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German goalkeeper, Jens Lehman, turned Commentator, called Spain, a team of Kids. 16-Year-Old, Lamine Yamal, eliminated Both Germany and France of Kylian Mbappé. Telling to Europe once more, 16-Year-Old is an Age of Adulthood not Patronising Fascist Imperialism

In the Euro 2024, we have seen
Lamine Yamal dancing with the ball like a DJ in spinning records. Mixing ideas with his body and feet like a DJ under the influence of rhythm, poetry, and music. Say that Lamine Yamal was both a DJ dancing behind some famous decks in Ibiza and a football player with a ball on his feet smashing the nets of France in Germany.

The all-controlling eye of a fascist imperialist European culture cannot bear that they are challenged like this in the battlefield though. That is why they continue to deny the basic human rights of 16-year-olds in the field of politics. And continue to control the future by controlling the youth.

The difference in thinking between the borish intellect of European and western culture and 16-year-olds can be seen perfectly in the patronising arrogance of Jens Lehmann and the fair response to him by Lamine Yamal.

So, German goalkeeper, Jens Lehmann, turned Commentator, called, Spain, a team of Kids. While 16-Year-Old, Lamine Yamal, responded saying, “let’s see it in the battlefield.

The thinking of Jens Lehmann fitted perfectly with the fascist imperialist culture of Europe. That intends to control the future by diminishing responsibility and abusing the power of intellect of 16-17-Year-Olds. Patronising people of this age, removing their right to vote, prohibiting their right to acquire power in the social structure. In short, abuse the rights and freedoms of fully adult people. So to control the future by dehumanising the humanity of fully grown people.

Obliviously, Lamine Yamal is not the only one in ever-changing age of 16-year-olds to show power and intelligence.
So Lamine Yamal is just another example of power.

So, the assist of Lamine Yamal eliminated Germany, for it contributing to scoring the first goal for Spain. While the first goal of Lamine Yamal for Spain in the football match of Spain with France, it also was an indication of intelligence and creativity of Lamine Yamal. That eliminated France of Kylian Mbappé. Such a powerful and skilled player.

So, Lamine Yamal told to the fascist imperialist culture of the today Europe once more that at the age of 16, one is in the Age of Adulthood. And hence they, 16-year-olds, demand their rights and social power. For they can win in the battlefield of sports. And hence they can win in battlefield of....

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A Letter from Hell!

Central of Europe and culture
London town 2024!
A sound from 21st century!
That sounds like something
From out of space!
What a hell of history! Eh?
How many people
Do in my time live life
As miserable pitiful beings?
Knowing nothing of what
Is human?
And doing nothing for
What is human?
Isn't it so anti human
To live your life in the dark
Like a lifeless object
With no natural feelings
In you!
Natural feelings like
Compassion or care!
To live an empty life
Not knowing that a want for truth,
It is like a want for sunshine!
To live life
With no positive creativity
In your human mind!
To live life like a cheerful clown
For other's wishes and ideals!
If you do not think and work
For what is human.
Then you have no right
To complain for what is not
For the first maker of what
Is not human, then,
It is you - the individual human.


Wars, death, misery
And deep...

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Why Nova Kakhovka Tragedy is a Sing of unimaginable Human Greed and Bad Ego that asks Humanity to Wake Up and Stand up for a Better World


As a matter of fact, the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam is a man-made tragedy that could have been avoided and should have been avoided by the politics and politicians of our time at all costs and by different political means.

[caption id="attachment_6881" align="alignnone" width="394"] Satellite images of Nova Kakhovka dam before the blow up[/caption]

Yet, what we have seen is a tragedy created by those that we have entrusted to care of the political matters of our time. That is, today politics and today politicians that have failed the world. And today corporate media, that is not and has not yet pointed the finger towards those that we have entrusted with our political matters. 

[caption id="attachment_6880" align="alignnone" width="600"] Satellite images of the moment when Nova Kakhovka dam was blown up[/caption]

Thus we see tragedy after tragedy, but no political responsibility. 

But who are the makers of today tragedies? you ask

The makers of today tragedies are first of all today manipulative...

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The King’s coronation Costs Millions to taxpayers! Yet there are millions living in Poverty! What is wrong with the U.K?

Different sources estimate the King’s coronation to cost millions of pounds. And sadly, the money will be paid all by taxpayers.

To see a King's Coronation at a time of the cost-of-living crisis. Where millions of people are estimated to live in poverty even in the U.K. To see a King's Coronation at a time when rents and food and living standards in general have risen beyond what is imaginable. I mean it looks more than improper to see a pompous fiesta take place at this time, right?

And we know that all this pomp and fiesta could have been avoided. Yet we also know that historical facts, that is the pain of the time in general, show all of this to be for the sake of hypocrisy and greed that has sprung from the dark hearts of the the rich and the wealthy upper classes.  That desecrate all what is human simply because they can. For they seat at the top of this society.

A fiesta for a mad king and a laugh from the upper classes costing millions of pounds at a time when millions are living in poverty! isn't this a pity?

What is wrong with the U.K? Isn't this utter madness, my British brethren?

Yet we see that this madness is at the core of this culture. And as a fact, it is at the centre of the attention of the today British upper classes for a reason. 

And the reason is simple. Promote those at the...

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On Pluralism! What is the Good and Bad of Historical Pluralism?

What is the origin of pluralism? The authors of the Theories of the State wrote that “pluralist political science begun as an attack on state monism, whether expressed philosophically in the doctrine of sovereignty, or practically…...

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Protest Against the Humiliation of Albanians in the U.K – The Organizers Speak Out Against the Humiliating Treatment of Albanians by U.K Politics and the U.K Media – November 12, 10:30 Westminster Bridge – We wait all Albanians in PROTEST

From the fall of communism in Albania until today, 2022, for more than 30 years, the English media has turned Albanians into a perfect SCAPEGOAT. Why does the U.K Media and U.K politics have to…...

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British Politicians Write, Speak and are Paid By British Media. This Abhorrent Act of Abuse and Corruption shows but U.K STATE MAFIA in ACTION Collaborating with U.K MEDIA

Boris Johnson was paid £275,000 a year by the Daily Telegraph for writing a weekly blog at Telegraph back in 2018. While also working as a Conservative MP and getting a luxurious salary by the tax payers.

Hurray for Liberté, égalité and fraternité!

While THEY, our media and people of politics, who show to love liberté and égalité at least, they hold on the one hand the dagger to butcher our human ideals. And on the other hand, they hold the pen to write about human ideals and laws of Liberté, égalité, and fraternité!

Here I ask those politicians, who also do the job of a writer and speaker, why don’t they write for the U.K parliament or for their Political Party papers or websites but write for News MEDIA MONOPOLIES?

