After the defeat of Anthony Joshua, Eddie Hearn said, “The better man won.”
Nice saying, Eh?
You see who wins in boxing? The one who beats the other man up.
But who wins in philosophy and thinking? you ask.
You study human ideals and do your work. Then you put the truth and reason on the table to tell the pain of your time. But you are not recognised or heard at all for the truth and reason that you speak out. Why?
Because your Truth and Reason speaks against these new Nazis of today who have the most important ideal in their hands and control it – information. So you shout, you scream, you take their microphones when you can. Yet they are heard only!
The better man eh? How on earth can you, writers of the British media monopolies be the better people when you create corruption first hand?
And what is this form of thinking in the British writers of media monopolies that exist without truth, without honesty, and without fairness?
What do they live and breathe? The thought of oppressing others and accumulating social power?
London is on fire. It is burning from corruption and unfairness. It begins with the media monopolies, such as the BBC, ITV, Murdoch Media etc. It continues with British clothing companies that exploit labour power across the world, like Austin Reed, Burton, EWM Group, Burberry etc.
Paying workers of the planet pennies for their work. And selling their clothes for thousands in London and elsewhere in Europe.
This horrible corruption continues with social media monopolies doing whatever they want to the absorption of social power. And giving little or nothing to people of London and of the U.K. Like Google, Ebay, Facebook, Twitter or the Amazon etc.
And on top of these forms of abuse of SOCIAL POWER, certain referencing agencies, like, are working with the landlords of London to make them happy as pigs. And assure them that their rent will be paid!! mmmm...
They have made certain abusive rules that give a roof over your head only if you are economically well off. That means they leave out of housing or shelter workers who earn under £22,000 per year!
So according to, that
confirmed this to me in a recorded phone call, in order to get a room in Hammersmith one tenant needs to earn £22,000 per year minimum!
So on top of this monstrous corruption they are trying to leave the people of this city and place, who are poor, outside in the open. And homeless.
Man: this is the end of the world. There is no other end but this sickening corruption and abuse of social power.
Thus I appeal to the WRITERS of the British MEDIA MONOPOLIES with this message:
Because TRUTH and HONESTY and FAIRNESS does not MATTER in Britain. I wait you in the Boxing Ring, you, descendants of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and Imperialism. Let us meet in the ring,. Because nothing human matters in front of your voluptuously monstrous and....
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