I have written for years for change in the corrupt U.K Media thinking. What kind of change? You ask.
There is many ideas that I have suggested and that require the time and space of a book. Yet one of these ideas that I have suggested and demanded for change was media to focus on the pain of the victim, when writing news about crime and punishment. And not focus on the idea of the criminal.
Why? Did I ask for this form of change. I asked due to the pain that the old way of thought was creating to people and humanity. For further information please visit the link below to read my blog from 2016.
Nevertheless, no one ever stopped to listen and reflect. For it is in the nature of the callous, heartless, monstrous imperialists to use force to make you listen to them. Force here is the laws of this country that do not give me and to people of my time our rights to be heard on the media of this country. Like they are heard.
So as such form and kind of imperialists never should stop even for once to reflect and listen to others’ thoughts.
Unless, you have an army close to the BBC and U.K Parliament. Then they listen. Then they stop and listen and reflect almost like a pack of wolves when facing the idea of fear and a force that show bigger than them.
At the end, it is in the very spirit of the animal world to stop to think only when they are forced to do so. And animals do think instinctually though in a way somehow like the Imperialist U.K Media writers.
You remember the famous headlines of the last century and beginning of 21st century of the U.K Media?
Among many as such poisonous ideas we have heard many hateful headlines that went on like this: “Albanian Criminal, Islamic Terrorist, Asian Grooming Gangs etc.
Now this philosophy of hatred kept the consciousness of British people, and the consciousness of people all across the world where the heartless, callous British Imperialist media has its influence, tight on daily hatred. And thus, they fed the spirit of the time and the spirit of the people of this time with hatred and all what is negative on earth.
No media journalist or media editor or media chairman or media regulator ever took responsibility for this action of evil. For responsibility is what they speak all day and responsibility is what they dread, what they dislike most. And what they are scared of. Hence they control media fanatically almost like a pack of wolves. And they are scared that one day they will be toppled like all dictators, fanatics and fascists are toppled in time and history.
At the end, if you are a lucky Dictator like Stalin or Enver Hoxha etc., you may not be toppled by people. Yet, death will topple you. When snakes and worms would attack your flesh and blood in graves and swallow your body shape with the same passion that you as media dictators swallowed human souls with your corrupt callous and heartless thinking and doing while in existence.
Why am I writing this blog?
Let me begin with my ideas in particular. I saw somewhere in passing, while opening my email, that a certain brute called, Nasen Saadi, had stabbed a woman to death. And so I googled his name to read more about what had happened.
Now this brute obviously seems educated by the negative ideas of the U.K Media, who for centuries and decades has made the criminal an example of society instead of making an example the pain of the victim. And thus making humans more compassionate with the victim rather than hardening the human soul. And making them subconsciously more criminal in their feelings.
Like for example you do as media when you link the idea of Islam to terror or Albanian to crime. In this way humans feel strong hatred against an innocent nation or people who has nothing to do with the criminal in question.
So after googling the name of Nasen Saadi, I see on the google first page, where the unfair controlling imperialist media monopolies show, the face of the victims across all headlines.
Wow! What is that? Did the callous, vicious imperialists wolves of the U.K media finally put their egotistic nose down and stopped to ....
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A British Historian called, David Englander, says in a study in the housing matter called, Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, that “Contempt for the landlord was exceeded only by that of his alter ego,…...
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The first Question is: "Was Mason Greenwood guilty? And is Harriet Robson also guilty of intentional provocation? Which obviously is neither regulated nor punished by law. But I as a philosopher see in it a vital point for regulation and punishment by law.
And further, are the family members of Harriet Robson guilty for convincing her to drop her report to the police? Are our laws also just wrong for not giving the right to police to continue investigation and trial based on the evidence that they have at hand?
In this blog, I intend to address, explain and reason about all the above questions.
To begin with, from the audio recording, I find both Mason Greenwood guilty of ....
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15 years of independent thinking haven't been easy. But I continue to resist, and this is what matters.
I continue to stand up to the corrupt collective UK Media Monopolies, even though I'm unpaid and unheard for my work. Even though UK Media Monopolies for years have silenced and drowned out my voice on purpose so. Because I opposed them and because I'm of a foreign origin.
While the UK Media Monopolies have been manipulating people from the media headquarters, they have made sure to never invite me, Dr ACactivism, to challenge them.
Thing which shows the UK media both oppressive and racist. For even though U.K media loves foreign lackies who lick their boots, they hate those foreign thinkers who oppose them. Like myself, Dr ACactivism.
Yet, even under these straining conditions, I continue to show the facts to British and non-British people about the corruption of the spirit of the British Media Writers that are equal in thinking to Intellectual Mafia.
And the latest facts of what I just said, can be withdrawn from the Nottingham Terror Attack.
For example, the double Standards of the UK Media reporting continue to shock the Thinking Humanity.
Just read the headings of the national British newspapers that are covering the....
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There is a saying from the 19th century England that says: Justice delayed is justice denied.
That means that if fair justice is available, but it is not delivered on time or is delayed for different bureaucratic reasons or on purpose. That is the same as if seeing “justice” to not have been given at all.
Now allow me, dear readers, to begin with the theme of today, please.
Verified footage, for example, that is shared widely by UA Weapons and Oryx, which has been quoted by the crocodiles of the like of The New York Times and Business Insider, show us that Russian defences have destroyed many western tanks. That have been donated to Ukraine in small numbers, with too much delay and after a lot of pain.
What do I want to say with these facts? You ask.
What I just said above also shows the truth of the matter and facts that we all have seen. The fact that Western politicians have refused to deliver to Ukraine the right military equipment for months. And that means justice delayed as a fact.
That means also that western politicians have allowed Ukraine to
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The Intellectual Thugs of Talk TV should not use their TV power and fame to offend and threaten with violence a Young Creator, should they?
Talk TV presenters, however, did so and they should be prosecuted for that. I, Dr ACactivism, will explain the why and the facts in this blog.