And how comes that you as News Media Monopolies pay politicians for writing and speaking, when an MP is paid £84,144 by British tax payers? That is £7,012 per month by the British tax payers.

And the latter, the tax payers, have paid politicians this luxurious salary to have them focus on their jobs and increase the prosperity of this nation through socialist and humanist ideals not to abuse these ideals and values, right?

 As a matter of fact, the amount of money that British MPs get, to not mention government cronies’ salaries, is equal to the salary of a business person that runs successfully at least two small businesses. And the salaries of British MPs are almost 5 times higher than a ‘£1500’ working class salary.

Now when you are paid this luxurious amount of money by the tax payers of this country. Then where on earth do you take your right as a politician to write or speak and be paid by News Monopolies?

  As a matter of fact, from truth to reason, this form of inner collaboration between Newspapers and politicians in the U.K is an open act of abuse of power.

This inner collaboration is an open abuse of the HUMAN IDEALS, like fairness and equality.

This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers is an abuse of the fundamental rights of a democratic society that intends to share the power equally.

This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers in the U.K dishonours any citizenship rights and Social Democracy that is based on Social VALUES.  

This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers has only one answer – THE WORKINGS OF THE U.K. STATE MAFIA that continue to fool British people, abuse their rights and abuse the Social Democratic values of this country openly.

 This abusive act or inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers, however, is an act of abuse of social power that is used by the Left and the Right wing papers all the same. This abusive technical body politic or practical thought is used by Labour, the Conservative and other political parties in the U.K – Left, Centre or Right.

Call them as they wish, but as a fact, all of them use this MAFIA-like practice that abuses social power and social values and human ideals. And yes it is perfectly legal!

I mean this is another fact that asks: When were laws made to prosecute the powerful and serve to the oppressed in this country?

Further, this MAFIA-like, and unscrupulous political technique or tactic has a bigger vision.

For it deep down it intends to make Newspapers a playing field for politicians and politics of today the playing field of Newspapers, their editors, writers and speakers only.

So, leaving any independent voices unheard and unable to participate and take their rights in society. While politicians and media people hold absolute control over information, like dictators, of this country called, U.K.

This MAFIA-like act between British Politicians and British Media Monopolies is then but abhorrent and abuses any social democratic value that has been engraved by big minds and great pens on earth.

Hence, this Abhorrent Act of Abuse and Corruption must be Condemned not lauded and passed as the new normal of the now and of the future.

For this inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers in the U.K, it is and it shows but …

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Why the Visit of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan is wrongly timed. And this Reckless, Imperialist, Bellicose Witch may start WWIII. That would cost the lives of millions of people

It is easy to take a gun and shoot at others. But you who takes the guns and shoot others, do you ever think of turning the guns against yourselves and see how much that…...

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A Small-Minded FASCIST at the top of U.S Politics – Read How Rand Paul,  U.S. Senator and TITAN of Hypocrisy, shows himself as an Inner and Outer Fascist from Facts to Reason – Read

In our time, that is Ukrainian war and the war of a people that is fighting a vicious Nazi army, today Russian army, for our Freedom, Rand Paul has been busy blocking the Ukrainian aid…....

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“Cancel the foreign debt of Ukraine not Cancel WAR!” Read the Logic of a Cynic Fascist and Social Idiot called, Owen Jones. Using the Media Monopolies of the GUARDIAN to say the Wrong Thing at the Wrong Time

Einstein once suggested that in America humanity is measured with money. So do not wonder if you see the Oxford and New York student, Owen Jones, measure everything with money. While he uses the News…...

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FREE PALESTINE, FREE UKRAINE – Why It is our Imperialist Western Politics that Oppress Palestine and that created the WAR in Ukraine?

A few questions beg me to ask myself and our western world, with Imperialist Britain, France, Germany and the U.S in it. So the first question asks, “Why should we feel right in our conscience…...

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Why the Least NATO and Western Powers can do for PEACE in Ukraine is Create a NO FLY ZONE over UKRAINE?

Why does Ukraine need help and why are we morally obliged to help? you ask. Ukraine need help because the Russian army is an army of a super power on earth and an army of…...

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DEVASTATING PAIN. Hundreds of People are trapped underneath the rubble of the Mariupol Drama Theatre in Ukraine. Yet Rescuing Teams are unable to save Human Lives because of continual BOMBING. CLOSE THE SKY NOW

The Mariupol Drama Theatre in Ukraine has been bombed by the dictator, Vladimir Putin, trapping hundreds of people in the rubble, women, children and elderly people.  Ukrainian officials have said that the debris have blocked the…...

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Ukraine War brings my Childhood Kosovo War emotions back to life – Why we are Repeating the same Political Mistakes over and over again by allowing dictators to butcher humanity  

I am in immeasurable pain. For when I see pictures of shattered buildings in Ukraine, dead bodies laid in the streets, and the terror caused on the Ukrainian people with women, children and men turned…...

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Free Ukraine – If you want to trade with the world, then you have to Police the World for Justice and Freedom – Why Western Politics are letting Ukraine down like they let Syria and Yemen

As a matter of fact western politics want to exploit the labour power of the world through big corporations. They want to accumulate the goods of the entire planet and exploit our Mother Earth.  Yet…...

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BREAKING NEWS; The Sun of Murdoch Media Monopolies, and the Daily Mail have turned into a Hub of Fake News. UK Is Ending with as Such Sick for Money Power Media. – ALBANIA again BOMBARDED WITH FAKE NEWS

According to The Sun, part of Murdoch Media Monopolies, "MIGRANTS who cross the Channel in small boats from France will be detained in Albania in a new asylum crackdown.

Illegal entrants will be flown 1,500 miles to an offshore hub in the Balkans while their claims are processed."

However, according to the Minster for Europe and Foreign Affairs in Albania, Olta Xhaçka, this is not true.

Olta Xhaçka explicitly said; "Albania will proudly host 4000 afghan refugees based on its good will, but will never be a hub of anti-immigration policies of bigger and richer countries. We have instructed our Embassy in the UK to demand the retraction of this fake news."

The Sun and the Daily Mail have not yet apologised for the Fake News that they spread about Catherine Crouch's death a few months ago.

Where they blamed Albanians for the death of Catherine Crouch. Basing their ideas on fictional stories for two months. Not on the matter of real fact and truth.

And making millions with their stories by blaming Albanians and sharing FAKE NEWS!

In the regards to the immigration story, however, it seemed that the Daily Mail quickly rectified its fake news.

Yet the fact that they shared and spoke FAKE NEWS on their media monopolies, it means that The Sun and the Daily Mail have turned into a hub of Fake News.

