Why I think that as time changes, laws should change to make society fair and just not corrupt and unjust defending and protecting old structures of power or new forms of corruption

As time changes, and the human history moves on forward, the intelligence of the human beings grows further, inequalities change, injustice takes a new shape and corruption becomes less perceptive.

Up to 2015 or 2016, the BBC, the New York Times, and media monopolies in general were the biggest monopolies in the world. Today, we have social media giants surpassing the monopolies of as such media monopolies. And becoming less perceptive but more abusive towards our ideals.

We have young people becoming more intelligent. And we have old laws abusing their rights by removing out of them, their right to vote, their right to participate and their right to take responsibility for themselves.

So then we see that  LAWS  remain the same defending old structures of power, old ideas and people who usually have 500 years of …

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