Posts tagged Breaking News

You Watch, You Read, You Support HATE! Studies Show The New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and BBC all created HATE to dehumanise Palestinian People and Humanise Murdering Israeli Politics – Time for An Independent Organisation to Hold Media Monopolies to Account

Words have a meaning through which we express our ideas and feelings. And the meaning of words can be for good and for evil.

But what when you work with as such words, that we use to express the most evil ideas, to hurt a group of people, nation, race or humanity on purpose?

To use words, that we use to describe an evil action, for example, to portray and describe a nation and a people or their actions in reporting when they are defending themselves or are attacked means to use the language of Nazis and fascists de facto.

That is, to pass evil for good and good for evil. And obviously to create hate and hate speech purposefully. And the latter facts mean that we have to do with a dystopian western monopolistic media that belongs to death and destruction and hate. That it preaches and defends.

So in this blog I will prove that The New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and BBC have all created HATE or hate speech to dehumanise Palestinian People. And Humanise Murdering Israeli Politics.

Why do the media monopolies create HATE?

 As a matter of fact this is done to justify the support of western imperialist politics to criminal oppressive New Nazi Israeli politics. My reason is a conclusive equation. From truth to logic.

Where is the facts?

Data scientists, Dana Najjar and Jan Lietava, wrote in a study about the BBC that “we analyzed a...

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The Idea of People is different from the Idea of Politics – Stop the Imperialist Media Hate and their Daily Hate Speeches and Hate Writings and distinguish between People and Politics – Dr ACactivism Explains this Philosophy

It is a pity to state the truth and say that we have seen historically and still see the intellectual mainstream media, that is led by greed for money and power and will for hatred,…...

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Mason Greenwood Avoided Rape Charges because he was a Rich Manchester United Player. Harriet Robson, his girlfriend, and their Family Members are Guilty for Evading Justice – Laws should be changed and Justice Done Better.

The first Question is: "Was Mason Greenwood guilty? And is Harriet Robson also guilty of intentional provocation? Which obviously is neither regulated nor punished by law. But I as a philosopher see in it a vital point for regulation and punishment by law.

 And further, are the family members of Harriet Robson guilty for convincing her to drop her report to the police? Are our laws also just wrong for not giving the right to police to continue investigation and trial based on the evidence that they have at hand?

In this blog, I intend to address, explain and reason about all the above questions.

To begin with, from the audio recording, I find both Mason Greenwood guilty of ....

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Mizzy Must Report to Police the Intellectual Thugs of Talk TV, Andre Walker and Piers Morgan, and Talk TV for Bullying, for Encouraging Violence and Abuse towards Mizzy

The Intellectual Thugs of Talk TV should not use their TV power and fame to offend and threaten with violence a Young Creator, should they?

Talk TV presenters, however, did so and they should be prosecuted for that. I, Dr  ACactivism, will explain the why and the facts in this blog.

To begin with, many of us saw that Andre Walker of Talk TV screamed and shouted and offended and threatened Mizzy on Talk TV. And he Got as angry as a hot metal towards Mizzy, a young and talented creator that comes from a very poor and rough area of London.

However, many keen viewers also saw that Andre Walker shot himself on the leg by saying that once a couple of people entered Andre Walker’s house by mistake. Thing which showed that as such mistakes happen.

So why do you try to portray Mizzy as a criminal, when he is a prankster with a message, eh? Maybe because you are an inner racist?

“I remember one time,” Andre Walker said, “I used to smoke cigars in my house, I left the door open and a couple of guys walked in. And thought it was a house party.
They got the wrong address.”

That meant that Mizzy’s prank was not as bad as they described it, then, right?
So, it was but pure hypocrisy to...

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Why Nova Kakhovka Tragedy is a Sing of unimaginable Human Greed and Bad Ego that asks Humanity to Wake Up and Stand up for a Better World


As a matter of fact, the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam is a man-made tragedy that could have been avoided and should have been avoided by the politics and politicians of our time at all costs and by different political means.

