Posts tagged Ukraine

Give everything to Ukraine to defend itself. Even Nuclear Weapons. Meet Evil Power with Reason and Force. For to defend yourself it is the most honourable ideal on earth and it should remain like this. Dr ACactivism Explains

As of 3rd of July 2024, Vladimir Putin’s army continues to rain hell over Ukraine’s skies. It is the third year of war. Ukraine continues to bleed from terror and daily bombs. Yet western powers continue with their street-like meetings doing too little instead of doing what is necessarily needed to be done to allow Ukraine to defend itself properly.

Why are the western powers being so indecisive and mean with Ukraine instead of being firm and showing proper leadership?

To answer properly to this question requires that we look back at the mistakes done or wrong decisions taken by western powers before the beginning of this war and during this war. That is continuing.

First of all, let us note that Western powers p...

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Ukrainian Counteroffensive – Western Politicians are Sending Ukrainians to their Deaths, ill-equipped and ill-prepared – Why I think that for each Ukrainian Soldier sent to Death, there should be a Western Politician sent to Prison

There is a saying from the 19th century England that says: Justice delayed is justice denied.

That means that if fair justice is available, but it is not delivered on time or is delayed for different bureaucratic reasons or on purpose. That is the same as if seeing “justice” to not have been given at all.

Now allow me, dear readers, to begin with the theme of today, please.

Verified footage, for example, that is shared widely by UA Weapons and Oryx, which has been quoted by the crocodiles of the like of The New York Times and Business Insider, show us that Russian defences have destroyed many western tanks. That have been donated to Ukraine in small numbers, with too much delay and after a lot of pain.

What do I want to say with these facts? You ask.

What I just said above also shows the truth of the matter and facts that we all have seen. The fact that Western politicians have refused to deliver to Ukraine the right military equipment for months. And that means justice delayed as a fact.

That means also that western politicians have allowed Ukraine to

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Why Nova Kakhovka Tragedy is a Sing of unimaginable Human Greed and Bad Ego that asks Humanity to Wake Up and Stand up for a Better World


As a matter of fact, the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam is a man-made tragedy that could have been avoided and should have been avoided by the politics and politicians of our time at all costs and by different political means.

[caption id="attachment_6881" align="alignnone" width="394"] Satellite images of Nova Kakhovka dam before the blow up[/caption]

Yet, what we have seen is a tragedy created by those that we have entrusted to care of the political matters of our time. That is, today politics and today politicians that have failed the world. And today corporate media, that is not and has not yet pointed the finger towards those that we have entrusted with our political matters. 

[caption id="attachment_6880" align="alignnone" width="600"] Satellite images of the moment when Nova Kakhovka dam was blown up[/caption]

Thus we see tragedy after tragedy, but no political responsibility. 

But who are the makers of today tragedies? you ask

The makers of today tragedies are first of all today manipulative...

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“Looking back on the Spanish War” An Analysis of the Orwell’s 1943 Essay while comparing it with the today Phenomena and Pain. Like the War in Ukraine and the Evil of today intelligentsia – Like Western Media

“The truth, it is felt, becomes untruth when your enemy utters it.” George Orwell, Looking back on the Spanish War, 1943. Orwell opens his essay by expressing his ideas on the Spanish war. Saying that…...

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U.N Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, is a Puppet or Clown of Big Powers and an Old-Fashioned Symbol with no Powers to Act to make Peace Happen – Read

What is the power of the U.N Secretary-General? The United Nations describes the powers of the U.N Secretary-General in its websites website like this: “Equal parts diplomat and advocate, civil servant and CEO, the Secretary-General…...

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Western Sanctions have strengthened the Russian Rouble against both the Euro and the Dollar. – Friends: our Western Leaders are but a Painful Embarrassment that make you sick in the Stomach – Read Why

Our western leaders have been telling us for months that they will hurt or punish the dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin, with sanctions. Selling us, “their sanctions” as the best ideas since sliced bread. Before…...

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“Cancel the foreign debt of Ukraine not Cancel WAR!” Read the Logic of a Cynic Fascist and Social Idiot called, Owen Jones. Using the Media Monopolies of the GUARDIAN to say the Wrong Thing at the Wrong Time

Einstein once suggested that in America humanity is measured with money. So do not wonder if you see the Oxford and New York student, Owen Jones, measure everything with money. While he uses the News…...

