Nicholas Parsons died at the Age of 96! While He Was Working for the News Monopolies of the BBC – Why this form of Death must make us happy

In one thing I can’t, and I would never be able to agree with this sick festering British artist thinking that sees taking and never giving as a good and right way of thinking and doing.

Just imagine being like Nicholas Parsons working for the BBC for all your life. And dying there in the chairs of the BBC being heard, lauded, and glorified until the last breath of your life is given to the unknown heavens! 

And now imagine again, being like that grovelling worm, a sick new Fascist, Graham Norton, or any other British artist, who controls the U.K News MEDIA. And praising whatever sounds and looks corrupt and degenerate for the sake of sick careers and good media relationships?

Did I miss anything here? Perhaps, I missed the idea of giving? (To read the full blog please subscribe at Dr ACactivism philosophic blog)

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