[caption id="attachment_6881" align="alignnone" width="394"] Satellite images of Nova Kakhovka dam before the blow up[/caption]

Yet, what we have seen is a tragedy created by those that we have entrusted to care of the political matters of our time. That is, today politics and today politicians that have failed the world. And today corporate media, that is not and has not yet pointed the finger towards those that we have entrusted with our political matters. 

[caption id="attachment_6880" align="alignnone" width="600"] Satellite images of the moment when Nova Kakhovka dam was blown up[/caption]

Thus we see tragedy after tragedy, but no political responsibility. 

But who are the makers of today tragedies? you ask

The makers of today tragedies are first of all today manipulative...

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Western Sanctions have strengthened the Russian Rouble against both the Euro and the Dollar. – Friends: our Western Leaders are but a Painful Embarrassment that make you sick in the Stomach – Read Why

Our western leaders have been telling us for months that they will hurt or punish the dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin, with sanctions. Selling us, “their sanctions” as the best ideas since sliced bread. Before…...

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Why Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, is the New Che Guevara of Europe that Stands for the highest HUMAN IDEALS? – Free Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine! 

Che Guevara is known for his desire to liberate the oppressed against imperialism. His desire to stand with the weakest and fight with a pen and rifle against the strongest. And his willingness and resolve…...

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Facts show that Justin Trudeau, a New Caligula, has metamorphosed into a Tyrant that brutally oppresses Peaceful Canadians. Dr ACactivism explains the politics of this great loser

Whenever people rise and demand their rights on the table, it is then and there that politicians show their true colors.


The Canadian police stepping on peaceful protestors with their horses like brutes.

In recent years, for example, we have seen protestors brutally being oppressed in Paris, in Amsterdam, in London, New Zealand, Australia, U.S.A and recently in Canada.

What does this all mean to a political system or to the politics of the day?

As a matter of fact a political system that tr....

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27 Immigrants have drowned crossing the English Channel near Calais. Western Imperialism, Boris Johnson and the cruel Emmanuel Macron are to be blamed

It is the sad news of the day, where we hear again and again that other immigrants and more immigrants have lost their lives for a better life and a better future.

My heart breaks and tears flow as natural as our existence. Why can we not do something for better? I ask.

So again we hear that on 24 11 2021, 27 immigrants have drowned while crossing the English Channel.

Now you ask, who are those who responsible for the murder of these immigrants?

Let me tell you that this is not a natural tragedy but a man-made tragedy. A tragedy made by European imperialism that creates divisions, wars and that unjustly controls the economy of the world.

Never forget, that economical oppression towards other nations, that is created across the world through the accumulation of wealth in our western world through our western global companies, means more wealth for us and more poverty for others.  

Life is hard to be lived in utter misery and utter oppression. And this blame goes out to people like the hypocrites and cruel politicians of Europe, like Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron.

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron, they are the first ones to...

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The British Nationality and Borders Act 2021 is equal to the Nazi Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. Dr ACactivism explains

In this critic of the Nationality and Borders Act 2021, as the writers of this law want it to be called, I intend to focus my critical thought on the essential content of this law. A law, where we will see through facts and reason how evil that it is.  A law that does abuse human dignity through an abusive and oppressive thinking. A law that metamorphoses Great Britain into a New Nazi Britain. And that furthermore, it tries to confuse the reader through a very bad structure of writing. Instead of being clear and obvious in their ideas.

So, let us begin expressing and analysing the content of the Nationality and Borders Act 2021.

Power to the Secretary of State and to Courts to be above the Law.

The Nationality and Borders Act 2021’s essential thinking does not only abuse human rights but also it gives super powers to courts, to authorities and to the Secretary of State. And it makes these powers above the law. That is, this LAW allows people of authority to be above the law itself. Instead of writing a crystal clear law where people of authority can obey to the ideas of the law in itself.

For example, at page 56, the writers of this law give super powers to the Secretary of State to change the current laws of immigration. And do whatever he desires with the immigration laws. So putting the Secretary of State above and beyond the law itself by saying:

 “The Secretary of State may by regulations make such amendments and modifications of....

