Posts tagged Albanians

Violence in Kosovo mirrors the Thinking of a War Criminal called, Alexander Vucic. Who still Instigates Hatred and Violence in Kosovo 24 years after the War Ended

We see that whenever ethnic Serbs commit violence in Kosovo, there is Alexander Vucic supporting them and coming on the Serbian national TVs or international TV screens pretending to be the hero, saviour and defender of this conflict and this violence!

And this is happening year after year in the Serbian politics of our time.

Well, but to be honest, this kind of cunning political philosophy we have seen for almost 2 years with Putin and the conflict in Ukraine. So, there is no need to go back to history and tell to the dear reader an example of Nazi and fascist political thinkers, is it?

Thus, for example, in a long speech called, There will be no surrender, Serbia will win, on 31 08 2022, Alexander Vucic in there openly supports ethnic Serbs to not respect the authority of Kosovo. In this speech, Vucic totally ignores the democratic laws of Kosovo and suggests that Ethnic Serbs should not recognise Kosovo’s ID cards and car plate numbers.

And what happens if Kosovo enforces the laws of its democracy for all citizens equally? Like, for example, Albin Kurti did on 29th May 2023 by sending Kosovo police to allow the newly let Albanian mayors do their democratic job.

Then in this case, if Kosovo enforces its democratic laws, Serbia will win. For Vucic can send his army to the border of Kosovo. For he is the strongest Sheriff or Bully of the today Balkans.

And he can still threaten and intimidate Albanians with another war. Simply because he can! Because he is part of the strongest and a former government official of Slobodan Milosevic. So, he knows how bad things are done while delivering nice speeches!

Alexander Vucic in the above speech, like almost in all his speeches, he said that he prays for peace. But all what he expressed from that speech was hatred and pure human arrogance. The arrogance of the strongest, the arrogance of war criminals that are allowed to become presidents because our world has neither justice nor a just peace.

For if there was a just peace, we would have seen the like of ...

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Protest Against the Humiliation of Albanians in the U.K – The Organizers Speak Out Against the Humiliating Treatment of Albanians by U.K Politics and the U.K Media – November 12, 10:30 Westminster Bridge – We wait all Albanians in PROTEST

From the fall of communism in Albania until today, 2022, for more than 30 years, the English media has turned Albanians into a perfect SCAPEGOAT. Why does the U.K Media and U.K politics have to…...

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Free! An In-depth Analysis of the latest Book of the Culturized British, Albanian writer, Lea Ypi. That defends those who butchered Albania in 1997, her Fascist Great Grand-father, and the Communist Elite

“Since the rise of the pyramid schemes, the Albanian economy has become largely illegal and founded on corrupt practices. Corruption is everywhere. At the highest level, it affects institutions, judges, and public and customs officials. At the lowest level, it obliges citizens to renounce seeing a doctor, even when necessary, unless they are able to pay a bribe to obtain treatment.”

DANIELA IRRERA,  The Balkanisation of Politics: Crime and Corruption in Albania.

As early as the Bufi Administration [June, 1991]; "extortion, prostitution, drug-running, indeed, crime per se [were] the order of the day.

…Liberalisation had brought with it corruption and profiteering by ruthless men who were diverting much needed aid deliveries, leaving the police with little they could do.


Obviously, I see Lea Ypi’s hypocritical thinking and doing, just like a Syrian opposition may see a.....

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Albanians and Albania have been defamed, hated and abused by British Media through Sheer Lies. So Albanians Worldwide need to stand up and protest against the NAZISM in the BRITISH MEDIA who have incited VIOLENCE against Albanians. Albanians must demand the Prosecution of the British Nazi Writers as HATE SPEECH LAWS REQUIRE.

It came to pass that the British Mother, Caroline Crouch, was murdered by her Husband. As “Newsbomb gr” reported and as the Greek police announced on Twitter. But Albania and Albanians have two months being…...

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