Posts tagged twitter

Why Fake Information is More Dangerous than Hate Speech and why “Fake Information” should be against a certain Law?

When someone makes a statement about a certain social issue, he is not writing fiction nor is he referring to any form of art. Rather he or she is making a statement about a social…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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REPTILIAN GREED – Robert Peston is the example of an UGLY, Reptilian, Despicable, Loathsome, Sickly, Insatiable PIGISHNESS of the British Upper Classes. I give my word: I feel like I want to VOMIT as I write

There is something so obvious that can be observed so easily in the News Monopolies of the U.K Media. For example, in the Guardian, the BBC, ITV, Murdoch Media, we see NEWS MONOPOLIES.And in these…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Why did we, @DrACactivism, Go to Support the Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, in front of the USA Embassy in London

First of all, as a citizen of the world, I feel guilty when I see almost everyday crimes committed on the Palestinian people by the Israeli soldiers. And we see crimes, from social media like…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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