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Humanist Thinking Begins with Love for Truth and Tolerance – Dr ACactivism Explains Why

What kind of education on earth would teach “Lies” and manipulative thinking? You may say Machiavelli philosophy would teach murder for personal benefit. You would say that Hitler would teach death for political power. And…...

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Intentional Murder of Another Human Being is Unforgivable – Why Whoever takes the life of another Human Being, Be it a POLITICIAN ordering Soldiers to murder in Middle East or a Common Thug killing in the U.K, Deserves Life in Prison? Dr ACactivism Explains

I am against any form of death penalty. Why? you ask.

Because one who takes the life of another human being, that is already restrained, isolated from others and not a danger to anyone, commits intentional murder.

And that is pure logical thinking. And that is what all nations, that have death penalty in their laws, are doing. That is intentional murder.

In our time, however, HUMAN LIFE has become so cheap. For example, western politicians order their soldiers to open fire in Middle East and elsewhere, murder Innocent People and turn dozens and hundreds of people into ASHES in a premeditated manner. And no one cares!

There is no COURT HEARINGS back at home. No repercussions for them. No punishment for the crimes of western politicians and their enablers - WESTERN MEDIA MONOPOLIES.

So while politicians commit premeditated murder for MONEY or High Economical Interests. At the bottom, they satisfy their feelings of Greed and jealousy that they have for other nations. Common thugs also commit murder for the satisfaction of the same feelings. That is greed of some form or jealousy of some form.

So whether it is murder committed by Today Politicians or Murder committed by Common Thugs the question is “Are we able to educate humans before they come to this low grade of thought and commit intentional murder?”

Therefore, the efforts of education must be put all into making HUMAN BEINGS aware of the importance of the uniqueness of the human life.

But at times and places where and when this effort is lost or bypassed, then there should come into existence a different way of thinking to save the importance of the uniqueness of the human life.

Well what about those who show to have regretted their actions and change? you ask.

The problem is that the feeling and idea of "regret" remains unpredictable. For Einstein put it rightly when he said that "man is cunning." Somewhere at his book, Ideas and Opinions. But also man is honest. By the idea of "Man" here I mean, a human of any gender.

So when one commits intentional murder is hard to know whether one is cunning or honest in his or her feelings.

For one here may ask: What about a Being, to not call him a human, that commits intentional murder and that is out of Prison a decade or two decades later?

Is he or she repented? Do they really regret of what they have done?

 And what if they pretend to repent and regret of what they have done, like many others?

So, the intentional Murder of another human being is the biggest evil on earth, be it the intentional murder of a young child, grown being, or old person.

One cannot take the life of another being that nature endowed with all the existential rights of the human existence on earth. From consciousness to action.

Hence, I am all for the education of the human beings on the importance of the human lives. And I am as well against the death penalty.

But the ones who bypass human values, human education and commit murder, be it Politicians or Common Thugs, deserve life in prison.

For intentional Murder of Another Human Being is unforgivable because the importance of the human life is ....

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Read how landlords and landladies of Hammersmith and London like, Bhupendra Patel and Michelle Lamb, and referencing Agencies, like, openly discriminate and abuse social power in London. Sanctioned to discriminate and abuse social power by London’s councils and our politics – OUR LAWS and our MPs…

What is happening in London is this, Landlords, letting agencies and referencing agencies are allowed to discriminate openly. And shamelessly so in the middle of the capital of Europe, London. When I called my council,…...

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Study shows Shelter charity Robs people of their money and Manipulates people of the U.K and LONDON by pretending to work to make housing fair and just. When they lie openly and abuse power just like the majority of social institutions in this country called, U.K.

On April 2021, I received an email from shelter saying that they had helped a woman challenge letting agents and win in court!

Saying this: “On 29 March, the judge at Worthing County Court declared by consent that the letting agents had unlawfully discriminated against Hayley.” Hayley was the lady Shelter had helped!

