The death of Alexei Navalny hurts deep in the hearts and minds of any human who still has alive the flame of human decency and human dignity. Why you ask?
It hurts because his death was...
The death of Alexei Navalny hurts deep in the hearts and minds of any human who still has alive the flame of human decency and human dignity. Why you ask?
It hurts because his death was...
Words have a meaning through which we express our ideas and feelings. And the meaning of words can be for good and for evil.
But what when you work with as such words, that we use to express the most evil ideas, to hurt a group of people, nation, race or humanity on purpose?
To use words, that we use to describe an evil action, for example, to portray and describe a nation and a people or their actions in reporting when they are defending themselves or are attacked means to use the language of Nazis and fascists de facto.
That is, to pass evil for good and good for evil. And obviously to create hate and hate speech purposefully. And the latter facts mean that we have to do with a dystopian western monopolistic media that belongs to death and destruction and hate. That it preaches and defends.
So in this blog I will prove that The New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and BBC have all created HATE or hate speech to dehumanise Palestinian People. And Humanise Murdering Israeli Politics.
As a matter of fact this is done to justify the support of western imperialist politics to criminal oppressive New Nazi Israeli politics. My reason is a conclusive equation. From truth to logic.
Data scientists, Dana Najjar and Jan Lietava, wrote in a study about the BBC that “we analyzed a...
As a matter of fact, the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam is a man-made tragedy that could have been avoided and should have been avoided by the politics and politicians of our time at all costs and by different political means.
[caption id="attachment_6881" align="alignnone" width="394"] Satellite images of Nova Kakhovka dam before the blow up[/caption]
Yet, what we have seen is a tragedy created by those that we have entrusted to care of the political matters of our time. That is, today politics and today politicians that have failed the world. And today corporate media, that is not and has not yet pointed the finger towards those that we have entrusted with our political matters.
[caption id="attachment_6880" align="alignnone" width="600"] Satellite images of the moment when Nova Kakhovka dam was blown up[/caption]
Thus we see tragedy after tragedy, but no political responsibility.
The makers of today tragedies are first of all today manipulative...
When a philosopher, like Dr ACactivism, speaks about people, he thinks of the character of certain people. Their values and their ideas.
Are they honest characters or mean and hypocritical? He asks. And then questions their thinking and doing.
Philip Schofield is...
According to the Guardian "Jeremy Paxman started his career in 1972 on the BBC’s graduate trainee programme."
So he has been for 51 years working for an imperialist media system that swallows entire nations and cultures through its influence and oppressive and controlling media system.
But can anyone conceptualise what it means to work for 51 years for such a powerful monopolistic and imperialist media organisation?
There are many thinking people, for example, who do not live for 51 years. George Orwell, one of the biggest thinkers of all times, died at the age of 46.
I am turning 36 in a few days and still for over 13 years I demand my right to be heard at BBC and in the U.K media monopolies. And for 13 years in row this right is being denied, oppressed and assassinated easily by these crocodile-like and vicious and ugly monstrous souls of the U.K Imperialist Media Monopolies.
Here is the answer to this vicious U.K Media circle. They begin their careers in the same way like Jeremy Paxman with a trainee programme. Then grovel like worms for social power and at the end, they metamorphose into vicious crocodiles through media power.
As such are the souls of these monstrous creatures in the U.K Media that only disease or death makes them understand that they have to give up media power. And let others be heard and participate through this media that was created before them. And that still lives with a meaning to inform people not oppress thinking humanity. And thus control people.
Britain is plenty of talents and people who have ideas. Yet, these U.K media dictators are ruling and controlling the souls of this nation in the same way that 12lve century religious bigots did in this country and elsewhere in Europe or world.
The answer of the above question is understood in the understanding of dictator's thinking and doing.
For example, the biggest evil of all dictators is their oppression of human freedoms and basic human rights. Like the oppression of a human right that gives to the thinking people the...
Different sources estimate the King’s coronation to cost millions of pounds. And sadly, the money will be paid all by taxpayers.
To see a King's Coronation at a time of the cost-of-living crisis. Where millions of people are estimated to live in poverty even in the U.K. To see a King's Coronation at a time when rents and food and living standards in general have risen beyond what is imaginable. I mean it looks more than improper to see a pompous fiesta take place at this time, right?
