General election 2019, Jeremy Corbyn or Boris Johnson, Labour or Conservatives? U.K hasn’t got a political choice, but to vote Hypocrites and Barbarians

Some questions rack my mind for years. Questions like, “Where was Jeremy Corbyn at the time when innocent people were killed in Yemen by U.K participation in new wars? Where was Jeremy Corbyn at the time during which Israeli Politics created and never lifted the blockade of Gaza? A political action that made Gaza the biggest prison in the world.

Here are many other things that have gone wrong in the last decade, like the infiltration of the Russian and World’s dirty money in the U.K. But my point here is that at all these cases, where injustice was crystal-clear, Jeremy Corbyn either was little active or silent.


But why was Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party silent then? Was he waiting for the moment to win the new elections like a cat standing in front of a good toast? Wow! Why is change created only when you come to power? Have organisations of people, peaceful protests until justice is made, and appeals for justice  lost its meaning?

So during his time in opposition, Jeremy Corbyn never stood firmly against… (please subscribe to read the full article and please donate if you can to support independent thinking)

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