On October 2023, in a speech in the U.K Parliament, Keir Starmer said, “Labour stands with Israel. Britain stands with Israel.”
It is fair and right to note that days earlier, the Israeli Defence Minister and war criminal, Yoav Gallant, had famously written for a mass punishment: (and also taken action that his ideas are implemented) “No food, no water, no electricity.”
What should have been done? You ask.
Here we did not need a Labour and Conservative party that showed unwavering support for mass punishment, for revenge and for genocide. What we needed was forbearance above all. And a thoughtful action that could free the hostages and bring those who committed heinous crimes in the Israeli territory to justice.
At the end, when crimes are committed by Birmingham crime gangs in London, we do not go to wipe out Birmingham. And crimes committed by Gaza’s gangs should have been treated with just a higher form of attention.
Yet in the matters of justice. Justice is never done with a revengeful philosophy. For the revenge philosophy always commits and creates other crimes. So the victim becomes a criminal. And justice is never done or delivered.
So both the Labour and the Conservative party stood by the mass punishment and genocide and by the revenge theory of Israeli Nazi politics. Supporting as such politics with the British warships and the British army itself.
Hence, neither the Labour of Keir Starmer nor the Conservatives of Rishi Sunak deserved to come to power. The shameful policies of the Conservatives and the Labour Party, that supported Genocide in Gaza directly and indirectly, stand as plain historical facts.
Now the question is: “The fact that Britain voted overwhelmingly the Labour party, what does this mean to history and the psychology of a nation?”
The fact that Britain voted massively the Labour party, first it shows that the Brits were tired from the Conservative corruption. Where politicians were also journalists balling with tax-payers money and trolling the world like mass internet fakes for 15 years!
The Conservative politicians had turned into gangsters who supported the rich with their non-dom tax status. Centralised benefits to cut the food of the oppressed at will with their Universal Credit theory. Passed laws that scapegoated immigrants and that infringed the right to protest and free speech of British people.
And so the Conservative politicians lived the lives of Pashas like all historical dictators.
Therefore, we see that Britain was fed up with 15 years of Conservative corruption. Hence, they voted the Labour party. However, they did vote so instinctually not consciously like a people that is educated with what is human and stands for what is human.
Britain voted overwhelmingly genocide makers – the Labour party who supported the Nazi Israeli politics to commit genocide in Gaza since October 2023. So this ignoramus and heartless mass action should mean to history and tell to history once more of a world that was never humanised. And of masses that continue to betray what is human with their instinctual thoughtless thinking and actions.
So, what impressed me in the British General elections was that the horribly mean and anti-human actions of British politics meant nothing to the masses. But, nevertheless, as such actions meant something to the few who opted for an alternative political party. And that is a fact of hope or candle of light.
The few did vote an alternative party, perhaps, simply to not be the ones who supported genocide so openly with their votes. So to use a small power that they have in their hands to rock the ship of a corrupt captain and his drunken armies. Except the voters of the Reform U.K, who they are well-known of open racism and nazism. Like for example, their anti immigration thought shows who they are.
Hitler and Nazis, for example, saw Jews as immigrants that should leave Germany. So why shouldn’t the voters of the Reform U.K show to be as such?
So the few, who voted for a political party that denounced the genocide in Gaza, like the Liberal Democrats did, won their right to human dignity and human feelings while on earth. While the masses who went with the instinctual thought of mass consumption and mass hypocrisy and mass meanness of the spirit. They openly refused their human responsibility on earth like jungle beasts do refuse a human responsibility in the wild.
Now here you ask, “why do jungle beasts refuse a human responsibility?” The answer is simple: Animals have no humanity. For to have humanity means to own deep inside your spirit human ideals. That is what it means to have humanity. And hence in voting overwhelmingly for the genocide makers of the Labour party, as such masses showed but to lack humanity.
Here it is what Liberal Democrats wrote on November 2023, “More than a month since Hamas’ atrocities, it is increasingly clear that a military solution to eliminate Hamas is not possible. Nor is it tenable for Israel to reoccupy Gaza.
Only a sustained political and diplomatic solution will resolve this conflict and deliver a lasting peace. We urgently need movement towards that solution now.”
Liberal Democrats deserved to have won this general election for their humanist stance in the Gaza war. Yet what we saw was a pity of mass thinking that with their votes openly stood by genocide and supported the genocide makers – the Labour Party of Keir Starker.
How do I withdraw my conclusions in my thoughts?
When you go to mass psychology, you go to the thinking and doing of masses in a mass event.
What a beautiful event that it is a general election to both test the intelligence of a nation and prove their humanity.
So based on the results of general elections of Britain on 4th July 2024 and based on the thinking and doing of the Conservative and Labour party, we may say clearly that last thing that Britain showed with their vote towards the Labour party was humanity.
It is interesting to note, so to prove fully my psychology of Britain, that according to General election results the Labour lost votes to independent candidates in several seats with large Muslim populations.
Here allow me to ask, dear reader, “Do we need to be Muslims or Christians or Jews or Hindus in order to be humans?”
What a pity that the idea of “humanity” is in Britain. It is a pity like the corruption of the British writer who works for the British media monopolies with crocodile values in mind.
The idea of humanity in Britain, it is a deep hypocrisy and mass punishment to what is human.
Hence, the results of general elections in Britain on July 4th show that it is a dark day for Britain and a stain in history that shows the universal humanity of the majority of British people has not advanced. And the masses are the same imperialists of the past. The same war lovers. The same supporters of imperialism and death and hate. The same followers of death and hate preachers.
The few who voted against the Conservative and the Labour party in the elections of 4th July, they remain the conscious humans that we need. The bright hearts, the gracious minds, the preachers of truth and reason and compassion and humanity.
Hence, the results of the general election of 4th July 2024 stand as a…
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