For in sharing FAKE NEWS you earn online clicks and sell newspapers to millions of people, right? And that means millions to the NEW NAZIS of The Sun and the Daily Mail, right?

For you as a writer, I have to say again and again to the writers of UK Media Monopolies who are oppressive, abusive and greedy, have a job to base your ideas on truth.

But you see through this GREEDY NEW NAZI and NEW IMPERIALIST MEDIA, like The SUN and Daily Mail, the UK is suffering and losing the most important Value that a nation can lose. And that is; HONESTY and love for truth and humanity.

For without love for truth and humanity what can a nation and a people be? A nation of thick ignorants and barbarians?

As a matter of fact these thugs of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES are trying to end the U.K with as Such Sick for Money Power Media Greed. For they, The SUN and the Daily Mail have turned into a hub of FAKE NEWS and Hate.

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Anthony Joshua versa Oleksandr Usyk – WRITERS of the British MEDIA MONOPOLIES. Because TRUTH and HONESTY and FAIRNESS does not MATTER in Britain. I wait you in the Boxing Ring, you, descendants of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and Imperialism

After the defeat of Anthony Joshua, Eddie Hearn said, “The better man won.”

Nice saying, Eh?

You see who wins in boxing? The one who beats the other man up.

But who wins in philosophy and thinking? you ask.

You study human ideals and do your work. Then you put the truth and reason on the table to tell the pain of your time. But you are not recognised or heard at all for the truth and reason that you speak out. Why?

Because your Truth and Reason speaks against these new Nazis of today who have the most important ideal in their hands and control it – information. So you shout, you scream, you take their microphones when you can. Yet they are heard only!

The better man eh? How on earth can you, writers of the British media monopolies be the better people when you create corruption first hand?

And what is this form of thinking in the British writers of media monopolies that exist without truth, without honesty, and without fairness?

What do they live and breathe? The thought of oppressing others and accumulating social power?

London is on fire. It is burning from corruption and unfairness. It begins with the media monopolies, such as the BBC, ITV, Murdoch Media etc. It continues with British clothing companies that exploit labour power across the world, like Austin Reed, Burton, EWM Group, Burberry etc.

Paying workers of the planet pennies for their work. And selling their clothes for thousands in London and elsewhere in Europe.

This horrible corruption continues with social media monopolies doing whatever they want to the absorption of social power. And giving little or nothing to people of London and of the U.K. Like Google, Ebay, Facebook, Twitter or the Amazon etc.

And on top of these forms of abuse of SOCIAL POWER, certain referencing agencies, like, are working with the landlords of London to make them happy as pigs. And assure them that their rent will be paid!! mmmm...


They have made certain abusive rules that give a roof over your head only if you are economically well off. That means they leave out of housing or shelter workers who earn under £22,000 per year!

So according to, that
confirmed this to me in a recorded phone call, in order to get a room in Hammersmith one tenant needs to earn £22,000 per year minimum!


So on top of this monstrous corruption they are trying to leave the people of this city and place, who are poor, outside in the open. And homeless.

Man: this is the end of the world. There is no other end but this sickening corruption and abuse of social power.

Thus I appeal to the WRITERS of the British MEDIA MONOPOLIES with this message:

Because TRUTH and HONESTY and FAIRNESS does not MATTER in Britain. I wait you in the Boxing Ring, you, descendants of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and Imperialism. Let us meet in the ring,. Because nothing human matters in front of your voluptuously monstrous and....

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Why Bernie Sanders is the New Tartuffe of America and of the Western World? Dr ACactivism explains

I like Bernie Sanders because he talks a lot of social justice.

This reminds me Tartuffe who spoke a lot of religion. However, Tartuffe never or rarely did what religion prescribed him to do in the play of Moliere written in the 17th century.

            Now, Bernie Sanders in power again speaks a lot of social justice. When he was not in power, he also spoke a lot of the same social justice idea.

However, Bernie never does what SOCIAL JUSTICE requires one to do. That is action. ACTIVISM. Bringing people in the streets to demand change, leading the crowds and the nation and the world through ideas and action. Making a few weeks and even years in prison for the people and for change.

So Bernie Sanders all his life every day speaks of Social Justice, but he never does what SOCIAL JUSTICE requires a POLITICIAN to do. We all see where Alexei Navalny is, right?

Bernie Sanders is then a TARTUFFE, dear you, gentlemen and you gentle ladies.

And the problem is that Bernie is doing this for a long time and no one is understanding the crux of the matter here. That is the fact that Bernie Sanders has turned into a broke parrot with a touch of satirical humour.

He entertains the feelings of the left side of the crowd of the USA, who also have turned into a SINGLE “YES FEELING.”

They enjoy hearing Bernie Sanders speak of social justice. They have turned him into an idol and meme of their sheepish vision.

 Bernie makes the “left yes feeling” feel okay or better. They clap and clap and buy his books.  While the broke parrot and Tartuffe of western world, Bernie Sanders, continues with his Tartuffe philosophy selling millions of books to the sheep. And doing nothing absolutely nothing of what SOCIAL JUSTICE requires one politician to do.

Dr ACactivism

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The Future Speaks Clearly of ACTIVISM. Hyper Capitalism has created MONOPOLISTIC MONSTERS in all walks of Life. So future GENERATIONS have the choice to die fighting for SOCIAL JUSTICE or die like Oppressed slaves

"Evil power demands unstoppable activism" Dr ACactivism.

Wherever I turn my eyes there is a monopoly of something meeting the corner of the black hole of my eye.

There is a monopoly of the news media like the BBC or ITV or the Murdoch Media. That shuts down your voice, your eyes and your mind. For their power is depressing. It makes you feel weak, small and not worthy of existing in front of these underworld monster-like powers.

There is a monopoly of coffee shops like the coffeehouse company of Starbucks.

There is a monopoly of labour exploitation and acc....

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REPTILIAN GREED – Robert Peston is the example of an UGLY, Reptilian, Despicable, Loathsome, Sickly, Insatiable PIGISHNESS of the British Upper Classes. I give my word: I feel like I want to VOMIT as I write

There is something so obvious that can be observed so easily in the News Monopolies of the U.K Media. For example, in the Guardian, the BBC, ITV, Murdoch Media, we see NEWS MONOPOLIES.And in these…...

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Recent occurrences show Met Police Turning Nazi. A video shows Met Police Charging headlong at Peaceful Extinction Rebellion protestors. Incredible!

A video shared by @PoliticsForAll on Twitter shows Met Police members charging headlong at peaceful Extinction Rebellion protestors.

The protestors of Extinction Rebellion do not condone violence or carry bombs or guns or knives or abuse anyone physically. So why do Met Police members abuse physically peaceful protestors, then?

Met Police charging at peaceful protestors

Occurrences in the recent months show Met Police moving towards a Nazi or new Nazi tactical thinking.

