The Emperors of Imperialist Politics, Rishi Sunak and Joe Biden, Open a New War in Yemen – Yearning for death and destruction. 2015 -2022 Over 377,000 Yemenis died by U.S-U.K SAUDIA Coalition according to UN

The evening of 11 January 2024, The Emperor, Rishi Sunak, bypassed the U.K Parliament to order air strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen. Thus joining the U.S imperialism in doing evil across our planet earth.

They opened a new war in the Middle East without even people in Yemen and us, the oppressed in the western world, being healed from wounds of the recent war in Yemen that claimed the innocent lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

About what recent war am I writing here?

U.K – U.S Imperialism to be honest has been waging a war in Yemen from 2015 to 2022. A recent war that has been both brutal and painful.

It has been painful because our imperialist western media monopolies have been very economical with this truth. Avoiding reporting about the war as much as it was possible until deaths and the human suffer in Yemen became an elephant in the room.

For example, British imperialist media begun to report with some form of serious writing when it could not hide the truth of pain and death anymore. For it was a far cry for pain to speak loudly.

So the Daily Mail wrote at last in 2017, two years with delay, “Britain’s secret role in Saudi Arabia’s dirty war: UK troops are training army that has left a million on the brink of starvation, investigation finds.” (link – )

The recent war in Yemen, however, has been made possible through the efficient intellect of imperialist western politics that use other nations to do their dirty work elsewhere in the world!

For example, the British-American Imperialism used Saudi Arabia and UAE armies to wage the war in Yemen. And the latter used the weapons and political logistics of Britain and the U.S.A to do the job on behalf of new imperialism. Fair play between murdering politics.

This war obviously shows U.K – U.S Imperialist politics being involved directly and indirectly in the war and also guilty of war crimes as well.

It is a pity though and human pain that hunts you forever as a human. For this war has costed a lot to Yemeni people and to humanity itself. With innocent deaths, starvations and brutal killings that shocked the human consciousness of the time.

Every war shocks and traumatises your human spirit anyways. The war in Ukraine is a shock and trauma in the conscious humanity of our time. So is the war in Gaza and the continual oppression of the Palestinian people. Or wars waged in Africa and elsewhere.

Do I have any facts of the murders or deaths made possible or committed by western politics in Yemen? you may ask now.

According to the UN Data in 2022, “Over 7 years of conflict caused the death of 377 thousands Yemenis, mostly children and mostly from indirect causes.” Causes which befall on U.S., U.K Saudi Arabia, UAE politics and a few other bad actors.

Further facts are everywhere from trusted sites on the internet, such as the U.N and worldwide pamphlets and historical writings.

How was the war created? You ask.

According to the UN in 2014 Houthis insurgents took control of Yemen’s capital and demanded ….

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