And we know that all this pomp and fiesta could have been avoided. Yet we also know that historical facts, that is the pain of the time in general, show all of this to be for the sake of hypocrisy and greed that has sprung from the dark hearts of the the rich and the wealthy upper classes. That desecrate all what is human simply because they can. For they seat at the top of this society.
A fiesta for a mad king and a laugh from the upper classes costing millions of pounds at a time when millions are living in poverty! isn't this a pity?
What is wrong with the U.K? Isn't this utter madness, my British brethren?
Yet we see that this madness is at the core of this culture. And as a fact, it is at the centre of the attention of the today British upper classes for a reason.
And the reason is simple. Promote those at the...
“Why Russia's Ukraine aggression matters to Americans” wrote the CNN on January 2022. A headline that was intended to scapegoat a nation and a people and turn them into our enemy.
The BBC and the Guardian have not been any different. The latter, like CNN, see hatred as a new form of...
I ask, “Can it be fair or right or just or justifiable in any way possible being a Member of the Parliament and doing paid work for an assumed FAIR MEDIA as a writer and…...
In this blog, I will speak about a U.K government study in the housing market called, Housing prices in London – an economic analysis of London’s housing market. A document written by Joel Marsden who…...
Did he lead a revolution where people participated into politics and brought change?
Did Andrew Marr preach fairness and social justice?
Did he bring any form of social change? Like demanding the end to the control of information by a few media monopolies, or an end into the unfairness of today economy or a change in laws that turn the "status quo" upside down?
Nothing of that kind did he do. Rather he ruled like a DICTATOR. A proper twisted MONSTER with no love for what is FAIR and what is HUMAN. Imposing his ideas and the ideas of his class by the force of the MEDIA MONOPOLIES into British and EU people.
Have you ever opened Twitter and seen, hashtag #Marr or #marrshow? And do you know what that means?
That means scientific socialism. From fact to Reason. People have been watching the News Monopolies of the BBC and hence, they express the ideas of the BBC on Twitter. A crystal-clear fact of mind-controlling people.
At the end, Andrew Marr, this twisted monster and dictator, cannot be deemed to have done any form of change for good.,
For how can you do that when you dream like a worm to metamorphose into a crocodile for all your life?
And when finally, the metamorphosis happens through MEDIA MONOPOLIES, then you rule over media like a dictator?
Inviting at the BBC and MEDIA MONOPOLIES only those who think like they think - Underworld monsters.
My existential fact that I keep opposing and creating. And I continue to be oppressed in the middle of London shows the dark GREED of the Andrew Marr-like underworld monsters.
It is clear as day the philosophy that I express here. And that says that to think like a revolutionary being and bring change goes against the spirit of the political system of the time.
And that is logical. For example, How can you work for Tony Hall, when he was the director-general and used BBC to scapegoat an entire religion, and still be against Tony?
You need to be a PROPER worm to praise those above you and lick their boots in order to work for them. Look at Rianna Croxford how she licks boots and follows on the footsteps of the crocodile Andrew Marr.
That is literally the IDEA where a wormish being metamorphoses his or her larva into a full-blown crocodile through the reputation, authority and fame of the century-long swallowing MEDIA MONOPOLIES.
And now after a successful career as a Crocodile at the BBC, it is a pity to see that Andrew Marr is still not able to go independent. But still grovel and think to exchange the studios of the media monopolies instead of going out of them crying.
In short, Andrew Marr still thinks to Give more power to the power of the media monopolies for which he should scream against. And tell to the world that "the control of INFORMATION in the forms of news or media monopolies should stop once and forever."
Anyways, we see what we see, Andrew Marr has his eyes covered by GREED for more social power. A Worm that has turned into a Crocodile through the power of MEDIA MONOPOLIES. And now, like all dictators, who lose touch with what is human and who all have been once GOOD GUYS, now Andrew Marr is metamorphosed into Underworld Monster.
And it is his actions that show that. Like his action of leaving the oppressive BBC, that has stifled independent thinking for decades controlling information with 15th century religious fanaticism, for the RACIST Radio of the LBC, that has been the epicentre of Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins,.
So, this underworld monster, Andrew Marr, is exchanging the studios of MEDIA Monopolies. He is not going independent. For they cannot ever think of being independent WRITERS. For they have always thought to metamorphose into crocodiles and monsters.
