Posts tagged politicians

Ukrainian Counteroffensive – Western Politicians are Sending Ukrainians to their Deaths, ill-equipped and ill-prepared – Why I think that for each Ukrainian Soldier sent to Death, there should be a Western Politician sent to Prison

There is a saying from the 19th century England that says: Justice delayed is justice denied.

That means that if fair justice is available, but it is not delivered on time or is delayed for different bureaucratic reasons or on purpose. That is the same as if seeing “justice” to not have been given at all.

Now allow me, dear readers, to begin with the theme of today, please.

Verified footage, for example, that is shared widely by UA Weapons and Oryx, which has been quoted by the crocodiles of the like of The New York Times and Business Insider, show us that Russian defences have destroyed many western tanks. That have been donated to Ukraine in small numbers, with too much delay and after a lot of pain.

What do I want to say with these facts? You ask.

What I just said above also shows the truth of the matter and facts that we all have seen. The fact that Western politicians have refused to deliver to Ukraine the right military equipment for months. And that means justice delayed as a fact.

That means also that western politicians have allowed Ukraine to

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British Politicians Write, Speak and are Paid By British Media. This Abhorrent Act of Abuse and Corruption shows but U.K STATE MAFIA in ACTION Collaborating with U.K MEDIA

Boris Johnson was paid £275,000 a year by the Daily Telegraph for writing a weekly blog at Telegraph back in 2018. While also working as a Conservative MP and getting a luxurious salary by the tax payers.

Hurray for Liberté, égalité and fraternité!

While THEY, our media and people of politics, who show to love liberté and égalité at least, they hold on the one hand the dagger to butcher our human ideals. And on the other hand, they hold the pen to write about human ideals and laws of Liberté, égalité, and fraternité!

Here I ask those politicians, who also do the job of a writer and speaker, why don’t they write for the U.K parliament or for their Political Party papers or websites but write for News MEDIA MONOPOLIES?

And how comes that you as News Media Monopolies pay politicians for writing and speaking, when an MP is paid £84,144 by British tax payers? That is £7,012 per month by the British tax payers.

And the latter, the tax payers, have paid politicians this luxurious salary to have them focus on their jobs and increase the prosperity of this nation through socialist and humanist ideals not to abuse these ideals and values, right?

 As a matter of fact, the amount of money that British MPs get, to not mention government cronies’ salaries, is equal to the salary of a business person that runs successfully at least two small businesses. And the salaries of British MPs are almost 5 times higher than a ‘£1500’ working class salary.

Now when you are paid this luxurious amount of money by the tax payers of this country. Then where on earth do you take your right as a politician to write or speak and be paid by News Monopolies?

  As a matter of fact, from truth to reason, this form of inner collaboration between Newspapers and politicians in the U.K is an open act of abuse of power.

This inner collaboration is an open abuse of the HUMAN IDEALS, like fairness and equality.

This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers is an abuse of the fundamental rights of a democratic society that intends to share the power equally.

This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers in the U.K dishonours any citizenship rights and Social Democracy that is based on Social VALUES.  

This inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers has only one answer – THE WORKINGS OF THE U.K. STATE MAFIA that continue to fool British people, abuse their rights and abuse the Social Democratic values of this country openly.

 This abusive act or inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers, however, is an act of abuse of social power that is used by the Left and the Right wing papers all the same. This abusive technical body politic or practical thought is used by Labour, the Conservative and other political parties in the U.K – Left, Centre or Right.

Call them as they wish, but as a fact, all of them use this MAFIA-like practice that abuses social power and social values and human ideals. And yes it is perfectly legal!

I mean this is another fact that asks: When were laws made to prosecute the powerful and serve to the oppressed in this country?

Further, this MAFIA-like, and unscrupulous political technique or tactic has a bigger vision.

For it deep down it intends to make Newspapers a playing field for politicians and politics of today the playing field of Newspapers, their editors, writers and speakers only.

So, leaving any independent voices unheard and unable to participate and take their rights in society. While politicians and media people hold absolute control over information, like dictators, of this country called, U.K.

This MAFIA-like act between British Politicians and British Media Monopolies is then but abhorrent and abuses any social democratic value that has been engraved by big minds and great pens on earth.

Hence, this Abhorrent Act of Abuse and Corruption must be Condemned not lauded and passed as the new normal of the now and of the future.

