and injustice that….
What does it mean to call people who may commit violent actions on behalf of or by mentioning Islamic religion, “Islamic Extremists?” And secondly what do I mean by the term, “Extreme Political Activist?”
To call people who commit violent crimes “Islamic Extremists” clearly means you to link the idea of....
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What do I mean by the term, “Political Disruption?” Marx and Engels, Marxists, Marxist-humanists and all political movements of the past centuries have used the idea of “Political Disruption.” But why? The reason…...
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When the IDEALESS ROYAL FAMILY WOLVES with princes, the old witch, the queen, and other royal family dogs and wolves appear out of their houses, photographers and media journalists go crazy like ants in sugar!…...
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First of all, as a citizen of the world, I feel guilty when I see almost everyday crimes committed on the Palestinian people by the Israeli soldiers. And we see crimes, from social media like…...
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I am taking the U.K imperialist media as an example. For they lead the thinking of today in the world. And hence they are the ones that should begin to change if they want to see change in the world.
So, from the beginning of the history of the U.K Media, the focus of the pen or the focus of the ideas of the media writers has been mainly on the criminal or on the individual who causes a form of injury or crime.
The problem is historical. For the greed of the people of media for attention, power, money and glory in history and time has made them ignore or overlook an important point in humanity.
What is this important point? You ask.
This historical problem and point consists on the fact that people of media for the above reasons have failed to see and at some degree ignored on purpose the reason that tells why the focus of the pen and ideas of writers of the media should be on the
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Western philosophy for centuries has asked itself, do we have a free will or god or gods command us to think and act as god or gods like?
Now even though many rational philosophers came to the conclusion that we have a free will. And therefore we can choose what to do with our lives ourselves.
Still, many of them did not consider the conditions and the circumstances of our lives or our world, when thinking of Free Will.
So, today many western men and women think that they have a choice. They think that they have a free will. And therefore they can choose what to think and what to do! And no one can tell them this. Right?
They think that they can choose to work or to rest. They think that they can choose their companions based on love. And they think that they can choose their careers based on merit! They think that they can choose to become heroes or scoundrels and so on.
However, here I like to ask, you who think so, do you ever consider the conditions and the circumstances of these choices?
Do you ever think that you chose your career because of merit or because of luck or because you grovelled well, and did what they told you to do?
Do you ever think that you really choose your companion because of the feeling of love or because of one's social status and perhaps because of a predefined cultural thinking? That in turn controls your conscious thinking all the time without you even understanding why or how!
In short, I ask, do you consider what social conditions do and what a certain mode of production or political theory or form of government create for your lives? And do you consider what circumstances do as such governing theories or bodies make for your existence on earth?
Now to begin with my answer. In a world where state power makes the rules for all to follow. It can be fairly and justly said that this world is....
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