For example, if we go back in time, we see real brutality used by Met Police members at Sarah Everard vigil as well.

Met Police after having dragged a woman activist down, they stand around and on top of her arresting her.

Facts that show Met Police members using force against peaceful women activists. Dragging them down forcefully and standing on top of them while putting handcuffs on them.

Met police handcuffing a woman activist at Sarah Everard vigil!

On July 2020, Met Police members also were caught on video kneeling on a citizen's neck. Which is against the law nowadays.
“Get off me ... get off my neck,“ the man is heard shouting in the video that appeared all over social media."

Met police kneeling on a citizen's neck.

This form of abuse against citizens and use of totally unreasonable and unjustifiable force seems to happen because of the new powers that Boris Johnson government has given to Met police.

But this is not good, however, for the reputation of the U.K and not good for peaceful protestors and not good for what is human. For what good can be withdrawn from a NAZI POLICE force, anyways?

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US drone strike kills nine Family members, including 6 children, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for these MURDERS? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?

Some media reports, like CNN, say that a US drone strike in Kabul killed nine members of one family – including six children.

A relative of the dead said to a local journalist working for the CNN, that they were an ordinary family. We are not ISIS or Daesh and this was a family home – where my brothers lived with their families.

A neighbour of the dead had said to the CNN journalist that there might have been up to 20 people killed in the air strike. But they cannot be recognised. For the entire house is destroyed and humans are turned into pieces.

U.S drone strike.

Oh well, but who holds responsibility for this cruel and macabre act of death and pain?

Who is brought to Court and who is sent to Prison?

Each innocent human being killed demands responsibility and justice.

An innocent human being killed demands and asks for justice. But where is justice?

Where is responsibility and accountability for those who want to be at the top of the world ruling with blood in their hands?

Where is our ideal of justice?

Is anything more evil than going to revenge the blood of the dead American soldiers by murdering other innocent people?

Since the end of the WWII this is the problem of our western world. We united among each other and became a single body of evil. Killing and butchering others.

So even though there are plenty of wars and plenty of murders of innocent people, yet there is no top military general or top politician going to court and prison.

But why do we have our laws condemning murder? Only for the working class people of our western world?

An entire family turned into pieces by the U.S drone strike.

You hypocrite public prosecutions, bring some murder charges on top military generals and top politicians and bring them to courts. While you judges with fake wigs when you see facts of murder and death, then judge it right. BRING THOSE GUILTY TO PRISON.

Or give up working for the justice system.

For the question here is and Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for the MURDERS of these innocent people? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?

And the answer is....

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Why Julian Assange is the Alexei Navalny of the Western World – Our U.K Justice System is a Laughing Stock of Corruption and Abuse of Power made of EGOTISTIC SICK British JUDGES or faithful dogs of the U.K State

Why Julian Assange is the Alexei Navalny of the Western world? you ask. Julian Assange is accused of espionage in the West because he has expressed truth as a journalist of a high intellectual level…....

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BBC News Journalists Educate Abuse to the Youth of the U.K and Europe – read how these well-paid Thugs control the Youth and our culture – OnlyFans porn ban a ‘kick in the teeth’ for creators say the Preachers of Abuse from BBC News Headquarters

It is always the case with the majority of the British writers, that they report impartially when they like. Become heavily critic when they want so. And also become or show off as the teachers of the world through the authority of the MEDIA monopolies when they want.

For example when is the case of Julian Assange and war in Afghanistan, they simply report the news. Not demanding  war criminals to be brought to justice.

When it is the case of immigrants doing something wrong, they turn heavily critic against immigrants. Have you heard the theory of “Pakistani gangs or Asian gangs” how they openly discriminate using a machinery of hate against human values from the headquarters of U.K media monopolies?

Now, thirdly, when it is the case for porn or sex and education of the people of the U.K, they turn heavily into educative thinking through their analysis that do one thing greatly “PREACHING ABUSE and control of the feelings of the people in here.”

For example, at a blog written on 21st August 2021 cat BBC News website called, “OnlyFans porn ban a 'kick in the teeth' for creators,” BBC News’ journalists openly from the very heading of the blog call “CREA...

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Where did the US-UK Imperialist Politics Fail in Afghanistan? Dr ACactivism explains

The Afghans once the friends of the US and the enemies of the Soviet Union, between 1979 and 1989, they turned into bitter foes of the US after the al-Qaida found shelter in Afghanistan. And the latter attacked U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

1983, Ronald Reagan meeting Afghan fighters that opposed the Soviet Union.

It all sounds like a dystopian novel. But that is how unjust politics led by greed and evil are essentially.

The Taliban were young students who in 1994 turned into fighting to defend their country for peace. And came out of mujahideen groups, that had the same religious teaching theory. And that were welcomed by Ronald Reagan in the White House a decade earlier.

Taliban armies now heavily armed with US arms.

Now the question is: "Where did the US-UK Imperialist Politics Fail in Afghanistan?"

From its very inception the war in Afghanistan was...

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Taliban Fighters Take Over Afghanistan – The failure of Western Imperialism to create JUSTICE and FAIRNESS leaves Afghanistan in Pain and Chaos and loss of innocent human lives

What is happening in Afghanistan shows exactly the idea that Freedom was born out of the idea of oppression.

For that is very logical to be said that there was no need for freedom when we lived in the wild. And only a few people covered the space of an entire planet!

So, people disdain oppression and oppressors and fight for freedom. And as a matter of fact history shows us that “foreign invaders” are hated even more than domestic dictators.

Now, you ask, Who is better the cruel Taliban Barbarians or the Murdering Imperialist USA-UK-EU politics?

Let us begin explaining our reason with some facts. Since Western imperialism, with USA and U.K on the top, entered Afghanistan 20 years ago, in 2001, they begun by butchering, shooting and enslaving.

Incensed by September 11 attacks, the United States with U.K, as its best ally and others, invaded Afghanistan. Oppressing an entire nation, killing thousands of innocent people and keeping an entire nation under continual foreign oppression. (These facts are recorded in the history books.)

How can you do that?

The famous speech of George W. Bush on 20 Sep 2001, that said "you are either....

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Jake Davison Psychology before Plymouth shooting calls for THINKING – The HATE of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES against MEN have Turned Women against MEN – Isolating men and Controlling Women

In one online video before the shooting, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had said that he was socially isolated and struggled to meet women.

It has always been and it always be this way: Women play the biggest part in men’s lives after the food on the table. Women give both a meaning to men’s lives and to their sexual desire, that is the feeling and power of human creation,. A feeling from where these sick controlling maniac-like new nazis of the British media also come from. 

The crime scene in Plymouth.

