Say no to Injustice, Oppression and Silence. Why Catalonia is a Karma to Europe for the Murdered Women and Children in Middle East

We as a European Continent have a language through which we can communicate with each other. And this Language is called English.

However, we do not have a POLITICAL CULTURE. And we need a political culture today more than ever.

But why do we need it? You may ask. We need a political culture to say no to injustice, to say no to oppression and to stand up in solidarity with other people across Europe and across the world. That’s why we need a political culture.

Today we see what is happening in Catalonia. We see the police brutality. We see how peaceful protesters are beaten by new fascist Spanish police. We see how people are covered in blood like they are some wild animals waiting to be slaughtered by Spanish Police. And we see the silence of Europe at the end.

However, what is happening in Catalonia is a lesson to Europe. And somehow a “KARMA” for the silence that has continued in the recent decades in relation to the people that are murdered and oppressed through our taxes and politics in Middle East.


And this Karma and this silence need a thinking humanity that….

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