To begin with, many of us saw that Andre Walker of Talk TV screamed and shouted and offended and threatened Mizzy on Talk TV. And he Got as angry as a hot metal towards Mizzy, a young and talented creator that comes from a very poor and rough area of London.
However, many keen viewers also saw that Andre Walker shot himself on the leg by saying that once a couple of people entered Andre Walker’s house by mistake. Thing which showed that as such mistakes happen.
So why do you try to portray Mizzy as a criminal, when he is a prankster with a message, eh? Maybe because you are an inner racist?
“I remember one time,” Andre Walker said, “I used to smoke cigars in my house, I left the door open and a couple of guys walked in. And thought it was a house party.
They got the wrong address.”
That meant that Mizzy’s prank was not as bad as they described it, then, right?
So, it was but pure hypocrisy to...
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Eamonn Holmes has claimed that there is a 'total cover-up' by the ITV bosses in relation to Philip Schofield affair.
Further, the Sun wrote that “pals claim his career (the career of the boyfriend of Philip Schofield) was left in ruins when the tryst ended in 2020 after he was first shunted to Loose Women before ultimately leaving ITV.”
And now this person works at a remote pub miles away from London and miles away from the abusive ITV Bosses.
All these facts, and many more facts that I will note in this blog, raise more questions which lead one to think that there is or may be a cover up of child sex abuse by the ITV Bosses.
What does make me, Dr ACactivism, think so? you ask.
Questions, like why isn't done an ....
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It was a pity to read the Guardian on 6th May 2022. A certain journalist or a little London reptile called, Aubrey Allegretti, with no logic of a writer whatsoever, was painting or describing crystal-clear…...
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From at least 2014 and onwards, when social media begun to get human attention and human participation, U.K media editors and media owners have thrown big money into promoting the ideas of their media in…...
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A few questions beg me to ask myself and our western world, with Imperialist Britain, France, Germany and the U.S in it. So the first question asks, “Why should we feel right in our conscience…...
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The deepest wishes and desires of the Priti Patel seem to want to become more British than the British. So to fit into British politics and be loved by the British people for her great…...
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I am in immeasurable pain. For when I see pictures of shattered buildings in Ukraine, dead bodies laid in the streets, and the terror caused on the Ukrainian people with women, children and men turned…...
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Che Guevara is known for his desire to liberate the oppressed against imperialism. His desire to stand with the weakest and fight with a pen and rifle against the strongest. And his willingness and resolve…...
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On 10 01 2022, Ben Wallace said to U.K parliament that Britain will supply Ukraine with weapons. And that a small team of British troops would be sent to Ukraine to provide training.
This thing of arm sales and military training to Ukraine, to be honest, has been ongoing since 2015. And we see no change. And no one is que......
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Even though there is an ongoing Covid-19 pandemic crises, in the U.K there are no laws to limit or restrict the greed of those who demand to profiteer and suck the blood of the most oppressed of this country – Renters or people who rent a place as a basic right of their human soul to have a roof over their head.
For example, a room in Hammersmith, London, in the middle of 2021 was costing at around £650 per month. By the end of 2021, a room increased to £750 and above. New rules have come into the playbooks of landlords and letting agencies as well, making it more than difficult to .......
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In this blog, I will speak about a U.K government study in the housing market called, Housing prices in London – an economic analysis of London’s housing market. A document written by Joel Marsden who…...
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It is the sad news of the day, where we hear again and again that other immigrants and more immigrants have lost their lives for a better life and a better future.
My heart breaks and tears flow as natural as our existence. Why can we not do something for better? I ask.
So again we hear that on 24 11 2021, 27 immigrants have drowned while crossing the English Channel.
Now you ask, who are those who responsible for the murder of these immigrants?
Let me tell you that this is not a natural tragedy but a man-made tragedy. A tragedy made by European imperialism that creates divisions, wars and that unjustly controls the economy of the world.
Never forget, that economical oppression towards other nations, that is created across the world through the accumulation of wealth in our western world through our western global companies, means more wealth for us and more poverty for others.
Life is hard to be lived in utter misery and utter oppression. And this blame goes out to people like the hypocrites and cruel politicians of Europe, like Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron.
Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron, they are the first ones to...
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We live in strange times as never before in human history.
For in our time TRUTH and Honesty and pain are rendered powerless by Media monopolies.
A rich man, like those who pump with money the GB News today or like the Murdoch media empire that it has done continually since it was created, wakes up in the middle of the night. And says; “Let me create a media army or monopoly and influence the politics of today! Because this is how I like.”
Thus the rich go on top of everything simply because they are able to buy writers, journalists and journalism and have the power to create MEDIA MONOPOLIES.
Thus, philosophy sounds ridiculous if it is not expressed by the writers of the media monopolies. And humanity does not even make sense without there being a writer that is either writing from the media monopolies or supported by them!
Wow! What a strange time to be alive! Nothing makes sense but the authority and reputation of the UK, US, French and German media monopolies.
Independent thinking then has never in human history been so much despised. And media and political grovelling worms have never ever been so much admired.
A journalist writing for the BBC, ITV or Sky News etc., A judge ruling from a corrupt court. A politician speaking out of a criminal parliament, that historically make laws that support the rich and the powerful in Britain. And a Prime Minster using executive governing powers to create a war. These four STATE powers are today literally equal to the power of GOD in Britain of the 19th century in terms of faith, trust and admiration. Which are all qualities of god in religious theory.
But nevertheless, have you ever thought which kind of writer is more fair in his thoughts and writing?
A writer writing for the ITV, like Piers Morgan that gets over 1.5 million pounds per year, or a writer that is independent and writes out of the pain of oppression and for a deaf and blind humanity that he or she intends to wake up with his honest and humanist thoughts?
This judgement I will leave to future generations who will be inspired with my passion for truth and reason and above all for what is HUMAN.
For now let me continue with my treatise.
What do I mean by the term, POLITICAL ANIMAL?
The U.K government is made of four assumed branches of power, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary and the U.K media monopolies.