Now as a person who has been abused psychologically, and seen hundreds of others put through the same pain by the London’s councils. As a person who  was made homeless by an abusive and criminal council called, Hammersmith and Fulham. I said, oh well,. That is a victory!

“Good news” I said, “they achieved something!”

But then I made a search across Spare Room, Gumtree and Open Rent and I found out facts that show that still discrimination exists.

Open Rent - NO DSS. Further facts will be uploaded at the end of this blog.

And not only that. I further found out that there had been created NEW RULES to further abuse low-paid workers and the unemployed people. And discriminate against them, so to entertain the feelings of the rich landlords. And assure them over 120% that their rent is paid easily!, for example, confirmed to me over the phone, in a recorded phone call, that you need to get over £22,000 in order to get a room in W6, Hammersmith.

But according to the U.K gov, inside the Greater London, you need to earn £296.35 per week (£15,410 a year) if you’re a single adult for a living.

While more specifically, according to the Universal Credit, the monthly entitlement for a single person living in W6 and renting a room is £1,036.53. That is around £12,432.

So why has created a minimum of £22,000 of earnings in order to be able and rent a room or roof over your head in Hammersmith, London?


As a matter of fact, the referencing agencies have created their own rules to leave people on benefits and low-paid workers outside in the open. That means unable to rent. Discriminating and torturing and humiliating any basic human ideal whatsoever. And doing that under the watch and the support of the U.K Media monopolies, Politics and councillors of the London councils.

Further, the truth is that it is not the first time that the U.K government makes laws to support upper classes or leaves room for abuse of the low-paid workers or of the poor. This is a history of over 500 years that continues the same. Unchallenged in depth and continuously creating new ways of oppression and abuse of power.

Shelter has some ideas for change,. But their ideas are not complete and are wrong and manipulate people. So they are manipulating people to pay them money. But they do nothing important. For their ideas are basic and ridiculous.

In the above email, Shelter manipulates people in saying: "For every £1 you donate, £79p goes towards helping people struggling with bad housing and homelessness."

Even though, they explain in their website that this is only theoretical support. Here in the email do not mention that it is only ADVICE that they provide. That is they do not provide housing or as such things for the oppressed.

So manipulating people and making them donate through lies.

Further, in a campaign called, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Demand better from renting, in there,  Shelter says:  “We must call on government to ensure this new law scraps unfair Section 21 evictions and creates a landlord database – so the stress and anxiety that come with the uncertainty of renting finally ends.”

Very basic is their thinking. It contains no specific ideas that demand change and showing how this change should be delivered.

Evictions cannot be scrapped. For if you scrap that, you scrap all the rights of private property and capitalism.

But here you can scrap discrimination against the unemployed and low-paid workers and enshrine PRISON sentence for those who discriminate for profit – landlords and agencies.

Further, their advice or campaign on EndDSSDiscrimination also lacks essential thinking and manipulates people into making them think that SHELTER is making change.

Thus people donate, shelter continues manipulate and they lie people making them think that SHELTER is fighting for real change.  When in fact they have no ideas about REAL CHANGE.

Well, what is needed here to advice and bring change in our city?

So here is a need for a change in law to enshrine the rights of the low-paid workers and people in benefits in relation to shelter and housing.

And this can begin by first of all making referencing agencies to comply with the living standards of the people of London.

This compliance can be done or begin by respecting the earnings that I mentioned above, which are specified by the government. And by not abusing the living standards that are specified.

(for further read my blog - Enough Is Enough – Make Discrimination in the housing market against the unemployed and the poor unlawful by engraving our Human Basic Right for accommodation into a LAW – )

Now shelter people are saying is: Give us money or donate to us to fight for your rights.

And in one section of their website called, How we spend your money, Shelter says:

For every £1 you donate: 79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaign.”

That means they do not create a shelter for people, but advice, support and campaign.

But as a matter of fact, their advice is wrong. Their campaigns are ridiculous because they spend the money of people not for protests and a change in our laws, which is necessary. As landlords and agencies of this country are directly and openly discriminating.

