Posts tagged THE GUARDIAN

The Journalists of the Guardian have Metamorphosed into Reptilious Sycophants of the U.K State – Corrupt Editors like Katherine Viner and other Powerful Large Reptiles at the Guardian should all RESIGN for good and change

It was a pity to read the Guardian on 6th May 2022. A certain journalist or a little London reptile called, Aubrey Allegretti, with no logic of a writer whatsoever, was painting or describing crystal-clear…...

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The Majority of Western Journalists are Eager for Hatred and War and want to turn Russia into an Enemy. Why we are not in war with Russians or Russia but with a Psychopathic Dictator called, Vladimir Putin 

“Why Russia's Ukraine aggression matters to Americans” wrote the CNN on January 2022.  A headline that was intended to scapegoat a nation and a people and turn them into our enemy. 

          The BBC and the Guardian have not been any different. The latter, like CNN, see hatred as a new form of...

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The Champion of Human Rights, Dianne Abbott, got £22,439 on top of her £81,932 MP Salary – GREED and Corruption recognise no genders, no colors, and no political parties. British Upper Classes are all CORRUPT

According to the U.K government website, the basic salary for an MP from 1 April 2020 is £81,932 per year. Plus, obviously, MPs also receive expenses to cover the costs of having somewhere to live…...

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A Mind of Death and Deep Hypocrisy – How Katherine Viner, Editor in Chief of the Guardian, Metamorphosed the only left Wing Newspaper in the U.K called, The Guardian, into a New Nazi Newspaper of the world

     There are a few books that I have loved in my life. And they are but Tartuffe by Moliere. Macbeth by Shakespeare, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes and the books of Machiavelli. Moliere,…...

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The Guardian Officially a New Nazi Newspaper that makes you sick to Death – Read Why

There is not only one idea, one fact or one blog that show that Katherine Viner and the today leadership of the Guardian have pushed the only left wing newspaper in the U.K called, The…...

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Claudia Webbe’s Judgement is Rushed and Cynic. British Media and the Crown Prosecution are a Danger to Free Speech and to the SANITY of British and European people – Read Why.

Only a Stone Age or a barbaric people write without facts. And idolise hearsays at the expense of people’s pain.

For how on earth are you able to base your reason on something without facts?

How are you able to say that “I exist.” Without you first being able to see or feel yourself in a way of “I think therefore I am.”

So in seeing or feeling my existence, I base my reason and express my judgement.

Now look what a sham of writing that we see from the Guardian, to CPS, to Sky News etc.

A media and a Crown Prosecution that have no regard or love or any passion for truth and facts.

A media and a crown prosecution that in writing without mentioning any evidential fact, they show to ignore the HUMANIST cry for truth. And consider people as sheep who cannot wait to see someone punished with or without facts.

A media and a U.K Crown Prosecution that are thirsty for punishment even if the judgement of the judges of the courts are totally wrong and abusive.

Say that the UK Media, the Crown Prosecution and judges in courts are above the law themselves. Or perhaps they find a people that complies with their abuse of power. And so carry on.

Let us get some facts.

Well, you as media and as Crown Prosecution say that, “Claudia Webbe threatened to use acid against her victim.”

But what did she exactly say? Neither the Guardian, nor Sky News nor the UK Crown Prosecution say what exactly was said in those recorded phone calls that they deemed  “THREATENING.”

Fooling us, grown people, and using us like clowns.

So, the only fact that I read was the BBC that said; “The court was told on one occasion she made an "angry" call, used a derogatory term and added: "You should be acid."


Evening Standard, on the other hand, elaborates a little bit further and says: “She then started calling me a slag and saying friends don’t send pictures of their tits and pussy to other friends, and it culminated in, ‘You’re a slag and you should be acid.” (words as expressed by Evening Standard,  - MP Claudia Webbe ‘engaged in campaign of harassment against woman. -’)

These Fact, which they mention, I do not see as threatening at all. For you should be acid means different things but not a threat.

You should be acid can mean, you should be acid because of your way of hurting my feelings.

Like for example, if I hear you hurt me with your offensive words, I can say: “You should be poison.”

But that doesn’t mean that I am poisoning you.

Furthermore, the word “SLAG” is well within the words of free speech,.

What are we trying to be with this form of total intolerance? A fascist small-minded Britain that cannot even tolerate someone express a feeling without threatening his or her freedom?

Britain is a country of generosity not of small0-minded Nazis like these corrupt today institutions are trying to metamorphose Britain,.

Without further ado, Let us read exactly how an abusive U.K media and an abusive Crown Prosecution writes;

     The Guardian wrote:

“Webbe was found guilty of harassing Michelle Merritt, a friend of her partner, with threatening phone calls. A trial was told she had called Merritt a slag, threatened to “use acid” and said she would distribute naked pictures of Merritt to her family.” The Guardian, MP Claudia Webbe given suspended sentence for harassing woman.


CPS wrote;

“In March 2019 Webbe spoke to her victim, threatened to use acid against her, and threatened that naked photographs and videos of the victim would be shared. There is no suggestion the images were real.” (Claudia Webbe MP guilty of harassment -




Sky News wrote in its heading:  Claudia Webbe: Labour calls for MP to resign after she avoids jail for threatening partner's female friend with acid. (04 11 2021 - By Alix Culbertson, political reporter, and Ali Fortescue, news correspondent)


In short, with Media not mentioning the sources of full facts of the recorded phone calls of Claudia Webbe. And with facts as they stand, facts said by the BBC and Evening Standard, we see that the judgment passed at Westminster Magistrate Court is rushed and intolerant.