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FREE PALESTINE, FREE UKRAINE – Why It is our Imperialist Western Politics that Oppress Palestine and that created the WAR in Ukraine?

A few questions beg me to ask myself and our western world, with Imperialist Britain, France, Germany and the U.S in it. So the first question asks, “Why should we feel right in our conscience…...

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PRITI PATEL has Metamorphosed into a Full Fascist and Full SLAVE of British Politics that is Humiliating her Immigrant Origin and Britain. Making Britain a State of Despotism in regards to Ukrainian Refugees

The deepest wishes and desires of the Priti Patel seem to want to become more British than the British. So to fit into British politics and be loved by the British people for her great…...

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Why the Least NATO and Western Powers can do for PEACE in Ukraine is Create a NO FLY ZONE over UKRAINE?

Why does Ukraine need help and why are we morally obliged to help? you ask. Ukraine need help because the Russian army is an army of a super power on earth and an army of…...

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DEVASTATING PAIN. Hundreds of People are trapped underneath the rubble of the Mariupol Drama Theatre in Ukraine. Yet Rescuing Teams are unable to save Human Lives because of continual BOMBING. CLOSE THE SKY NOW

The Mariupol Drama Theatre in Ukraine has been bombed by the dictator, Vladimir Putin, trapping hundreds of people in the rubble, women, children and elderly people.  Ukrainian officials have said that the debris have blocked the…...

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Politics! War is a Profitable Business. A 7 Million Ballistic Missile kills a Human getting 5 Euro per day in Ukraine. Read the detailed philosophy of war and our common Human Pain

Do you know how much a SU 34 Combat warplane, that is used by the dictator Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, costs? Do you know how much a tank costs? Do you know how much a…...

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Inside Putin’s Head – Putin Knows the Inner Feelings of Western Politics from experience. Putin knows how to scare and make Western Coward Politicians Beg Putin to stop killing people. Read and Share

Putin seems to know one precious thing very well from his long experience in politics. What is that damned precious thing that he knows? You ask. He knows the inner feelings of western politics in…...

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Hear Hear, the Humanity of the INHUMANE BRITISH BUREAUCRATS! Hundreds of Ukrainian Refugees turned back at Calais Port by the UK Authorities – The French Publicly Chastise Britain for Inhumanity

On 06 04, 2022, The French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, said to the Europe 1 radio that British officials were turning many Ukrainian refugees away due to not having the necessary visas or paperwork.” Darmanin…...

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Thousands of Blood-Thirsty Barbarians and hungry-for-Murder Slaves Protest in Serbia in Support of the dictator, Vladimir Putin, and against Ukraine’s Freedom! Read!

If you do not bring “murderers” to courts and justice. Then many common people may think that the murder of the people of other nations is fine. They may even think that murders committed by…...

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The Least NATO and Western Powers Can do is Create a NO FLY ZONE over UKRAINE – This is a just, fair and humane ACTION to save Human Lives. History will be Harsh on today POLITICIANS – Dr ACactivism Explains

In this blog, I will write and reason and show why it is viable and justifiable to create a No FLY ZONE over the skies of Ukraine. So, let me begin this blog by mentioning…...

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Ukraine War brings my Childhood Kosovo War emotions back to life – Why we are Repeating the same Political Mistakes over and over again by allowing dictators to butcher humanity  

I am in immeasurable pain. For when I see pictures of shattered buildings in Ukraine, dead bodies laid in the streets, and the terror caused on the Ukrainian people with women, children and men turned…...

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Can the Dictator of the world, Vladimir Putin, use Nuclear Weapons? Russia has 6,257 Nuclear Weapons. Dr ACactivism explains Current Politics and Putin’s Psychological Thinking

On 7 12 2021, I wrote that Putin is a cunning politician that can start a war against Ukraine to test Western imperialism.

And see if he can get away with his crimes against humanity, like he did in Syria. And it proved true. He ordered his army to invade  Ukraine. 

Now Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces to be on high alert.

Why is this happening? You ask.

Putin is Being Hum....

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Free Ukraine – If you want to trade with the world, then you have to Police the World for Justice and Freedom – Why Western Politics are letting Ukraine down like they let Syria and Yemen

As a matter of fact western politics want to exploit the labour power of the world through big corporations. They want to accumulate the goods of the entire planet and exploit our Mother Earth.  Yet…...