Andrew Marr and his cronies cannot think to support FAIRNESS and Social Justice through clean hands. Like by disassociating themselves from media monopolies.
His close pal, Andrew Neil, he tried to go out of the MEDIA MONOPOLIES.
Thus it came to pass that Andrew Neil got lost after that. His insatiable greed made him follow higher MONEY INTEREST above what is HUMAN. And he came back crying from the GB News after he swallowed in his monster-like tummy hundreds of thousands of pounds. While hating and abusing the most oppressed classes of today.
This is ladies and gentlemen, the underworld monster that you follow, listen and tweet and idolise on twitter and elsewhere.
At the end, when you become a social monster and dictator is hard to become a saint again, isn’t it? For once a DARK DICTATOR means forever a dark dictator.
There is not only one idea, one fact or one blog that show that Katherine Viner and the today leadership of the Guardian have pushed the only left wing newspaper in the U.K called, The…...
It suits to Huw Edwards to defend slave owners. It suits to his imperialist, new Nazi character to defend the evil of the past British imperialism.
Because he is a slave master himself. An abuser of social power,. And part of a TV that will go down in history as a New Nazi Imperialist TV - the BBC NEWS MONOPOLIES.
Huw Edward is part of the news monopolies of the BBC. The BBC has used its power to inspire China and India in the last decade to murder their own Muslims people.
By linking Islam to terrorism, they, the BBC and others of course, perfectly made the job of the Nazi Media that linked Jews to all German political problems of 1930s.
Huw Edwards wrote on twitter; "As a journalist I feel uneasy about this element of 'censoring' history. Should not Picton remain on display as a reminder to Wales of an aspect of its past - no matter how disgraceful?"
It makes sense that he feels “uneasy” about the silence of the slave owners. Because he likes them on display to be portrayed as heroes and be the example and inspiration of the new generations.
In a manner and way, HUW EDWARDS seems to want SLAVE OWNERS to be on DISPLAY. Like, for example, the new NAZI journalists of the BBC and of the U.K MEDIA monopolies that are on display on Media monopolies daily brainwashing and controlling. A media that for over 10 years continues to shut down my voice and the voices of my GENERATION through the authority and power of U.K Media monopolies.
So these oppressors and abusers of power and slave masters are the example and leading thought of our time.
So it suits to this oppressor, new nazi journalist and abuser of power to defend other oppressors and abusers of power.
For at the end, slave masters defend slave masters. Why shouldn’t you defend people of your oppressive class, whether it is of the past or of the current, anyways?
As a journalist I feel uneasy about this element of 'censoring' history. Should not Picton remain on display as a reminder to Wales of an aspect of its past - no matter how disgraceful?
What do you think about my existential TRUTH? I, Dr ACactivism, a foreign voice living in a foreign land called, U.K. And unstoppably fighting the daily corruption of this land and of the upper classes…...
"Evil power demands unstoppable activism" Dr ACactivism.
Wherever I turn my eyes there is a monopoly of something meeting the corner of the black hole of my eye.
There is a monopoly of the news media like the BBC or ITV or the Murdoch Media. That shuts down your voice, your eyes and your mind. For their power is depressing. It makes you feel weak, small and not worthy of existing in front of these underworld monster-like powers.
There is a monopoly of coffee shops like the coffeehouse company of Starbucks.
There is a monopoly of labour exploitation and acc....
In one online video before the shooting, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had said that he was socially isolated and struggled to meet women.
It has always been and it always be this way: Women play the biggest part in men’s lives after the food on the table. Women give both a meaning to men’s lives and to their sexual desire, that is the feeling and power of human creation,. A feeling from where these sick controlling maniac-like new nazis of the British media also come from.
This form of thinking, that Jake Davison expressed, shows the psychology of Jake Davison hours, days and even months before shooting. He was isolated and....
Evil is the meaning of this social worm called, UK MEDIA Monopolies’ journalist. A form of wormish being that grovels for media power in order to become a crocodile. That is, use information to control…
People wake up! Stop Thug-Life! Young people are dying. Hey! For goodness’ sake, let’s say all together down with this thug-life philosophy of the big radios like the BBC Radio One and BBC Radio…...
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