And the fact that neither the British Media nor the Crown Prosecution press do not QUESTION the judgement of the British CORRUPT JUDGES . I see but a STONE AGE INSANITY in regards to Claudia Webbe. And a danger to the ideals of tolerance and truth. A dangerous thought to the future of humanity. A Danger to Free Speech and to the SANITY of British and European people created by British Media first by a thuggish Crown Prosecution that  totally and wholly disregards fact and truth.

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The News Monopolies of the Left Wing Press, like the Guardian, in the U.K are More Dangerous and Evil than the Right WING New NAZIS of MURDOCH MEDIA or the BBC or LBC OPPRESSORS.

Why the left wing media monopolies of the Guardian are even more evil and dangerous than the new Nazi right wing media of BBC, LBC or Murdoch media? you ask

Any human being with human values and human ideals in mind know of the danger of those WRITERS and POLITICIANS, who pick a fight with immigrants or minorities of their country.

How can people know the danger of hateful politicians or journalists, you ask?

Examples of these traps of thinking and dangers are rife in our today world. So we do not need to go back to Adolf Hitler or to the imperialism of Winston Churchill or to the 19th century Europe to understand the danger of as such forms of thought.

 For example, it is enough that we go to India and China today to understand what it means to create hatred against a certain group of people, that is a minority in thinking and doing in any part of the world.

For example, we see what is happening with Rohingya refugees. An ethnic minority of Myanmar or Burma, that have faced religious prosecution for years by the Myanmar politics. In close connection with the media of this country of course. We see what is happening to Uyghurs, a muslim population in China, who have been put into re-education and labour camps in China. And we see genocide in the muslims of India as well.

 Now as a matter of fact, these forms of hatred have been Intensified in the latest decade because of the Islamophobia that has been created by the CULTURAL IMPERIALISM of the Western Media.  And that is a fact.

A western media that has taken every terrorist opportunity to link terrorism to Islam.

So, with the above points, I want to say that when we say politics we mean, politicians, media writers and the justice system. For these ideas of social power are so interlinked, that it is enough one of these ideals of social power to be corrupt to produce mass corruption of the human thinking and doing.

And with the above points, I also want to say that through as such examples, that a minority of right-minded people know what the Murdoch media and the right wing media, such as the BBC, do in the U.K. They know who is Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson and the LBC.

However, these people do not know of the evil of as such MEDIA MONOPOLIES, like the Guardian. That is the danger.

For the evil and danger and abuse of power of the Guardian is perceived in the minds and souls of the people as being good. And the consumption continues unbothered of consequences of as such thinking.

 So they consume the Guardian, that pretends to represent the voices of the oppressed and minorities. When the oppressed and the minorities of this country, like myself, are rarely or never represented truly by the writings of the Guardian.

The writers of the Guardian mostly British hands or foreigners, who are raised and born with the British imperialist culture and are therefore purely British in their thinking and doing,  do not represent us. The oppressed and foreigners who live in the U.K.

But they represent well their own monopolistic NEWS MEDIA agenda.

Writers of the Guardian promote the Queen and the royal family when they can. They say something in passing about the Palestinian question as if to throw dust in people's eyes. However, never demand justice for the murders of innocent people that are committed in Yemen, Palestine or Syria and elsewhere through direct involvement of British politics.

They say little or nothing about the housing crises in London. About the Ottoman Pashas, the councillors of London who have made luxurious salaries for themselves and left the poor of London out of accommodation. Councillors who abuse social power so openly and in a thuggish manner and get away with crimes against the oppressed of the London city. Yet the left and the Guardian say nothing about them!

And even when the Left wing press represent the facts, they do not demand people to stand up for their rights. And fight corruption. They simply say something with the force and reason of a smile. So in passing for the sake of publicity and fame for the Guardian.

Everything at the Guardian is clad in sarcasm and the happiness of the spirit. That comes from the money that these crocodiles or writers earn from the power of MEDIA MONOPOLIES. Such as the Guardian News Monopolies.

Somehow, the Guardian, that represents the left wing press in the U.K, keeps the British soul happy with an innocuous form of writing. A form of writing that does not demand justice but that loves the status quo and fans their corruption.

Hence as a matter of fact. the Guardian or the left wing press in the U.K is more dangerous. Because it does not represent the pain of the minorities and oppressed of this country. It does not represent truly the ideals of justice, fairness and equality that they pretend to represent.

And their writers are mostly people who how are culturized with a British imperialist culture of oppression, foreigners or British, and do not represent the pain of foreigners or of minorities at all.

The fact that a DREAMER created the Guardian almost centuries ago for fairness, justice and humanity should not be translated as an idea that a thousand wolves should enjoy his creativity for a thousand years.

Enough is enough, you murdering Nazis understand that hogging and monopolising any field of social power creates unbearable pain and therefore deep and profound corruption in SOCIETY. And in the latter sentence is the thinking and doing of the Guardian and the left wing press in the U.K. For they hunt for monopolies and corruption like mad dogs blinded by the feelings of greed and will for more social power.

Forgetting that in creating monopolies, one creates inequality. And in silencing people's voices through media monopolies, one creates, oppression. And therefore, corruption and injustice in society. And the latter ideas and facts are but reasons that clearly show why the left in the UK is even more dangerous than the ...

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