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The Majority of Western Journalists are Eager for Hatred and War and want to turn Russia into an Enemy. Why we are not in war with Russians or Russia but with a Psychopathic Dictator called, Vladimir Putin 

“Why Russia's Ukraine aggression matters to Americans” wrote the CNN on January 2022.  A headline that was intended to scapegoat a nation and a people and turn them into our enemy. 

          The BBC and the Guardian have not been any different. The latter, like CNN, see hatred as a new form of...

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If Putin Attacks Ukraine, The WORLD should Attack Putin’s Cave – Why the West Should send NATO Armies to Defend Ukraine’s Freedom and Dignity?

Where is the moral of human existence? Do we exist because of certain human ideals and human values or do we exist to butcher each other?

And what happens when a psychopath gets a gun and a knife or an army with guns and knives and attacks the weakest among us?

Naturally human beings are bound to feel pity and defend the weakest or when the weakest is attacked. And this psychological and philosophical human thought is seen from a million past and today examples.

For example, what would you do if you saw a...

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Ben Wallace and British Politics are Fanning the Flames of Hatred, Hostility and War between Ukraine and Russia. Read why

On 10 01 2022, Ben Wallace said to U.K parliament that Britain will supply Ukraine with weapons. And that a small team of British troops would be sent to Ukraine to provide training.

This thing of arm sales and military training to Ukraine, to be honest, has been ongoing since 2015. And we see no change. And no one is que......

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Russia-Ukraine Tensions – Why Western Politics are Risking to turn Ukraine into a Bigger Grave than Syria or Yemen?

Why do I think that today Western Politics are risking to turn Ukraine into a bigger grave than Syria or Yemen? You ask.

Before I explain and express my ideas in this philosophical blog about the today question and pain, allow me first to express the historical thinking of U.S. and Western politics in general. And the way they butcher the world.

For example, classified U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks in....

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Putin’s Politics are there to Threaten and Bully. Still They can start a war with Ukraine to test Western Imperialism and see if they can get away with it – Dr ACactivism explains Hitmen-like Politics and Why they exist

No doubt that it is western imperialism, with its decisions to hold Palestine under continual oppression, to destroy Yemen and to set Syria on fire and so on., that inspires Putin to think of “extreme self-defence measures.”

So then, it is logical to say that the red lines of Vladmir Putin and his screeching wolf-like voice in regards to Ukraine’s sovereignty and right to decide are but "extreme self-defence measures."

Vladmir Putin is in pains of " great economic loss" and lives in the fear that Ukraine will do better if they work with the West and so isolate Russia and make it even poorer.

Putin is a scared wolf doing hitmen-like politics

However, the wishes and desires of Putin’s politics are not only unacceptable but unrealisable. Putin does not want Ukraine to join NATO or the European Union at all.

He wants to keep Ukraine as its own little slave and be forever under Putin’s or Putin-like politicians’ rules!

In reality this does not happen even among real brothers.

For I ask; Who is my brother to tell me what to do?

So there is no moral point to support in any form or in any way the bully and threatening politics of Vladimir Putin in relation to Ukraine.

Ukraine is free, it should remain free and it deserves to be free for the sake of what is human and for what we exist here. That is FREEDOM and Social Justice.

Why is the Russian military amassing near the Ukraine's border and what are they doing there? you ask.

Russia moves mass troops near Ukraine's border.

The Russian military build-up along Ukraine’s border tells us that Russian politics are there in a way and manner doing the job of a Hitman.

That is, Putin’s politics in short are trying to threaten and bully and murder for as long as these politics can get away with what they do. In a way and manner, as such politics are but  Hitmen-like politics.

At the end, when the western politics get serious about human rights and stands up firmly in favour of Ukraine’s sovereignty, the hitmen-like politics of Putin will withdraw and go home.

Nevertheless. The hitmen-like politics of Vladimir Putin are but an extreme self-defence measure of a loser-like politician. Who is desperately trying to slow and counteract Western Evil Imperialism.

Somehow, we are set between two evil powers. And all we can do is scream and take to the streets in protests against WAR and for PEACE. For peace is better than war of course. And it cannot come without people, real people like me and you, asking for it.


Dr ACactivism

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