Intentional Murder of Another Human Being is Unforgivable – Why Whoever takes the life of another Human Being, Be it a POLITICIAN ordering Soldiers to murder in Middle East or a Common Thug killing in the U.K, Deserves Life in Prison? Dr ACactivism Explains

I am against any form of death penalty. Why? you ask.

Because one who takes the life of another human being, that is already restrained, isolated from others and not a danger to anyone, commits intentional murder.

And that is pure logical thinking. And that is what all nations, that have death penalty in their laws, are doing. That is intentional murder.

In our time, however, HUMAN LIFE has become so cheap. For example, western politicians order their soldiers to open fire in Middle East and elsewhere, murder Innocent People and turn dozens and hundreds of people into ASHES in a premeditated manner. And no one cares!

There is no COURT HEARINGS back at home. No repercussions for them. No punishment for the crimes of western politicians and their enablers – WESTERN MEDIA MONOPOLIES.

So while politicians commit premeditated murder for MONEY or High Economical Interests. At the bottom, they satisfy their feelings of Greed and jealousy that they have for other nations. Common thugs also commit murder for the satisfaction of the same feelings. That is greed of some form or jealousy of some form.

So whether it is murder committed by Today Politicians or Murder committed by Common Thugs the question is “Are we able to educate humans before they come to this low grade of thought and commit intentional murder?”

Therefore, the efforts of education must be put all into making HUMAN BEINGS aware of the importance of the uniqueness of the human life.

But at times and places where and when this effort is lost or bypassed, then there should come into existence a different way of thinking to save the importance of the uniqueness of the human life.

Well what about those who show to have regretted their actions and change? you ask.

The problem is that the feeling and idea of “regret” remains unpredictable. For Einstein put it rightly when he said that “man is cunning.” Somewhere at his book, Ideas and Opinions. But also man is honest. By the idea of “Man” here I mean, a human of any gender.

So when one commits intentional murder is hard to know whether one is cunning or honest in his or her feelings.

For one here may ask: What about a Being, to not call him a human, that commits intentional murder and that is out of Prison a decade or two decades later?

Is he or she repented? Do they really regret of what they have done?

 And what if they pretend to repent and regret of what they have done, like many others?

So, the intentional Murder of another human being is the biggest evil on earth, be it the intentional murder of a young child, grown being, or old person.

One cannot take the life of another being that nature endowed with all the existential rights of the human existence on earth. From consciousness to action.

Hence, I am all for the education of the human beings on the importance of the human lives. And I am as well against the death penalty.

But the ones who bypass human values, human education and commit murder, be it Politicians or Common Thugs, deserve life in prison.

For intentional Murder of Another Human Being is unforgivable because the importance of the human life is ….

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