A Worm turned into a Crocodile. The Underworld Monster of the BBC, Andrew Marr, is leaving BBC for the RACIST Radio of the LBC. Exchanging the studios of MEDIA Monopolies not going independent at all!

What did Andrew Marr do in his career as a journalist at BBC?

 Did he lead a revolution where people participated into politics and brought change?

Did Andrew Marr preach fairness and social justice?

Did he bring any form of social change? Like demanding the end to the control of information by a few media monopolies, or an end into the unfairness of today economy or a change in laws that turn the “status quo” upside down?

Nothing of that kind did he do. Rather he ruled like a DICTATOR. A proper twisted MONSTER with no love for what is FAIR and what is HUMAN. Imposing his ideas and the ideas of his class by the force of the MEDIA MONOPOLIES into British and EU people.

Have you ever opened Twitter and seen, hashtag #Marr or #marrshow? And do you know what that means?

That means scientific socialism. From fact to Reason. People have been watching the News Monopolies of the BBC and hence, they express the ideas of the BBC on Twitter. A crystal-clear fact of mind-controlling people.

At the end, Andrew Marr, this twisted monster and dictator, cannot be deemed to have done any form of change for good.,

For how can you do that when you dream like a worm to metamorphose into a crocodile for all your life?

And when finally, the metamorphosis happens through MEDIA MONOPOLIES, then you rule over media like a dictator?

Inviting at the BBC and MEDIA MONOPOLIES only those who think like they think – Underworld monsters.

My existential fact that I keep opposing and creating. And I continue to be oppressed in the middle of London shows the dark GREED of the Andrew Marr-like underworld monsters.

It is clear as day the philosophy that I express here. And that says that to think like a revolutionary being and bring change goes against the spirit of the political system of the time.

And that is logical. For example, How can you work for Tony Hall, when he was the director-general and used BBC to scapegoat an entire religion, and still be against Tony?

You need to be a PROPER worm to praise those above you and lick their boots in order to work for them. Look at Rianna Croxford how she licks boots and follows on the footsteps of the crocodile Andrew Marr.

That is literally the IDEA where a wormish being metamorphoses his or her larva into a full-blown crocodile through the reputation, authority and fame of the century-long swallowing MEDIA MONOPOLIES.

And now after a successful career as a Crocodile at the BBC, it is a pity to see that Andrew Marr is still not able to go independent. But still grovel and think to exchange the studios of the media monopolies instead of going out of them crying.  

In short, Andrew Marr still thinks to Give more power to the power of the media monopolies for which he should scream against. And tell to the world that “the control of INFORMATION in the forms of news or media monopolies should stop once and forever.”

Anyways, we see what we see, Andrew Marr has his eyes covered by GREED for more social power. A Worm that has turned into a Crocodile through the power of MEDIA MONOPOLIES. And now, like all dictators, who lose touch with what is human and who all have been once GOOD GUYS, now Andrew Marr is metamorphosed into Underworld Monster.

And it is his actions that show that. Like his action of leaving the oppressive BBC, that has stifled independent thinking for decades controlling information with 15th century religious fanaticism, for the RACIST Radio of the LBC, that has been the epicentre of Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins,.

So, this underworld monster, Andrew Marr, is exchanging the studios of MEDIA Monopolies. He is not going independent.  For they cannot ever think of being independent WRITERS. For they have always thought to metamorphose into crocodiles and monsters.

Andrew Marr and his cronies cannot think to support FAIRNESS and Social Justice through clean hands. Like by disassociating themselves from media monopolies.

His close pal, Andrew Neil, he tried to go out of the MEDIA MONOPOLIES.

Thus it came to pass that Andrew Neil got lost after that. His insatiable greed made him follow higher MONEY INTEREST above what is HUMAN. And he came back crying from the GB News after he swallowed in his monster-like tummy hundreds of thousands of pounds. While hating and abusing the most oppressed classes of today.

This is ladies and gentlemen, the underworld monster that you follow, listen and tweet and idolise on twitter and elsewhere.

At the end, when you become a social monster and dictator is hard to become a saint again, isn’t it? For once a DARK DICTATOR means forever a dark dictator.

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