The three first governing powers are official. While the fourth POWER is an unofficial governing power controlled either by rich media barons or highly paid media editors or funded by the state and the rich people’s donations. Like the media monopolies of the BBC.
Now all of these governing powers essentially pretend to be independent. And all of them are independent in judging the cases of working class people or immigrants. But when it comes to high crimes committed by the members of their class. They either stay silent or talk about these matters with sarcasm and irony and just in passing. “Hey we mentioned it, just another war where British imperialism takes part and murders innocent people – like Yemen or Syria etc. Nothing wrong with that.”
So these hypocritical powerful members in these four branches of power in the U.K is what I call the POLITICAL ANIMAL BEINGS. Vicious, hypocritical, greedy, unethical, abusive, mafia-like, criminal and anti-humans.
Some facts and truth please? you ask.
Let me pick a fact among a sea of facts to show the thinking of these four branches of power of the imperialist U.K or U.K State MAFIA.
For example, there is an example of pain and truth, like a civil war created in Yemen. And British soldiers that are caught red-handed supporting the Saudis. That have butchered Yemen for years.
Facts? Facts are showed by the U.K media themselves who could not hide the elephant in the room. And by many human rights groups as well. Like Amnesty.org or Amnesty International.
On 17th December 2015, "Amnesty International wrote; UK Government breaking the law supplying arms to Saudi Arabia, say leading lawyers."
So showing the U.K politics complicit in war crimes.
Years later, in 2017, the Daily Mail couldn't hide the elephant in the room and the cry of the human rights groups for justice and peace. So the Daily Mail also wrote of the facts. See the screenshot below.
However, as I said above, they, U.K Media monopolies, write in passing and skip the appeal for justice.
That is, the way they present facts and report in this case are not even up to the morality of reporting the news when a U.K minister is caught having a sexual relationship with his secretary!
So they, U.K Media Monopolies like the Daily Mail or the Guardian, write in passing for attention, money and fame, when crimes against humanity are committed by U.K politicians.
Every one reads but no one bothers! Why?
“A writer is the educator of the adult world,” said once James Joyce.
So when these writers write without a passion for justice and without responsibility for their power, so the soul of the British people feels and thinks.
They think it is okay to murder others. A pint in the evening after a comedy show, a chat at work after a night out, a thought after reading or watching the news, an idea expressed after watching their favourite movie. This is the universal British soul. They breathe in. and breathe out the ideas of the POLITICAL ANIMAL BEINGS.
The U.K media controls the U.K public opinion in short. And it is their media authority and media reputation that makes them appear as the higher intelligence.
So media monopolies write, British people think and follow. And this is seen in many hashtags on twitter.
Where after something is being discussed on Question Time Show, for example, we see British people write on twitter under a hashtag called, #questiontime or whatever the Guardian has written etc.
Can here be more clear the link of my thought between fact and reason?
So, on 25th November 2017, The Daily Mail is happy to report but unhappy to point the finger at the corrupt British Justice system that refuses to judge the heads of this big evil. That is made by the human hand and the human mind.
“The British Army is secretly training Saudi Arabian troops to fight in Yemen, where the country has been accused of committing crimes against humanity, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Up to 50 UK military personnel have been teaching battlefield skills to soldiers who will be deployed in the so-called ‘dirty war’.”
This is how the Daily Mail wrote on November 2017. At a time when Theresa May was the Prime Minster and Boris Johnson was the foreign secretary.
Then there, in Yemen, are heard casualties of human loss. Children are left to starve to death, women are murdered and innocent people killed just like that.
But I ask, “Who takes responsibility for the loss of the human lives where even graves scream out of their skeletons for JUSTICE?”
You like to be a politician and a Prime Minister or a prominent politician but refuse to take responsibility for your big evil thinking and doing, right?
You like to make the rules and have big money and power in your hand and become the most powerful person of this country. Yet you do not like any form of human responsibility!
Hold on, a second. For British universities produce politicians like Boris Johnson and Theresa May like commodities. Every month there can be a new Boris Johnson and a new Theresa May in Power.
But can we have a politician like Boris Johnson that is held responsible for his political actions? Eh?
We see then, that this simple just and fair humanist thinking has turned into an ideal.
Why is there no responsibility for the crimes and injustices committed by the Imperialist British POLITICAL ANIMAL? You ask.
Now it is logical to say that if we imagine a nation where we are all equal in front of the law, then a prime minster, a journalist and a judge are all subject to the law of this land like all of us.
But the question here is, “who is going to bring U.K imperialist politicians to justice or even to courts? The U.K police?”
According to a paper written by Jennifer Brown (https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8582/CBP-8582.pdf) for the House of Commons Library, “The Home Office is responsible for policing policy for England and Wales. It is responsible for: • publishing a statutory document called the Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR). The SPR sets out the most pressing national crime threats and how police force should be responding to them.
…presenting the annual Police Grant Report to Parliament for approval.
….The Home Secretary is also (either directly or indirectly) responsible for key policing appointments including the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (the most senior police officer in the UK), the Director General of the NCA and the IOPC, the Chair of the College of Policing and Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary.”
So, U.K police as a force and reason of this country cannot hold responsible their bosses for crimes committed outside of the U.K. And that is logical.
For how can you do that against your boss that has committed a crime in another country?
But U.K politicians are held responsible in the U.K of course. Like for having sex with their secretaries. But not sent to prison for lobbying, for accepting gifts from Russian kleptocrats or from Saudi Arabia and from Qatar bosses. Or for cutting Universal Credit or for creating conditions for homelessness and unbearable poverty and so on with their evils.
So we see that even in the U.K, here is a big noise about things that do not matter. While things that matter are either avoided or mentioned in passing!
Why does this happen? Why is this vicious Political Animal World in the U.K not held responsible for crimes against humanity and murder in countries outside the U.K?
Here is a long history of this “political animal world” in Britain.
But historically like today, powerful upper classes, like the media class, made of journalists and media barons, the justice system class, made of judges and courts, and the political class, that is made of politicians, support each other in Britain in a way and manner that MAFIA and thugs support each other with knives and guns and bombs in their thinking and making.