So they spend people’s money dealing with certain individual cases. Which is pointless. And manipulative . For they make so much noise and get so much money and do bring no change in our society.

For a fight that is fair and just means a change in the law. A change that specifies the how and the what. and that does not leave it on the hand of the government the how and the what.

So SHELTER is not fighting for what is essential. And has no ideas to fight for this.

So they are saying donate to us, so we teach you how to live with discrimination . And abuse of our social power.

It is disgraceful; and sickening to see these charities abuse social power like this.

Therefore, I accentuate change here can be brought only through a law. Not through ideas that lie people and rob people of thousands of pounds that go on the pockets of these liars, manipulators and abusers of....

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Why Bernie Sanders is the New Tartuffe of America and of the Western World? Dr ACactivism explains

I like Bernie Sanders because he talks a lot of social justice.

This reminds me Tartuffe who spoke a lot of religion. However, Tartuffe never or rarely did what religion prescribed him to do in the play of Moliere written in the 17th century.

            Now, Bernie Sanders in power again speaks a lot of social justice. When he was not in power, he also spoke a lot of the same social justice idea.

However, Bernie never does what SOCIAL JUSTICE requires one to do. That is action. ACTIVISM. Bringing people in the streets to demand change, leading the crowds and the nation and the world through ideas and action. Making a few weeks and even years in prison for the people and for change.

So Bernie Sanders all his life every day speaks of Social Justice, but he never does what SOCIAL JUSTICE requires a POLITICIAN to do. We all see where Alexei Navalny is, right?

Bernie Sanders is then a TARTUFFE, dear you, gentlemen and you gentle ladies.

And the problem is that Bernie is doing this for a long time and no one is understanding the crux of the matter here. That is the fact that Bernie Sanders has turned into a broke parrot with a touch of satirical humour.

He entertains the feelings of the left side of the crowd of the USA, who also have turned into a SINGLE “YES FEELING.”

They enjoy hearing Bernie Sanders speak of social justice. They have turned him into an idol and meme of their sheepish vision.

 Bernie makes the “left yes feeling” feel okay or better. They clap and clap and buy his books.  While the broke parrot and Tartuffe of western world, Bernie Sanders, continues with his Tartuffe philosophy selling millions of books to the sheep. And doing nothing absolutely nothing of what SOCIAL JUSTICE requires one politician to do.

Dr ACactivism

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Recent occurrences show Met Police Turning Nazi. A video shows Met Police Charging headlong at Peaceful Extinction Rebellion protestors. Incredible!

A video shared by @PoliticsForAll on Twitter shows Met Police members charging headlong at peaceful Extinction Rebellion protestors.

The protestors of Extinction Rebellion do not condone violence or carry bombs or guns or knives or abuse anyone physically. So why do Met Police members abuse physically peaceful protestors, then?

Met Police charging at peaceful protestors

Occurrences in the recent months show Met Police moving towards a Nazi or new Nazi tactical thinking.

For example, if we go back in time, we see real brutality used by Met Police members at Sarah Everard vigil as well.

Met Police after having dragged a woman activist down, they stand around and on top of her arresting her.

Facts that show Met Police members using force against peaceful women activists. Dragging them down forcefully and standing on top of them while putting handcuffs on them.

Met police handcuffing a woman activist at Sarah Everard vigil!

On July 2020, Met Police members also were caught on video kneeling on a citizen's neck. Which is against the law nowadays.
“Get off me ... get off my neck,“ the man is heard shouting in the video that appeared all over social media."

Met police kneeling on a citizen's neck.

This form of abuse against citizens and use of totally unreasonable and unjustifiable force seems to happen because of the new powers that Boris Johnson government has given to Met police.

But this is not good, however, for the reputation of the U.K and not good for peaceful protestors and not good for what is human. For what good can be withdrawn from a NAZI POLICE force, anyways?

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US drone strike kills nine Family members, including 6 children, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for these MURDERS? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?