Without any prejudice or small-minded judgment, let us go deep to the psychological analysis from facts. 

This form of thinking, that Jake Davison expressed, shows the psychology of Jake Davison hours, days and even months before shooting. He was isolated and....

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Sky News Australia Suspended from YouTube – Just HEAR Jack Houghton, the digital editor of Sky News Australia, how he screams like a Mad Necromancer because he is not HEARD on YouTube!

Jack Houghton, the digital editor of the Sky News Australia, was crying on 1st August 2021, like a wild necromancer. Why? you ask. Because YouTube had decided to silence his voice and the voices of…...

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As it Happened, Italians were Attacked at Random by Fans of the England’s National Football Team

The Independent, writing what the police had said, reported that "England fans launched “random attacks on Italians” after the final of the Euro 2020 tournament.

Quoting, Cheshire Constabulary chief constable Mark Roberts, who is the national lead for football policing, The Independent said that the police have confirmed this “We have seen random attacks on Italians ... Italians celebrating the win have been attacked."

Shocking figures from the police showed that 2,300 police incidents had been connected to the delayed 2020 Euro. Thus, making the delayed Euro 2020, the worst football tournament that has been on record for crime.

So then, certain groups of the England's National Team, angered from the Euro 2020 final match where England lost, chose to attack anyone waving a....

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Tolerance and Humanity equal zero for some English Fans that turned Violent because their feelings were hurt – Imagine if they were oppressed and had their rights abused for 10 years by the U.K Media Monopolies like Dr ACactivism has?

The atmosphere of the delayed Euro 2020 was amazing in London up to a certain point. For people were cheering, drinking, singing, dancing and having a great time up to the moments before the final…...

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Why I think that as time changes, laws should change to make society fair and just not corrupt and unjust defending and protecting old structures of power or new forms of corruption

As time changes, and the human history moves on forward, the intelligence of the human beings grows further, inequalities change, injustice takes a new shape and corruption becomes less perceptive.

Up to 2015 or 2016, the BBC, the New York Times, and media monopolies in general were the biggest monopolies in the world. Today, we have social media giants surpassing the monopolies of as such media monopolies. And becoming less perceptive but more abusive towards our ideals.

We have young people becoming more intelligent. And we have old laws abusing their rights by removing out of them, their right to vote, their right to participate and their right to take responsibility for themselves.

So then we see that  LAWS  remain the same defending old structures of power, old ideas and people who usually have 500 years of ...

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Join your EU or EEA family member in the U.K – Read how this policy of the U.K Government abuses outrightly and openly basic Human Rights

The policy of the U.K government in regards to the EU Settlement Scheme family permit explains who can apply to come to the UK through this policy. And in this policy, the UK government explains…...

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A 20-year-old killed with a Glass beer bottle in an Illegal Rave in South Bermondsey, London. The Media Monopolies do not name or condemn the organisers who make MONEY from Misery and Death

A friend of my housemate was present at the illegal party where a 20-year-old was killed. He came to sleep last night to my house and said to me in the morning: I saw a big scuffle inside the warehouse beside Millwall stadium in South Bermondsey, London.

And then a few seconds later, he said, I saw a bloodbath with the victim stabbed with a broken glass beer bottle.

It makes me wonder though how BBC, the Independent and The Sun cover the crime. Without any condemnation for the organisers. And as if everything is part of the new normal for which we have police taking care of it. And we should do nothing to change this!

Just another crime scene, basically! The new normal, where media and police earn salaries and people butcher each other.

So, how shall we understand this?

Photo from the crime scene.

As a matter of fact young and old people want to party and get off the stress. The stress of the pandemic, and the stress of living in big towns, where isolation has destroyed people’s psychology. Far from nature and far from free movement due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

So, I understand to some point illegal raves or illegal parties. People want to shed stress and depression. And I understand the pain of the people.

But tell me this, tell me of the greed and of the inhumanity of the....

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Albanians and Albania have been defamed, hated and abused by British Media through Sheer Lies. So Albanians Worldwide need to stand up and protest against the NAZISM in the BRITISH MEDIA who have incited VIOLENCE against Albanians. Albanians must demand the Prosecution of the British Nazi Writers as HATE SPEECH LAWS REQUIRE.

It came to pass that the British Mother, Caroline Crouch, was murdered by her Husband. As “Newsbomb gr” reported and as the Greek police announced on Twitter. But Albania and Albanians have two months being…...

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Rise Up against AMERICAN IMPERIALISM. The Question of Palestine if unsolved, it will send the world into a WWIII. And this time it will not be Hitler nor Putin, but Joe Biden and the Imperialist U.S.A.

Only the heartless, the cruel, and the unfeeling beings, who have lost all what is human because of greed, can stay unmoved from the heartbreaking pictures and stories. That show the killings of the innocent…...

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The Nazi Daily Mail with Nazi Writers Entertain again and again The English people with Hatred against Albanians. These are the ADOLF HITLER-like Artists. Masters of Hatred against others

Since the fall of Communism in Albania, we have heard 31 years of hatred by the NAZI Imperialist Media writers who link the name of Albania and Albanian to crime. So making the entire Europe…...

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Believe Politicians for as long as they Believe in FREEDOM and JUSTICE and Peace. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have betrayed these ideals. And both see Freedom and Justice and Peace through the lens of Imperialist Oppression

I remember a time when Trump was ruling and we all were campaigning body, heart and soul for Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Very well, I understand the idea of betrayal. When you give behemoth…...

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Armend Xhika. One Albanian is murdered. Yet U.K Police has left the suspects Free! Albanian community live in fear of U.K State revenge. So Justice for Albanians when we are hated, murdered and prosecuted is not possible.

Five arrests have been made so far over Armend Xhika’s murder. Yet, all of the suspects have been released pending investigation. Further, there is no news at all about Armend Xhika’s death at Met Police’s…...

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Why I want my Albanian Patriots in the U.K and anywhere in the world to stand in Solidarity with Palestine – For Freedom, Justice and Peace

“At least 140 Palestinians, including 39 children, have been killed in the Gaza Strip since Monday. Some 950 others have been wounded. In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces have killed at least 13 Palestinians.” According…...

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Bravo Emmanuel Macron. For all the France’s Problems, Macron calls out Islam and links Islam to Terrorism. Is this France or the Germany of 1939?

It has become common for Emmanuel Macron to link all France’s problems to Islam and to link Islam to Terrorism. To be honest Macron has taken this way of thinking by well paid and well…...

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Enough Is Enough – Make Discrimination in the housing market against the unemployed and the poor unlawful by engraving our Human Basic Right for accommodation into a LAW

Let me give you in this blog my own recent life example. A Philosopher entrapped by mean and vicious human beings, who many of them speak with such a passion for the good of society. Like Stephen Cowan. But behind the scenes do not even pick up their phones or ever try to reply to your emails. Even though they are the councillors of the council or other people whom we have entrusted to control social power.

