A few days ago LBC, Evening Standard, the Sun, the Daily Mail and almost the entire U.K Media monopolies called a gesture of great humanity, selfish. While a badly selfish action of an angry school-run mum, like they called her, great!
Somehow, these New Nazi writers of the U.K Media Monopolies by putting the idea of selfishness onto wrong sides, they turn mud into water. And they paint a good action as evil and evil action as good.
Can a Media of a time be any worse? Nietzsche would have called the today U.K Media monopolies a laughing stock that has the power to turn MUD into Water. A clown-like media that needs to be destroyed and replaced with a FAIR, RIGHT, JUST, HONEST and HUMANIST MEDIA.
Let us do some simple analysis here. If the kid of this selfish, ugly in her soul, school-run mum grows in a destroyed planet, then what life has she? The life of a kid that lives up to her or his death under the influence of an imperialist education that brainwashes them continually until they give up their souls?
“Insulate Britain” had blocked the roads. A thing which was democratically, peacefully, fairly and rightly done for a good cause and change. That is, for the better of all us – British and foreign people. The activists sacrificing their time, lives and even going to prison for a better humanity and better future.
Now, an angry woman had been complaining that her kid lost a day at school! Somehow her kid lost a day of brainwashing. And the UK Media monopolies instead of glorifying the activists who suffer, like Jesus Christ on the cross, for the good of all us. They instead glorified and magnified a selfish mum! While calling selfish a great human action!
I want to say that we can go nowhere with this kind of selfishness. You are upset because your kids have not been brainwashed today. When you should be happy. You are upset for a delay at work and so have reduced your time of exploitation. You are upset because you didn’t earn much today because there was a road block and so on.
And you have a media that brainwashes you daily by calling what is GOOD, bad, and what is BAD, good!
Let me say this that we are nowhere doing good and right things with this kind of philosophy.
So then we need some fairness, goodness, honesty and justice on the table of thinking and doing.
Thus I think that the murder of the MP, David Amess, should be there as a WAKE UP call for good work.
For no one is secure in an evil and corrupt world. For as such world will metamorphose daily one of us into a criminal and do bad and evil to our world.
My above philosophy can be read daily in our media where the name of a criminal is quickly replaced by the name of another criminal. A world where criminals have been and still are in surplus. Like the surplus value and money power of the exploiters of the hyper capitalism of today.
Exploiters that basically in close work with politicians and media monopolies, that keep brainwashing the people and defend the capitalists, create the criminals.
So let us begin to think of some change. Let us do good deeds and truly so. Not hypocritically so like the selfish evil UK Media monopolies and our British New Nazi politicians think and do.
How can we do good? you ask.
So let us start from within. Start the humanist work from within yourself. Do some good to your inner self first by learning of a humanist thinking and human ideals. Do your humanist research first and become a…
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