Posts tagged nuclear deals

The Future Speaks Clearly of ACTIVISM. Hyper Capitalism has created MONOPOLISTIC MONSTERS in all walks of Life. So future GENERATIONS have the choice to die fighting for SOCIAL JUSTICE or die like Oppressed slaves

"Evil power demands unstoppable activism" Dr ACactivism.

Wherever I turn my eyes there is a monopoly of something meeting the corner of the black hole of my eye.

There is a monopoly of the news media like the BBC or ITV or the Murdoch Media. That shuts down your voice, your eyes and your mind. For their power is depressing. It makes you feel weak, small and not worthy of existing in front of these underworld monster-like powers.

There is a monopoly of coffee shops like the coffeehouse company of Starbucks.

There is a monopoly of labour exploitation and acc....

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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