This has been so 500 years ago and this is so today. Marx said in the 19th century that "the English legislature is overdosed with genius. And he said also that "only against its will and under the pressure of the masses did the English Parliament give up the laws against Strikes and Trades’ Unions, after it had itself, for 500 years, held, with shameless egoism,the position of a permanent Trades’ Union of the capitalists against the labourers."
So, it is enough that you read certain works of Karl Marx to understand that the upper classes of Britain or the POLITICAL ANIMAL of Britain support each other up to the end of the 19th century.
Further, if you read the struggle of women’s right to vote in Britain. The story of Emily Wilding Davison, that was killed by the King George V’s horse. And the history of the National Minimum Wage, that was only fixed in 1999, after a 100 year struggle. Where the British upper classes magically used their rhetoric to enslave their own people with “low pay” up to the 1999.
And if you pay attention to the today history, where the POLITICAL ANIMAL Class rules without responsibility whatsoever. Like they did with the Covid-contracts and like they do with the rules of lobbying and in accepting donations. That in turn buy political influence.
Thus, if you read and understand the above ideas, then you will understand that British Upper classes support each other. And nothing has changed so far.
These upper classes then are both a political animal and a MAFIA body that have no sense of justice and humanity when it comes for the humanity of their people and for humanity at large.
So that means that in the past, their thought and thinking of justice goes as far as it concerns the upper classes of U.K. While today their sense of justice and freedom goes as far as it concerns the upper classes of the entire Western world as a group of people living in peace at the moment.
However, when it comes to humanity at large, the British upper classes are silent. Here and there we hear of a voice that cries for responsibility. But that voice is easily and quickly drowned out with the daily celebrity news and daily shows of Good Morning Britain and Question Time and daily trash talk on media.
So these upper classes of Britain, like media, politics and the justice system, they call evil good, and good evil, when such ideals fit to their political interest. And do not bother of the responsibility of murder or manipulation or corruption in a justifiable manner, when political actions commit as such painful human made evils.
Boris Johnson was in power then in 2017, still is and seems to remain in power. Say that we are short of politicians here! Say that Britain is dead and has no sons to take care of her with honesty and human responsibility!
A corrupt British justice system with a corrupt prosecuting political body is silent. The U.K media is silent. The judges in courts of the British justice system continue with their fake wigs to send simple working class people to prison daily. But still big political animals such as Boris Johnson, Theresa May etc., continue to live the lives of Heroes.
Gentlemen, we still live in the Political Animal World. That is, Politics without Responsibility.
So, it is High Time that we think of Change. For British Universities Create Politicians like Commodities daily and even hourly.
So let us hold upper classes, journalists, judges and politicians responsible for their evil thinking and doing. Judges must be prosecuted and dismissed for not speaking up against U.K politicians. When they are not brought to courts. Journalists must be fired for not demanding Justice unstoppably. Like they do when a minster is caught having sex with his secretary.
For we gave power to politicians to hold up human ideals,. Not to abuse our ideals.
But like Rousseau once said, ever since politicians took power, they called simple people animals and slaves. Because they felt above people with political power in their hands.
Arrogance then, still rules the inner and outer world of today upper classes in the Imperialist or new imperialist Britain. And they still think themselves irreplaceable.
That’s why Media and the Justice system does not hold responsible politics. And vice versa, the politics of today keep media monopolies as the new gods and the justice system as being fair. When they are the evil of today.
So here in this country is no justice and no change because here in this country is no political responsibility.
However, if we became a little bit more active and more humanist, we would see power rolling into people’s hands like in a communist ideal.
Here we would see that every year a new politician and a new judge and a new journalist can be in the chairs of social power where the fate of humanity and human ideals depend.
But as a matter of fact, we see that I pray for what is human in an inhumane world of political animals. For people are still not conscious that Political power is high social power. And as such it demands responsibility - social power responsibility.
For the POLITICAL ANIMAL OF BRITIAN has Been ruling, it is ruling and it seems that it will continues to rule without responsibility.
So I think that it is high time that we think of real change by taking real care or bringing to...
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What kind of education on earth would teach “Lies” and manipulative thinking? You may say Machiavelli philosophy would teach murder for personal benefit. You would say that Hitler would teach death for political power. And…...
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Today 17th October 2021, MPs are crying on the U.K media monopolies. There is the BBC and the LBC inviting MPs who show how dreadful that life has become for them!
Say that there is every day a citizen wanting to stab an MP! What a joke! People who get such luxurious salaries, that are paid by the taxes of the same people that they now fear and distrust, these people tell us that they demand bigger security. Because they cannot trust anymore those who pay their salaries!
WHAT A JOKE THAT UK POLITICS AND UK MEDIA THAT THEY ARE! Bear with me, I will show you how painful is life for us, working class people, here at the bottom. How many stabbings that we see in comparison to the class of MPs.
Hypocrite MPs who just recently allowed a pay cut of £20 to universal credit claimants,. MPs who campaign for an increase of their MP salaries and a pay cut for the oppressed. Now they are shaking from horror!
And what horror? The horror that they make with the laws that they pass into the U.K parliament. A horror that they daily create for the working class people with the rules of the oppression and unfairness that they daily produce in action. From theory to practice.
Let us be daring and ask of this horror that we working class people live in the U.K: "How many working class people are stabbed in a year in the U.K? "
According to the ONS, a U.K government statistics website, there were 44,286 knife-enabled offences recorded by the police in the year ending March 2021. That is between March 2020 and March 2021.
So then, I ask, "Why is the stabbing of an MP hurting so much the class of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES and politicians? When the horror that working class people face in the U.K from stabbings is nowhere near a stabbing in a decade that MPs have faced, right?
Or is the stabbing of David Amess more worthy than the stabbings of 44,286 people in the U.K?
The answer. Because David Amess was one of them. So David Amess makes sense because he is part of the class of politics and media monopolies. Part of their animal group. Part of their family not part of the U.K family.