I sent to Stephan Cowan emails and I called him in his office on 22nd February 2021. When I was evicted by Hammersmith Council in the street. He never ever replied

So as such people make you think: How comes that such assumed honourable people, some with social power in their hands. Like the people of London’s Local governments. And some without any power at all, except owning a house in London. How come that they discriminate so openly against the poor and the unemployed in the middle of a Pandemic and in the middle of London town?

On Twitter Stephen Cowan says: Constituent needing help? Please email [email protected] But to my emails and phone calls he never replied! So, isn’t this outright hypocrisy? Look at other screenshots at the end of this blog.

And despite this deep and horrible form of discrimination, still everything runs so smooth and everyone in this town thinks that this okay?

How can discrimination of any form be okay, anyways?

I still have in my mind a phrase of a London landlord who said “You don’t know me. How good that I am.”

And you may say, why did he say that? He said that in response to my statement that had expressed these ideas: – You are discriminating against me and other people in as such conditions by not allowing people, who receive universal credit, to rent your property. 

So as I was trying, and as I still try because I have not found a place to live with tenancy rights in a year, to find a place to live with tenancy rights.

So, I found myself discriminated by the landlords of London in the housing market. And discriminated by the letting agencies, who many of them worked for local governments. Like Hammersmith and Fulham Council. Westminster Council. Kensington and Chelsea etc.

In as such conditions feelings of over depression and over anxiety. Lack of concentration, feeling numb from anti depressants and feeling down and like wanting to explode from headache. Or like wanting to explode from the feeling of discrimination and injustice. Feeling pain and despair deep in my human soul from political Oppression. These feelings were something that were unavoidable. And as common as the daily food. Coming every now and then to try and destroy your soul.

And here, it was the overwhelming load of stress that subconsciously would overcome me and still overcomes me at times. To a point where at times, I writhe for survival from over depression and over anxiety. Like a wounded man in war or a man in mental seizures.

The war and the seizures coming from open political discrimination against the oppressed and the poor of our city. 6 million people in Universal Credit due to the pandemic. Plenty of discrimination around. And a dead Silence by the Happy and well paid writers of the British Press…

Letting Agencies that discriminated against the unemployed worked with Hammersmith and Fulham Council and other London’s local governments.

Very Good. Do you really expect truth, justice and power to be held accountable by well paid writers and billionaire media? That is the same, like expecting the capitalists to not exploit their labourers. Because they are honourable capitalists. 

And so hence, you may say, there is not need to make laws that hold the powerful accountable! 

History, however, has spoken to us of bad deeds and bad facts about these honourable capitalists.

Nevertheless, let us be honest.  Discrimination because you are poor and unemployed is called Political Oppression of the worst kind. For it takes out of you a basic human right that enables one to live in dignity in a civilised society. 

Man is a maker, a doer and a thinker. But in a civilised society there are rules that restrict your human power almost in its maximum. For in a civilised society one cannot just go in a forest or open field, that is in the wild. And in there to set up his own shelter with a roof above his head to defend himself from cold and freezing weather. 

So, I want to say that in a civilised society things are not like it was in the far past. 

Therefore, in civilised society everything is regulated by society or more exactly by our leaders who are entrusted to defend the rights of everyone in our society. 

 Hence, in society, one needs permission by people who control our social power in order to unleash his or her power as a doer, maker and thinker. 

Thus now, I ask, you leaders of our society, who regulate everything and are entrusted to defend our rights. Why don’t you gives us a permission to live in dignity in a civilised society?

Why don’t you defend my rights or the rights of the very poor and the very oppressed? And engrave these rights into a law? So, WE can have shelter and a roof above our heads. So we do not despair and die badly in pain, there in the street under hail and rain and cold and frost and discriminated because we are unemployed or poor?

SO WE ARE ALLOWED TO RENT A PROPERTY and live in dignity. And no one dares to discriminate against us because we are unemployed or poor. So?

Are you telling me that now to be poor and oppressed has become a shame?

 Hence, a political body that on purpose does not regulate or make FAIR by laws the housing market curses the oppressed to despair and death in a civilised society. And on purpose creates a form of cruel oppression. And on purpose discriminates against you as a poor and unemployed being. A being that is part of the reserve army of labour of Das Capital.

What is the purpose of not regulating or not making fair the housing market with laws?

Why is there such a big hesitancy to make discrimination against the poor and the unemployed illegal? you may ask. 

The purpose is easy understood by a simple logic. And this purpose as ever supports the strongest and oppresses the weak in our society. This is clear as day political corruption and political oppression. A form of thinking that has its roots at the gestation of the capitalist thinking in the U.K.

Thus because there is no one protesting and screaming up there for the political world to hear our pain. Thus, because of this ignominious silence, we see the politicians of today turn a blind eye. There, where pain screams to heaven for justice and basic human rights.

 And thus because of the same silence, our leaders or politicians allow discrimination against the poor and the unemployed to continue. Say that it is okay! 

Now first of all let us understand the idea of discrimination here. And how does it happen. 

The majority or say 99% of letting agencies and landlords of London in the past used to say, No DSS. This form of discrimination I have lived every time that I was unemployed in London.

However, what I didn’t know so far, it was the innermost feelings and workings of the London’s Local governments. 

And unfortunately, these innermost feelings of the body politic of the London’s local governments showed that letting agencies, who discriminated against the poor and the unemployed, were working for London local GOVERNMENTS as well. And making Millions out of this open discrimination. 

A hotel where I was staying. And that was working with Hammersmith council and other london’s local governments. This hotel made £43,000 per month from people, like myself, who couldn’t find shelter because of discrimination in the London’s housing market. 

This hotel was triple paid for places that were equal to animal stables. Small, dirty and unliveable. 

So, do these facts speak to you of corruption and injustice or of justice and fairness in our London Town? Just think. Because I know what this means. 

The past of Britain.

Now in the recent years, this “No DSS” phrase had become as stale and dry and humiliating as a phrase as it was the old and famous phrase of the past racist Britain. Racist Britain that rumbled wildly in the past by saying: No Irish, no blacks and no dogs.”

So after years of hard work this phrase finally lost in a court of law. And no DSS disappeared. But did discrimination disappear though?

“No DSS: Landmark court ruling confirms housing benefit discrimination is unlawful

Posted 14 Jul 2020 by

“In a landmark ruling handed down at York County Court,” wrote Shelter England in July 2020, “housing benefit discrimination has been judged unlawful and in breach of the Equality Act. This is a huge breakthrough for the charity’s End DSS Discrimination campaign. 

