Huw Edwards of the BBC openly Supports Slave Owners. Of course, it suits the defence of SLAVE OWNERS to this Slave Master and New Nazi Journalist who has used the BBC’s News Monopolies to enslave Human Minds and Abuse Power

It suits to Huw Edwards to defend slave owners. It suits to his imperialist, new Nazi character to defend the evil of the past British imperialism.

Why does it suit to Huw Edwards to defend slave owners? you ask.

Because he is a slave master himself. An abuser of social power,. And part of a TV that will go down in history as a New Nazi Imperialist TV – the BBC NEWS MONOPOLIES.

Huw Edward is part of the news monopolies of the BBC. The BBC has used its power to inspire China and India in the last decade to murder their own Muslims people.

By linking Islam to terrorism, they, the BBC and others of course, perfectly made the job of the Nazi Media that linked Jews to all German political problems of 1930s.  

Huw Edwards wrote on twitter; “As a journalist I feel uneasy about this element of ‘censoring’ history. Should not Picton remain on display as a reminder to Wales of an aspect of its past – no matter how disgraceful?”

It makes sense that he feels “uneasy” about the silence of the slave owners. Because he likes them on display to be portrayed as heroes and be the example and inspiration of the new generations.

In a manner and way, HUW EDWARDS seems to want SLAVE OWNERS to be on DISPLAY. Like, for example, the new NAZI journalists of the BBC and of the U.K MEDIA monopolies that are on display on Media monopolies daily brainwashing and controlling. A media that for over 10 years continues to shut down my voice and the voices of my GENERATION through the authority and power of U.K Media monopolies.

So these oppressors and abusers of power and slave masters are the example and leading thought of our time.

So it suits to this oppressor, new nazi journalist and abuser of power to defend other oppressors and abusers of power.

For at the end, slave masters defend slave masters. Why shouldn’t you defend people of your oppressive class, whether it is of the past or of the current, anyways?

Huw Edwards


As a journalist I feel uneasy about this element of ‘censoring’ history. Should not Picton remain on display as a reminder to Wales of an aspect of its past – no matter how disgraceful?



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