Now you see the difference. You see that U.K Media monopolies are not there to defend the British people but defend the interest of their class of greed and oppression.
What about the good that he, David Amess, made?
Politicians have never ever done any good to society. For it is the greed of politicians that decade after decade and century after century create further injustice, unfairness, corruption and abuse of power.
The housing problem is but the mess that U.K politicians have created with their hands. Brexit. The oppression of the Palestinian people and the arm deals with the Nazi Israeli politics. To not mention the business deals with the Saudi Arabia that butchered Jamal Khashoggi and continually abuses human rights.
So the reason why the U.K media monopolies pay so much attention to David Amess’ stabbing and care nothing, when it comes to working class people, is because of their common good or common class interest.
The U.K Media treats British people as aliens when they stab each other. That is a fact,. Do they pay the same attention with analysis and public discussion for each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, like they do to David Amess?
No, they do not do that. Because they do not care of the British working classes. They know deep down that political oppression drives man to crime. So they just write about everyday crime in passing, “Hey another stabbing happened today, enjoy it!”
While when it happens that the problem becomes any immigrant or Albanian, then they appeal to the Brits, “The Albanian…”
In this way, they unite all British people. The media here pretending that they care of British people by creating a common enemy – The Albanian Criminal or Albanian Mafia saga.
In short, the U.K media monopolies do not care of the British people. For if they cared they would pay to each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, the same attention. Like the attention that they pay to David Amess.
And through close analysis and humanist thought, we would probably think to give more to the oppressed. And make equality and fairness a law.
Yet the MEDIA MONOPOLIES do not do that.
Because all the U.K Media monopolies are discussing these days is the security of the MPS, when it should be discussed EQUALITY and FAIRNESS and Humanist education.
So people do not stab or kill or rob. Do not follow like sheep the thugs of upper classes. But idolise truth and reason and fairness and equality and stand up for....
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A few days ago LBC, Evening Standard, the Sun, the Daily Mail and almost the entire U.K Media monopolies called a gesture of great humanity, selfish. While a badly selfish action of an angry school-run mum, like they called her, great!
Somehow, these New Nazi writers of the U.K Media Monopolies by putting the idea of selfishness onto wrong sides, they turn mud into water. And they paint a good action as evil and evil action as good.
Can a Media of a time be any worse? Nietzsche would have called the today U.K Media monopolies a laughing stock that has the power to turn MUD into Water. A clown-like media that needs to be destroyed and replaced with a FAIR, RIGHT, JUST, HONEST and HUMANIST MEDIA.
Let us do some simple analysis here. If the kid of this selfish, ugly in her soul, school-run mum grows in a destroyed planet, then what life has she? The life of a kid that lives up to her or his death under the influence of an imperialist education that brainwashes them continually until they give up their souls?
“Insulate Britain” had blocked the roads. A thing which was democratically, peacefully, fairly and rightly done for a good cause and change. That is, for the better of all us – British and foreign people. The activists sacrificing their time, lives and even going to prison for a better humanity and better future.
Now, an angry woman had been complaining that her kid lost a day at school! Somehow her kid lost a day of brainwashing. And the UK Media monopolies instead of glorifying the activists who suffer, like Jesus Christ on the cross, for the good of all us. They instead glorified and magnified a selfish mum! While calling selfish a great human action!
I want to say that we can go nowhere with this kind of selfishness. You are upset because your kids have not been brainwashed today. When you should be happy. You are upset for a delay at work and so have reduced your time of exploitation. You are upset because you didn’t earn much today because there was a road block and so on.
And you have a media that brainwashes you daily by calling what is GOOD, bad, and what is BAD, good!
Let me say this that we are nowhere doing good and right things with this kind of philosophy.
So then we need some fairness, goodness, honesty and justice on the table of thinking and doing.
Thus I think that the murder of the MP, David Amess, should be there as a WAKE UP call for good work.
For no one is secure in an evil and corrupt world. For as such world will metamorphose daily one of us into a criminal and do bad and evil to our world.
My above philosophy can be read daily in our media where the name of a criminal is quickly replaced by the name of another criminal. A world where criminals have been and still are in surplus. Like the surplus value and money power of the exploiters of the hyper capitalism of today.
Exploiters that basically in close work with politicians and media monopolies, that keep brainwashing the people and defend the capitalists, create the criminals.
So let us begin to think of some change. Let us do good deeds and truly so. Not hypocritically so like the selfish evil UK Media monopolies and our British New Nazi politicians think and do.
How can we do good? you ask.
So let us start from within. Start the humanist work from within yourself. Do some good to your inner self first by learning of a humanist thinking and human ideals. Do your humanist research first and become a...
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When I was assaulted by a group of thugs working for the Met Police on 09 May 2020 at 23:00 in the evening.
I made a complaint in the next day against the police on 10th May 2020.
However, my complained had been delayed in investigation with a very important reason. That was to wait until the body Worn Video Footage was deleted on 16/06/2020.
Thus a Met police officer, who was abusive to my consciousness and one-sided favouring his organisation, contacted me almost a year later, on 7th May 2021, and said;
“Although this complaint was made by yourself the next day, it was originally handed to Central West Professional Standards Unit, as the interaction had occurred within their Basic Command Unit. They conducted some checks and found the officers were from West Area Basic Command Unit and contacted West Area Professional Standards to investigate on 18/06/2020.”
What does this investigative thinking mean based on the above facts? Purposeful negligence and corruption of the highest level as a matter of fact, of course. And the conclusion is inferred from truth to reason here, plainly and rightly so.
The officer went on saying in the investigation: “This was allocated to me and I made contact with you via email on 19/06/2020. Once I had established which officers were present at the time I conducted a check of all of the officers Body Worn Video footage and unfortunately could find none had been retained. BWV footage once uploaded will be retained on the system for approximately one month. If an officer deems it necessary for evidential reasons, they can keep the footage for a longer period of time. I can see that any footage captured by these officers was scheduled for automatic deletion on 16/06/2020.”