( )

Unfortunately discrimination did not disappear  because of this big win in a court of law. Instead, discrimination against the poor and the unemployed turned out and became more subtle and less perceptible.

So letting agencies across the internet world, like SpareRoom, Gumtree, etc., invented a new phrase. A praise that was engraved shamelessly below their discriminatory housing ads saying: “Landlord’s mortgage/insurance prohibits renting to Housing Benefit recipients.” 

That means now discrimination was not because of the letting agencies nor because of the landlords of London. Rather now this happened because of the Landlord’s mortgage or insurance!

Jesus Christ support me from the thinking of those who want to make money by discriminating against the most oppressed part of this society – the unemployed or people in benefits. Who are looking for work to serve to our society with dignity.  

Now these letting agencies are so thick that they didn’t comprehend that this  form of discrimination was not different from the former. Nor did they seem to have thought that this form of discrimination looked even worse than that old and stale phrase printed across the internet – NO DSS. 

For now, according to this new reason for discrimination, we see that discrimination was created and made by mortgage companies. That are banks and powerful corporations etc.

Now, as of 10 April 2021, after I raised my voice of this form of discrimination. This form of discrimination seemingly has disappeared.. That means, letting agencies are not writing this phrase anymore.

So the level of discrimination has become even more subtle. And thus, when you contact letting agencies  and private landlords they simply reply to you saying that, they do not accept housing benefit.

That means from expressing discrimination open in writing for decades. Now letting agencies and landlords of London and of the U.K have changed the tactic of discriminating against the poor. That is, they do not want to be watched with hard facts in their hands. Like writing it all out, No DSS or … like writing, “Landlord’s mortgage/insurance prohibits renting to Housing Benefit recipients.” 

Now things have changed and discrimination has turned openly towards the poor and unemployed.

Hence, now, they say it out to you on the phone or privately in your message when they learn that you are unemployed. They say to you the same thing that they have said for decades in row. We do not accept unemployed people to rent our properties. 

 So it does not matter whether it says “No DSS or …  “Landlord’s mortgage/insurance prohibits renting to Housing Benefit recipients.” This is 

shameful and disgraceful. And outright discrimination against the poor and the unemployed. 

Hence, I think that it is high time that our basic human right of living in dignity in society is engraved in a new law. Let the assumed honourable, good and just of this society, who own properties and run letting agencies, that discrimination against the unemployed or the poor is morally unjust, and therefor unlawful and illegal. 

That’s what I call justice and reason – that which is reasonably and morally just and good for our society. 

And you, who do not allow us as unemployed members of this society to rent a property in this society just because we are unemployed. This is morally corrupt. Totally unjust. With no footing of any form of balanced thinking at all. And hence outrightly unfair and….

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Sarah Everard Speaks the Hypocrisy of our British People who Idolise their Mind-Controlling Monsters of Media Monopolies or Crocodile Journalists. Media speaks, people write on Twitter. So, I ask: Can we please raise our Voices before someone dies?

Sarah Everard went had been reported as a missing person since 3rd of March 2021. Yet the attention of MEDIA Monopolies was on #PrinceHarry and #MeghanandHarryonOprah! Alas, we see that our people are lied daily…

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On The Verge of Losing my Mind and on the Brink of Suicide from a wicked form of Oppression and Abuse of Power created by London’s local Governments – Like Hammersmith and Fulham Council. I cry from the bottom of my SOUL – Murderers.

London has a cancerous disease that is worse than all viruses ever heard or known in the human history. And this is the corruption of the today local governments in London. Local governments, like Hammersmith…...

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People, who rushed to leave London just before tier-four restrictions came to power, share a Value with British Journalists. Read!

Suddenly, on 19 12 2020, just before the new laws of tier-four restrictions came to power, large crowds of people were seen at St Pancras station rushing to leave the isolation that London is serving…....

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UK Lockdown – The Poor lose again badly! As the Rich barely suffer of anything. Read!

Many of us may have thought that a pandemic will equalise all social structures. And make things equal, finally.

But, let's be honest, unfortunately, this thinking is not the case of the reality that we see.

Below is a picture that shows the rich fleeing London for a better life! For more peace, more luxury and greater harmony in their lives!

(the rich usually are visionary, they think ahead of the Poor! At the end, the poor do not dare to think like this! For it costs a lot, right?)

So, why would rich people suffer in as such times? I ask. What do they lack? What can make them suffer?

We see that their needs are treated with the utmost care, they travel a lot. Live in luxurious mansions. Have plenty of space around them. Slaves keep them happy in keeping their places clean and tidy. And they can go anywhere they like with the money that they have.

Farewell poor people!

So, I ask, is here anyone who is ignorant enough to say that the rich and the poor are sharing our today pain equally?

What about poor working classes, what would happen to them?

Let's be honest, working people can barely afford a ....

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Trump New Level of Thinking is Using Twitter to Incite Violence – Dr ACactivism Explains

In a recent rant on Twitter, Donald Trump wrote out of fury and anger, that characterizes his character, this ungracious tweet:

"ANTIFA SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally," he said "because those people aggressively fought back..."

Trump supporters attack an Anti Fascist protestor

Here Trump shows clearly to use a language that incites violence. And use twitter to achieve to content his sick egotistical and anti human goals.

For example, his phrase "ANTIFA SCUM" is a phrase that...

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Homeless Man sleeping rough in the Middle of Bayswater – Where is thy Dignity London?

In the photo above, you see a homeless man sleeping rough in the Middle of the Pandemic. His head put on a makeshift pillow made of cardboards and papers. And his body lied on the…...

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Make the World Great Again Without Donald Trump

“Natural compassion exists only on some individuals who call themselves the citizens of the world.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality The formation of the idea of society created vice, like avarice, envy,…...

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Donald Trump is Projected to win over Joe Biden – 280-258. Shame on the Greedy and Racists of the American Germans of the WWII

The coming results of the US elections have made me with headache. For I couldn’t sleep for hours. And I couldn’t even focus to write or read something. And it seems that Trump is on…...

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If you Mention Human Values only For Christmas then you Get Terrorist Attacks the whole year – This is the Evil of the Monopolies of French and Western Imperialist Media

Media Monopolies of the western imperialist media stand there, in front of oureyes and minds, like giant continents of evil. Continents of Evil that control and manipulate over 90% of human participation by controlling information…....

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Americans are not Welcome with Donald Trump

Why do we care of American politics? This is the question.  In the today American politics depends the fate of the world. And therefore to have unjust American politics means to have an unjust world. …...