Some media reports, like CNN, say that a US drone strike in Kabul killed nine members of one family – including six children.

A relative of the dead said to a local journalist working for the CNN, that they were an ordinary family. We are not ISIS or Daesh and this was a family home – where my brothers lived with their families.

A neighbour of the dead had said to the CNN journalist that there might have been up to 20 people killed in the air strike. But they cannot be recognised. For the entire house is destroyed and humans are turned into pieces.

U.S drone strike.

Oh well, but who holds responsibility for this cruel and macabre act of death and pain?

Who is brought to Court and who is sent to Prison?

Each innocent human being killed demands responsibility and justice.

An innocent human being killed demands and asks for justice. But where is justice?

Where is responsibility and accountability for those who want to be at the top of the world ruling with blood in their hands?

Where is our ideal of justice?

Is anything more evil than going to revenge the blood of the dead American soldiers by murdering other innocent people?

Since the end of the WWII this is the problem of our western world. We united among each other and became a single body of evil. Killing and butchering others.

So even though there are plenty of wars and plenty of murders of innocent people, yet there is no top military general or top politician going to court and prison.

But why do we have our laws condemning murder? Only for the working class people of our western world?

An entire family turned into pieces by the U.S drone strike.

You hypocrite public prosecutions, bring some murder charges on top military generals and top politicians and bring them to courts. While you judges with fake wigs when you see facts of murder and death, then judge it right. BRING THOSE GUILTY TO PRISON.

Or give up working for the justice system.

For the question here is and Dr ACactivism asks: who holds Responsibility for the MURDERS of these innocent people? Joe Biden? Boris Johnson? American people or British people? Who goes to court and prison for the murders of innocent people?

And the answer is....

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Taliban Fighters Take Over Afghanistan – The failure of Western Imperialism to create JUSTICE and FAIRNESS leaves Afghanistan in Pain and Chaos and loss of innocent human lives

What is happening in Afghanistan shows exactly the idea that Freedom was born out of the idea of oppression.

For that is very logical to be said that there was no need for freedom when we lived in the wild. And only a few people covered the space of an entire planet!

So, people disdain oppression and oppressors and fight for freedom. And as a matter of fact history shows us that “foreign invaders” are hated even more than domestic dictators.

Now, you ask, Who is better the cruel Taliban Barbarians or the Murdering Imperialist USA-UK-EU politics?

Let us begin explaining our reason with some facts. Since Western imperialism, with USA and U.K on the top, entered Afghanistan 20 years ago, in 2001, they begun by butchering, shooting and enslaving.

Incensed by September 11 attacks, the United States with U.K, as its best ally and others, invaded Afghanistan. Oppressing an entire nation, killing thousands of innocent people and keeping an entire nation under continual foreign oppression. (These facts are recorded in the history books.)

How can you do that?

The famous speech of George W. Bush on 20 Sep 2001, that said "you are either....

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Jake Davison Psychology before Plymouth shooting calls for THINKING – The HATE of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES against MEN have Turned Women against MEN – Isolating men and Controlling Women

In one online video before the shooting, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had said that he was socially isolated and struggled to meet women.

It has always been and it always be this way: Women play the biggest part in men’s lives after the food on the table. Women give both a meaning to men’s lives and to their sexual desire, that is the feeling and power of human creation,. A feeling from where these sick controlling maniac-like new nazis of the British media also come from. 

The crime scene in Plymouth.

Without any prejudice or small-minded judgment, let us go deep to the psychological analysis from facts. 

This form of thinking, that Jake Davison expressed, shows the psychology of Jake Davison hours, days and even months before shooting. He was isolated and....

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Sky News Australia Suspended from YouTube – Just HEAR Jack Houghton, the digital editor of Sky News Australia, how he screams like a Mad Necromancer because he is not HEARD on YouTube!

Jack Houghton, the digital editor of the Sky News Australia, was crying on 1st August 2021, like a wild necromancer. Why? you ask. Because YouTube had decided to silence his voice and the voices of…...

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