We see that the officer had waited until facts were destroyed in order to investigate the case. And it is from this fact where I get my idea of “High Corruption.”
For what is more corrupt than destroying the facts or waiting for the facts to be destroyed?
Now to come to Sara Everard question.
How did the Met Police Double murder Sara Everard?
Let us have a look at the facts.
It is reported that a McDonald's worker was flashed by Wayne Couzens at the McDonald’s drive-thru.
And the McDonald’s staff members handed the CCTV of Wayne Couzens to the police three days before Sarah Everard's murder.
Also it is reported that police officers knew the name of Wayne Couzens, but they failed to identify Wayne Couzens as being one of their officers.
This is the crucial question: Did Met Police Members do what they showed to do in my evidence above, that is side with their officer and not take actions?
Or they truly and honestly failed to identify Wayne Couzens as one of their officers until after the tragedy?
With all the data and extensive information, that Met Police have in their hands at the their fingertips, made possible through technology and the power of laws that give them endless rights to control the information of people. How could they have failed to identify Wayne Cousens as one of their officers?
So it is ridiculous to think that MET POLICE failed to identify Wayne Couzens as one of their officers.
The facts and reason shows here but POLICE DUTY NEGLIGENCE. Facts show here Met Police members siding with their police officer. Because he was one of them, reluctant to act. And reluctant to be fair and right. Showing deep and high corruption that claimed the life of a human being by one of their POLICE OFFICERS.
Like they show in case of political murders committed by British politicians. Where facts speak loudly. And police duty negligence speaks openly in the U.K as well in regards to what I said.
So, Met Police members have blood in their hands for not arresting Wayne Couzens from the allegations that were made against him. And further Met Police members have unwittingly have supported the murder of Sara Everard by neglecting their power to act on time.
And from the above facts we see that MET POLICE MEMBERS did not act on time because WAYNE COUZENS was part of the same organisation – MET POLICE.
So another question here arises and asks: “ Should Cressida Dick Resign?”
Cressida Dick should resign and as soon as possible so. Thus to leave the place to a fresh thinking leader that places fairness and a philosophy of right in the highly corrupt organisation of the Met Police. And bring radical change in the organisation.
For as a matter of fact, it was police duty negligence and high Corruption from Met Police members that double murdered Sara Everard. And hence Cressida Dick needs to resign and ASAP so.
And if Cressida Dick does not reign, she should be....
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Why the left wing media monopolies of the Guardian are even more evil and dangerous than the new Nazi right wing media of BBC, LBC or Murdoch media? you ask
Any human being with human values and human ideals in mind know of the danger of those WRITERS and POLITICIANS, who pick a fight with immigrants or minorities of their country.
How can people know the danger of hateful politicians or journalists, you ask?
Examples of these traps of thinking and dangers are rife in our today world. So we do not need to go back to Adolf Hitler or to the imperialism of Winston Churchill or to the 19th century Europe to understand the danger of as such forms of thought.
For example, it is enough that we go to India and China today to understand what it means to create hatred against a certain group of people, that is a minority in thinking and doing in any part of the world.
For example, we see what is happening with Rohingya refugees. An ethnic minority of Myanmar or Burma, that have faced religious prosecution for years by the Myanmar politics. In close connection with the media of this country of course. We see what is happening to Uyghurs, a muslim population in China, who have been put into re-education and labour camps in China. And we see genocide in the muslims of India as well.
Now as a matter of fact, these forms of hatred have been Intensified in the latest decade because of the Islamophobia that has been created by the CULTURAL IMPERIALISM of the Western Media. And that is a fact.
A western media that has taken every terrorist opportunity to link terrorism to Islam.
So, with the above points, I want to say that when we say politics we mean, politicians, media writers and the justice system. For these ideas of social power are so interlinked, that it is enough one of these ideals of social power to be corrupt to produce mass corruption of the human thinking and doing.
And with the above points, I also want to say that through as such examples, that a minority of right-minded people know what the Murdoch media and the right wing media, such as the BBC, do in the U.K. They know who is Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson and the LBC.
However, these people do not know of the evil of as such MEDIA MONOPOLIES, like the Guardian. That is the danger.
For the evil and danger and abuse of power of the Guardian is perceived in the minds and souls of the people as being good. And the consumption continues unbothered of consequences of as such thinking.
So they consume the Guardian, that pretends to represent the voices of the oppressed and minorities. When the oppressed and the minorities of this country, like myself, are rarely or never represented truly by the writings of the Guardian.
The writers of the Guardian mostly British hands or foreigners, who are raised and born with the British imperialist culture and are therefore purely British in their thinking and doing, do not represent us. The oppressed and foreigners who live in the U.K.
But they represent well their own monopolistic NEWS MEDIA agenda.
Writers of the Guardian promote the Queen and the royal family when they can. They say something in passing about the Palestinian question as if to throw dust in people's eyes. However, never demand justice for the murders of innocent people that are committed in Yemen, Palestine or Syria and elsewhere through direct involvement of British politics.
They say little or nothing about the housing crises in London. About the Ottoman Pashas, the councillors of London who have made luxurious salaries for themselves and left the poor of London out of accommodation. Councillors who abuse social power so openly and in a thuggish manner and get away with crimes against the oppressed of the London city. Yet the left and the Guardian say nothing about them!
And even when the Left wing press represent the facts, they do not demand people to stand up for their rights. And fight corruption. They simply say something with the force and reason of a smile. So in passing for the sake of publicity and fame for the Guardian.
Everything at the Guardian is clad in sarcasm and the happiness of the spirit. That comes from the money that these crocodiles or writers earn from the power of MEDIA MONOPOLIES. Such as the Guardian News Monopolies.
Somehow, the Guardian, that represents the left wing press in the U.K, keeps the British soul happy with an innocuous form of writing. A form of writing that does not demand justice but that loves the status quo and fans their corruption.
