US drone strike kills nine Family members, including 6 children, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for these MURDERS? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?

Some media reports, like CNN, say that a US drone strike in Kabul killed nine members of one family – including six children.

A relative of the dead said to a local journalist working for the CNN, that they were an ordinary family. We are not ISIS or Daesh and this was a family home – where my brothers lived with their families.

A neighbour of the dead had said to the CNN journalist that there might have been up to 20 people killed in the air strike. But they cannot be recognised. For the entire house is destroyed and humans are turned into pieces.

U.S drone strike.

Oh well, but who holds responsibility for this cruel and macabre act of death and pain?

Who is brought to Court and who is sent to Prison?

Each innocent human being killed demands responsibility and justice.

An innocent human being killed demands and asks for justice. But where is justice?

Where is responsibility and accountability for those who want to be at the top of the world ruling with blood in their hands?

Where is our ideal of justice?

Is anything more evil than going to revenge the blood of the dead American soldiers by murdering other innocent people?

Since the end of the WWII this is the problem of our western world. We united among each other and became a single body of evil. Killing and butchering others.

So even though there are plenty of wars and plenty of murders of innocent people, yet there is no top military general or top politician going to court and prison.

But why do we have our laws condemning murder? Only for the working class people of our western world?

An entire family turned into pieces by the U.S drone strike.

You hypocrite public prosecutions, bring some murder charges on top military generals and top politicians and bring them to courts. While you judges with fake wigs when you see facts of murder and death, then judge it right. BRING THOSE GUILTY TO PRISON.

Or give up working for the justice system.

For the question here is and Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for the MURDERS of these innocent people? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?

And the answer is….

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