For this inner collaboration between politicians and Newspapers in the U.K, it is and it shows but …

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The Champion of Human Rights, Dianne Abbott, got £22,439 on top of her £81,932 MP Salary – GREED and Corruption recognise no genders, no colors, and no political parties. British Upper Classes are all CORRUPT

According to the U.K government website, the basic salary for an MP from 1 April 2020 is £81,932 per year. Plus, obviously, MPs also receive expenses to cover the costs of having somewhere to live…...

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ENOUGH Hypocrites. 44,286 knife crime offences recorded in one year in the U.K. So David Amess’s Stabbing is not above the Stabbing of any Citizen. Is it Corrupt U.K Media MONOPOLIES?

Today 17th October 2021, MPs are crying on the U.K media monopolies. There is the BBC and the LBC inviting MPs who show how dreadful that life has become for them!

Say that there is every day a citizen wanting to stab an MP! What a joke! People who get such luxurious salaries, that are paid by the taxes of the same people that they now fear and distrust, these people tell us that they demand bigger security. Because they cannot trust anymore those who pay their salaries!

WHAT A JOKE THAT UK POLITICS AND UK MEDIA THAT THEY ARE! Bear with me, I will show you how painful is life for us, working class people, here at the bottom. How many stabbings that we see in comparison to the class of MPs.

Hypocrite MPs who just recently allowed a pay cut of £20 to universal credit claimants,. MPs who campaign for an increase of their MP salaries and a pay cut for the oppressed. Now they are shaking from horror!

Journalists writing in favour of a pay rise to politicians,

And what horror? The horror that they make with the laws that they pass into the U.K parliament. A horror that they daily create for the working class people with the rules of the oppression and unfairness that they daily produce in action. From theory to practice.

Let us be daring and ask of this horror that we working class people live in the U.K: "How many working class people are stabbed in a year in the U.K? "

According to the ONS, a U.K government statistics website, there were 44,286 knife-enabled offences recorded by the police in the year ending March 2021. That is between March 2020 and March 2021.

Number of stabbings in 2020 - 2021

Killings by firearms.

LBC non stop speaking of the Stabbed MP.

most of the BBC news about the stabbed MP as well

So then, I ask, "Why is the stabbing of an MP hurting so much the class of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES and politicians? When the horror that working class people face in the U.K from stabbings is nowhere near a stabbing in a decade that MPs have faced, right?

Or is the stabbing of David Amess more worthy than the stabbings of 44,286 people in the U.K?

The answer. Because David Amess was one of them. So David Amess makes sense because he is part of the class of politics and media monopolies. Part of their animal group. Part of their family not part of the U.K family.

Now you see the difference. You see that U.K Media monopolies are not there to defend the British people but defend the interest of their class of greed and oppression.

What about the good that he, David Amess, made?

Politicians have never ever done any good to society. For it is the greed of politicians that decade after decade and century after century create further injustice, unfairness, corruption and abuse of power.

The housing problem is but the mess that U.K politicians have created with their hands. Brexit. The oppression of the Palestinian people and the arm deals with the Nazi Israeli politics. To not mention the business deals with the Saudi Arabia that butchered Jamal Khashoggi and continually abuses human rights.

So the reason why the U.K media monopolies pay so much attention to David Amess’ stabbing and care nothing, when it comes to working class people, is because of their common good or common class interest.

The U.K Media treats British people as aliens when they stab each other. That is a fact,. Do they pay the same attention with analysis and public discussion for each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, like they do to David Amess?

No, they do not do that. Because they do not care of the British working classes. They know deep down that political oppression drives man to crime. So they just write about everyday crime in passing, “Hey another stabbing happened today, enjoy it!”

While when it happens that the problem becomes any immigrant or Albanian, then they appeal to the Brits, “The Albanian…”

In this way, they unite all British people. The media here pretending that they care of British people by creating a common enemy – The Albanian Criminal or Albanian Mafia saga.

In short, the U.K media monopolies do not care of the British people. For if they cared they would pay to each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, the same attention. Like the attention that they pay to David Amess.

And through close analysis and humanist thought, we would probably think to give more to the oppressed. And make equality and fairness a law.

Yet the MEDIA MONOPOLIES do not do that.

Because all the U.K Media monopolies are discussing these days is the security of the MPS, when it should be discussed EQUALITY and FAIRNESS and Humanist education.

So people do not stab or kill or rob. Do not follow like sheep the thugs of upper classes. But idolise truth and reason and fairness and equality and stand up for....

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