Hence as a matter of fact. the Guardian or the left wing press in the U.K is more dangerous. Because it does not represent the pain of the minorities and oppressed of this country. It does not represent truly the ideals of justice, fairness and equality that they pretend to represent.
And their writers are mostly people who how are culturized with a British imperialist culture of oppression, foreigners or British, and do not represent the pain of foreigners or of minorities at all.
The fact that a DREAMER created the Guardian almost centuries ago for fairness, justice and humanity should not be translated as an idea that a thousand wolves should enjoy his creativity for a thousand years.
Enough is enough, you murdering Nazis understand that hogging and monopolising any field of social power creates unbearable pain and therefore deep and profound corruption in SOCIETY. And in the latter sentence is the thinking and doing of the Guardian and the left wing press in the U.K. For they hunt for monopolies and corruption like mad dogs blinded by the feelings of greed and will for more social power.
Forgetting that in creating monopolies, one creates inequality. And in silencing people's voices through media monopolies, one creates, oppression. And therefore, corruption and injustice in society. And the latter ideas and facts are but reasons that clearly show why the left in the UK is even more dangerous than the ...
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"Evil power demands unstoppable activism" Dr ACactivism.
Wherever I turn my eyes there is a monopoly of something meeting the corner of the black hole of my eye.
There is a monopoly of the news media like the BBC or ITV or the Murdoch Media. That shuts down your voice, your eyes and your mind. For their power is depressing. It makes you feel weak, small and not worthy of existing in front of these underworld monster-like powers.
There is a monopoly of coffee shops like the coffeehouse company of Starbucks.
There is a monopoly of labour exploitation and acc....
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There is something so obvious that can be observed so easily in the News Monopolies of the U.K Media. For example, in the Guardian, the BBC, ITV, Murdoch Media, we see NEWS MONOPOLIES.And in these…...
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The Afghans once the friends of the US and the enemies of the Soviet Union, between 1979 and 1989, they turned into bitter foes of the US after the al-Qaida found shelter in Afghanistan. And the latter attacked U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
1983, Ronald Reagan meeting Afghan fighters that opposed the Soviet Union.
It all sounds like a dystopian novel. But that is how unjust politics led by greed and evil are essentially.
The Taliban were young students who in 1994 turned into fighting to defend their country for peace. And came out of mujahideen groups, that had the same religious teaching theory. And that were welcomed by Ronald Reagan in the White House a decade earlier.
Taliban armies now heavily armed with US arms.
Now the question is: "Where did the US-UK Imperialist Politics Fail in Afghanistan?"
From its very inception the war in Afghanistan was...
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Let me give you in this blog my own recent life example. A Philosopher entrapped by mean and vicious human beings, who many of them speak with such a passion for the good of society. Like Stephen Cowan. But behind the scenes do not even pick up their phones or ever try to reply to your emails. Even though they are the councillors of the council or other people whom we have entrusted to control social power.
I sent to Stephan Cowan emails and I called him in his office on 22nd February 2021. When I was evicted by Hammersmith Council in the street. He never ever replied
So as such people make you think: How comes that such assumed honourable people, some with social power in their hands. Like the people of London’s Local governments. And some without any power at all, except owning a house in London. How come that they discriminate so openly against the poor and the unemployed in the middle of a Pandemic and in the middle of London town?
On Twitter Stephen Cowan says: Constituent needing help? Please email [email protected] But to my emails and phone calls he never replied! So, isn’t this outright hypocrisy? Look at other screenshots at the end of this blog.
And despite this deep and horrible form of discrimination, still everything runs so smooth and everyone in this town thinks that this okay?
How can discrimination of any form be okay, anyways?
I still have in my mind a phrase of a London landlord who said “You don’t know me. How good that I am.”
And you may say, why did he say that? He said that in response to my statement that had expressed these ideas: – You are discriminating against me and other people in as such conditions by not allowing people, who receive universal credit, to rent your property.
So as I was trying, and as I still try because I have not found a place to live with tenancy rights in a year, to find a place to live with tenancy rights.
So, I found myself discriminated by the landlords of London in the housing market. And discriminated by the letting agencies, who many of them worked for local governments. Like Hammersmith and Fulham Council. Westminster Council. Kensington and Chelsea etc.
In as such conditions feelings of over depression and over anxiety. Lack of concentration, feeling numb from anti depressants and feeling down and like wanting to explode from headache. Or like wanting to explode from the feeling of discrimination and injustice. Feeling pain and despair deep in my human soul from political Oppression. These feelings were something that were unavoidable. And as common as the daily food. Coming every now and then to try and destroy your soul.
And here, it was the overwhelming load of stress that subconsciously would overcome me and still overcomes me at times. To a point where at times, I writhe for survival from over depression and over anxiety. Like a wounded man in war or a man in mental seizures.
The war and the seizures coming from open political discrimination against the oppressed and the poor of our city. 6 million people in Universal Credit due to the pandemic. Plenty of discrimination around. And a dead Silence by the Happy and well paid writers of the British Press…
Letting Agencies that discriminated against the unemployed worked with Hammersmith and Fulham Council and other London’s local governments.
Very Good. Do you really expect truth, justice and power to be held accountable by well paid writers and billionaire media? That is the same, like expecting the capitalists to not exploit their labourers. Because they are honourable capitalists.
And so hence, you may say, there is not need to make laws that hold the powerful accountable!
History, however, has spoken to us of bad deeds and bad facts about these honourable capitalists.
Nevertheless, let us be honest. Discrimination because you are poor and unemployed is called Political Oppression of the worst kind. For it takes out of you a basic human right that enables one to live in dignity in a civilised society.
Man is a maker, a doer and a thinker. But in a civilised society there are rules that restrict your human power almost in its maximum. For in a civilised society one cannot just go in a forest or open field, that is in the wild. And in there to set up his own shelter with a roof above his head to defend himself from cold and freezing weather.
So, I want to say that in a civilised society things are not like it was in the far past.
Therefore, in civilised society everything is regulated by society or more exactly by our leaders who are entrusted to defend the rights of everyone in our society.