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Macron don’t be a Nazi, don’t be “Mr Hitler” – The problem is FRENCH MEDIA. The problem is in the teaching and promotion of our Values not in the Religion of Islam – Dr ACactivism explains through philosophic thinking

Whenever there happens something or any form of crime from a person of the islamic faith. There are the monopolies of the French and Western media in general ready to link Islam to terrorism. And…...

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Shame On You! Brits cry at the UK Government on Twitter! Not because of a new Law that Authorises Murder and Torture but because they can’t cook for their own Children!!

It must be a pleasure to cook for your children. Especially nowadays that many people are out of work. But this is not the case with the Brits of today who have turned into a…...

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FASCIST! What the hell does a FASCIST character like Keir Starmer want in the Labour Party? Why Keir Starmer is a FASCIST character and should resign?

“People gave themselves chiefs to defend their liberty and not be enslaved by them.” Jean Calas Rousseau, On the Origin of Inequality. What Rousseau says above is not without wisdom. For the Labourites gave themselves…...

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Rest in Hell, Thee and all the WILL to EVIL POWER MINDS like Thee

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, supreme court justice, died aged 87. And while holding the reins of power!

Wow, how good is that?

This happens, you know, because under the US Constitution, that has been over 300 years the same in this point, Supreme Court justices have lifetime tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed from office.

Thus once the news broke out, telling that Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, the media MONOPOLIES and politicians have been in a frenzy of mourning and writing about our LOSS!

Oh! We lost someone who could serve for centuries! Someone who inspires ideas of Will to EVIL POWER to others!
What a disgusting and shameful thought. Eh?

Not so for the Guardian though, that wrote full of pride, as it always does when writing about something they love.

“Tributes poured in on Friday,” the Guardian said, “with figures on the left and the right offering praise and condolences. Meanwhile hundreds of mourners gathered outside the supreme court in Washington DC, laying flowers and candles on its steps.”

Of course, how can one disagree with the sheep thinking of the time?
Unless one is a philosopher or independent mind that is not attached to any political party or political newspaper.

For we saw that almost every media outlout, media that is made of narrow-minded, worm-like Journalists, did not see anything wrong on this issue.

But yes, the TRUTH and reason here are clear for the people of media and politics who think like this.

Rest in Hell, Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Thee and all the WILL to EVIL POWER MINDS like Thee.

For life is short. And we should work to give people opportunities to live, lead and change. And not take these opportunities by …

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Beirut, dozens of people are dead and thousands injured – Pray for Beirut

A massive explosion shocked Beirut on Tuesday evening, killing dozens of people, wounding thousands and leaving thousands of others homeless.

Lebanon’s prime minster has said that the explosion may have been caused by tons of the explosive ammonium nitrate. That had been stored in a warehouse close to the Beirut’s port.

In this sad moment, Dr ACactivism offers his condolences to the people of Lebanon. And he prays for the healing of the wounded and for strength to those who lost their loved ones.

Further, Dr ACactivism appeals for solidarity of the world for the people of Lebanon.

Let us support the people of Lebanon as much as we can.

Let us please donate and support with what you can to support the people of Lebanon in this difficult moment. And show our human unity in this sad day for the people of Lebanon.

At the end , it is in hard moments that one needs to display humanity. For in good moments the majority are ready to take part.

Yours truly,
Dr ACactivism

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Think Different – The Journalists of the billionaire U.K Media are Bullying Dominic Cummings, like they bullied Caroline Flack, for a reason… Read and Share!

Once you stop doubting the thinking and doing and the innermost intentions of the rich of your time, and of the corrupt. Of the hypocrites of this society, of the mind-controllers of this society, and of the intelligent manipulators of this society. 

It is then and there, that the rich, the corrupt, the mind-controllers and the intelligent manipulators have achieved to brainwash you and control you as a people like a puppet. 

So, I suggest to never stop doubting the thinking and doing of the rich and those who are paid by the very rich – their lackeys. 

For one VALUE that the lackeys of the rich, media people in this case, left, centre and right, demand to have and that they never had, in their writings and speeches, has been and still is, – “HONESTY.

Be patient, please. For I will be short and simple. And make you think different if you as a reader believe in human values. For if you don’t believe in human values, then please stop here and go in your way. 

Maybe here is a case of much ado about nothing?

So, scores of media journalists had door stepped Dominic Cummings, crossing his personal space and bullying him with their high screeches and screams and vicious vitriol like they did to Caroline Flack. And even more than that. (Watch the media videos and photos to see it for yourself here.)

Dominic Cummings door stepped and abused by Media Monopolies.

So, first of all, here the journalists themselves had to be held accountable for flouting the lockdown rules. 

For they were obviously not keeping the social distancing while photographing and making questions to Dominic Cummings.

 Or are the today journalists different from the rest because they work for a billionaire U.K Media?

Secondly, the fact that Dominic Cummings is part of the government that makes the rules didn’t make him excepted from these rules. For he was responsible to a law for his actions not to media monopolies. And Dominic was reprimanded and questioned by police. And this had to be left there. 

And if the police had acted in an immoral and corrupt way, then this matter had to be taken with the police organisation. Not with Dominic Cummings. 

Further, when the British guns and British war tactics, used behind the war scenes of course, were killing innocent women and children and men in Yemen and Syria and Palestine. Then here I ask: “Was any media organisation or journalist door stepping David Cameron, Theresa May and… (please subscribe to read the full philosophical blog.)

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“Are we going to continue to Harm Children to protect Vulnerable people?” The ITV NEWS prepares the mood for mass deaths with a clear Nazi Question to end Coronavirus lockdown

With the suffer of oppression that I have lived in London, all created by this monstrous media power, I could have imagined that I will also live this day. A day where human attention is brought back to us. 

And we are not blaming others anymore. So now we have to blame each other. No other option left because of Coronavirus.

And because of Coronavirus we now can blame the weakest part of our population. End the lockdown. And carry on with our lives with blood or without blood in our hands. 

How could one even imagine this day, when until yesterday we were blaming others anyways? Others, eh?

At the end, if you as a thinker of the time in all your life have seen poignant writers of media monopolies drive human attention away from the things that matter. And do anything possible to control us like sheep. Then what would you think in a crucial moment like this?

Then wouldn’t you think that there will come also one day that will show the true colours of the talented and skilled writers, who made possible all the evil on earth for the sake of their Media power?

A day where they will make Nazi questions. And appeal for cannibalism for the sake of their EGO and impatience?

For if in the past British media, through its silence, left Yemen to be butchered by British politicians and left Palestine oppressed, today they appealed for us to eat each other in a clear-cut Nazi way.

Bear with me, I will explain my reasons to you. 

So in a blog written on 05 Apr 2020, the ITV said,

“In broad terms are we going to continue to harm children to protect vulnerable people, or not?"

But why is this question a Nazi question, you may say.

It is a Nazi question because the ITV seems....

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