As a matter of fact, police DUTY Negligence and High Corruption of Met Police Double Murdered Sara Everard. Cressida Dick needs to resign and ASAP so. Dr ACactivism explains based on Personal Experience

When I was assaulted by a group of thugs working for the Met Police on 09 May 2020 at 23:00 in the evening.

I made a complaint in the next day against the police on 10th May 2020.

However, my complained had been delayed in investigation with a very important reason. That was to wait until the body Worn Video Footage was deleted on 16/06/2020.

Thus a Met police officer, who was abusive to my consciousness and one-sided favouring his organisation, contacted me almost a year later, on 7th May 2021, and said;

“Although this complaint was made by yourself the next day, it was originally handed to Central West Professional Standards Unit, as the interaction had occurred within their Basic Command Unit. They conducted some checks and found the officers were from West Area Basic Command Unit and contacted West Area Professional Standards to investigate on 18/06/2020.”

What does this investigative thinking mean based on the above  facts? Purposeful negligence and corruption of the highest level as a matter of fact, of course. And the conclusion is inferred from truth to reason here, plainly and rightly so.

The officer went on saying in the investigation: “This was allocated to me and I made contact with you via email on 19/06/2020. Once I had established which officers were present at the time I conducted a check of all of the officers Body Worn Video footage and unfortunately could find none had been retained. BWV footage once uploaded will be retained on the system for approximately one month. If an officer deems it necessary for evidential reasons, they can keep the footage for a longer period of time. I can see that any footage captured by these officers was scheduled for automatic deletion on 16/06/2020.”

We see that the officer had waited until facts were destroyed in order to investigate the case. And it is from this fact where I get my idea of “High Corruption.”

For what is more corrupt than destroying the facts or waiting for the facts to be destroyed?

Now to come to Sara Everard question.

How did the Met Police Double murder Sara Everard?

Let us have a look at the facts.

It is reported that a McDonald’s worker was flashed by Wayne Couzens  at the McDonald’s drive-thru.  

And the McDonald’s staff members handed the CCTV of Wayne Couzens to the police three days before Sarah Everard’s murder.

Also it is reported that police officers knew the name of Wayne Couzens, but they failed to identify Wayne Couzens as being one of their officers.

This is the crucial question: Did Met Police Members do what they showed to do in my evidence above, that is side with their officer and not take actions?

Or they truly and honestly failed to identify Wayne Couzens as one of their officers  until after the tragedy?

With all the data and extensive information, that Met Police have in their hands at the their fingertips, made possible through technology and the power of laws that give them endless rights to control the information of people. How could they have failed to identify Wayne Cousens as one of their officers?

So it is ridiculous to think that MET POLICE failed to identify Wayne Couzens as one of their officers.

The facts and reason shows here but POLICE DUTY NEGLIGENCE. Facts show here Met Police members siding with their police officer. Because he was one of them, reluctant to act. And reluctant to be fair and right. Showing deep and high corruption that claimed the life of a human being by one of their POLICE OFFICERS.  

Like they show in case of political murders committed by British politicians. Where facts speak loudly. And police duty negligence speaks openly in the U.K as well in regards to what I said.

So, Met Police members have blood in their hands for not arresting Wayne Couzens from the allegations that were made against him. And further Met Police members have unwittingly have supported the murder of Sara Everard by neglecting their power to act on time.

And from the above facts we see that MET POLICE MEMBERS did not act on time because WAYNE COUZENS was  part of the same organisation – MET POLICE.

So another question here arises and asks:   “ Should Cressida Dick Resign?”

Cressida Dick should resign and as soon as possible so. Thus to leave the place to a fresh thinking leader that places fairness and a philosophy of right in the highly corrupt organisation of the Met Police. And bring radical change in the organisation.

For as a matter of fact, it was police duty negligence and high Corruption from  Met Police members that double murdered Sara Everard. And hence Cressida Dick needs to resign and ASAP so.

And if Cressida Dick does not reign, she should be….

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