Hence, in society, one needs permission by people who control our social power in order to unleash his or her power as a doer, maker and thinker.
Thus now, I ask, you leaders of our society, who regulate everything and are entrusted to defend our rights. Why don’t you gives us a permission to live in dignity in a civilised society?
Why don’t you defend my rights or the rights of the very poor and the very oppressed? And engrave these rights into a law? So, WE can have shelter and a roof above our heads. So we do not despair and die badly in pain, there in the street under hail and rain and cold and frost and discriminated because we are unemployed or poor?
SO WE ARE ALLOWED TO RENT A PROPERTY and live in dignity. And no one dares to discriminate against us because we are unemployed or poor. So?
Are you telling me that now to be poor and oppressed has become a shame?
Hence, a political body that on purpose does not regulate or make FAIR by laws the housing market curses the oppressed to despair and death in a civilised society. And on purpose creates a form of cruel oppression. And on purpose discriminates against you as a poor and unemployed being. A being that is part of the reserve army of labour of Das Capital.
What is the purpose of not regulating or not making fair the housing market with laws?
Why is there such a big hesitancy to make discrimination against the poor and the unemployed illegal? you may ask.
The purpose is easy understood by a simple logic. And this purpose as ever supports the strongest and oppresses the weak in our society. This is clear as day political corruption and political oppression. A form of thinking that has its roots at the gestation of the capitalist thinking in the U.K.
Thus because there is no one protesting and screaming up there for the political world to hear our pain. Thus, because of this ignominious silence, we see the politicians of today turn a blind eye. There, where pain screams to heaven for justice and basic human rights.
And thus because of the same silence, our leaders or politicians allow discrimination against the poor and the unemployed to continue. Say that it is okay!
Now first of all let us understand the idea of discrimination here. And how does it happen.
The majority or say 99% of letting agencies and landlords of London in the past used to say, No DSS. This form of discrimination I have lived every time that I was unemployed in London.
However, what I didn’t know so far, it was the innermost feelings and workings of the London’s Local governments.
And unfortunately, these innermost feelings of the body politic of the London’s local governments showed that letting agencies, who discriminated against the poor and the unemployed, were working for London local GOVERNMENTS as well. And making Millions out of this open discrimination.
A hotel where I was staying. And that was working with Hammersmith council and other london’s local governments. This hotel made £43,000 per month from people, like myself, who couldn’t find shelter because of discrimination in the London’s housing market.
This hotel was triple paid for places that were equal to animal stables. Small, dirty and unliveable.
So, do these facts speak to you of corruption and injustice or of justice and fairness in our London Town? Just think. Because I know what this means.
The past of Britain.
Now in the recent years, this “No DSS” phrase had become as stale and dry and humiliating as a phrase as it was the old and famous phrase of the past racist Britain. Racist Britain that rumbled wildly in the past by saying: No Irish, no blacks and no dogs.”
So after years of hard work this phrase finally lost in a court of law. And no DSS disappeared. But did discrimination disappear though?
“In a landmark ruling handed down at York County Court,” wrote Shelter England in July 2020, “housing benefit discrimination has been judged unlawful and in breach of the Equality Act. This is a huge breakthrough for the charity’s End DSS Discrimination campaign.
Unfortunately discrimination did not disappear because of this big win in a court of law. Instead, discrimination against the poor and the unemployed turned out and became more subtle and less perceptible.
So letting agencies across the internet world, like SpareRoom, Gumtree, etc., invented a new phrase. A praise that was engraved shamelessly below their discriminatory housing ads saying: “Landlord’s mortgage/insurance prohibits renting to Housing Benefit recipients.”
That means now discrimination was not because of the letting agencies nor because of the landlords of London. Rather now this happened because of the Landlord’s mortgage or insurance!
Jesus Christ support me from the thinking of those who want to make money by discriminating against the most oppressed part of this society – the unemployed or people in benefits. Who are looking for work to serve to our society with dignity.
Now these letting agencies are so thick that they didn’t comprehend that this form of discrimination was not different from the former. Nor did they seem to have thought that this form of discrimination looked even worse than that old and stale phrase printed across the internet – NO DSS.
For now, according to this new reason for discrimination, we see that discrimination was created and made by mortgage companies. That are banks and powerful corporations etc.
Now, as of 10 April 2021, after I raised my voice of this form of discrimination. This form of discrimination seemingly has disappeared.. That means, letting agencies are not writing this phrase anymore.
So the level of discrimination has become even more subtle. And thus, when you contact letting agencies and private landlords they simply reply to you saying that, they do not accept housing benefit.
That means from expressing discrimination open in writing for decades. Now letting agencies and landlords of London and of the U.K have changed the tactic of discriminating against the poor. That is, they do not want to be watched with hard facts in their hands. Like writing it all out, No DSS or … like writing, “Landlord’s mortgage/insurance prohibits renting to Housing Benefit recipients.”
Now things have changed and discrimination has turned openly towards the poor and unemployed.
Hence, now, they say it out to you on the phone or privately in your message when they learn that you are unemployed. They say to you the same thing that they have said for decades in row. We do not accept unemployed people to rent our properties.
So it does not matter whether it says “No DSS or … “Landlord’s mortgage/insurance prohibits renting to Housing Benefit recipients.” This is
shameful and disgraceful. And outright discrimination against the poor and the unemployed.
Hence, I think that it is high time that our basic human right of living in dignity in society is engraved in a new law. Let the assumed honourable, good and just of this society, who own properties and run letting agencies, that discrimination against the unemployed or the poor is morally unjust, and therefor unlawful and illegal.
That’s what I call justice and reason – that which is reasonably and morally just and good for our society.
And you, who do not allow us as unemployed members of this society to rent a property in this society just because we are unemployed. This is morally corrupt. Totally unjust. With no footing of any form of balanced thinking at all. And hence outrightly unfair and….
"Down with MEDIA MONOPOLIES, Political Injustices and Daily Corruption."
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