The 39 Dead Bodies, All Immigrants and Foreigners that were found in a container in Essex, are a RESPONSIBILITY of the British People and British Politicians not of Human Traffickers. The World Can’t Be More EVIL.

If you haven’t lived a civil war like I have in the Albania of 1997. If you haven’t experienced a Kosovo war and seen your people being butchered as a teenager. If you have never ever seen your people oppressed and murdered, then what feeling or thinking or experience of the human pain do you have as a simple person, teacher, preacher or philosopher?

So that’s why here in this blog, I want to write about my way of thinking and the way I see a just, fair and good world.

So let me begin with the ideas of WARS. Who is creating the wars of today, Imperialists powers or small nations, that from necessity are pushed to take sides, with “A Devil” or “B Devilish” power?

Wars are created by imperialist powers such as the USA, U.K, France, Germany, Russia etc.


Who created the YEMENI war, who supported Saudi Arabia with arms and military techniques and war tactics? Who flared the flames and even created the Syrian Civil War? Who keeps Palestine under siege and continually oppressed and exploited? It was and it is the U.K and a few other imperialist powers.

If the truth is as I put it on this Microsoft document or metaphorically on the table, then why shouldn’t you blame the BRITISH PEOPLE and the British Politics for their Imperialist part and thinking? Eh? Because you are a sheep person and can’t think properly? Because “truth” and logic hurt you deep? Eh?

First you create the wars, gentlemen. Then you push innocent people, who want to leave from war zones, to leave their countries. And the third action that you do is “Close your borders and take no RESPONSIBILITY whatsoever for you actions that are done behind the scenes and barely mentioned by the corporate corrupt U.K and European media. So?


So can this planet and this world be more evil than it is?

Essentially, then, and by the logic of facts and truth and reason, and human values, from where I derive my judgement always, the suffer of these 39 people, the choking to death of these people in the container, and the murder of these people is a RESPONSIBILITY of the British people and British politicians.

We need a different way of thinking in Europe, gentlemen. And in the world at large as well. We can’t continue like this, wage wars, take no RESPONSIBILITY, close the borders of Europe, and party hard like animals in London, Ibiza and across the main cities of Europe. While at the same time, on the other part of the world, a world towards which we direct our guns and our bullets, people are suffering and dying and are choked to death from our IRRESPONSIBLE ACTIONS.

So that’s why we need some form of change in our planet, dear gentlemen and you gentle ladies who party hard. We need a different way of thinking. Like more….. (subscribe for Free to read the full Philosophic Blog and share it to raise AWARENESS please)

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