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Porn Star Looks, but with a Poisonous snake within. Like Lola Hammersmith an Abhorrent Group of People and masses of New Generations are Created as Adults with a Snake within by the Imperialist British Media and Culture or the System. Just like Nazis created the German Nazi– Hear My Ideas and Philosophy

“Mortars are what is made by the mortar-makers. And the citizens of Larissa are those who are made by the magistrates; for it is their trade to make Larisseans.”
Aristotle, Politics.

Family is the creature of the social system, and
will reflect its culture.
Friedreich Engels, The Origin of the Family

“Hitler looked me in the eye and stroked my cheek. For me this was an indescribable event. It was fantastic. I did not want to wash. My mother said I was crazy. And I was too.”

A woman speaking of love and admiration, enchanted by a mass murderer who was not even in the least a little handsome.

[caption id="attachment_7343" align="alignnone" width="561"] Instead of idolising us, complete human characters or philosophers, like gods, and following us to change the world for better. They, the products of the Hysteria of the system, dislike or hate us because we think different from the system. Our passion for truth, compassion and care very different from the greed, hatred and lies and lying characters that the system preaches. So, the system has done the job well by implanting a snake within as such products. And told them that “love” comes either from the bottoms of god or from his or her penis  or like the carpet of Aladdin magically. They have told them nothing of sexual desire or anything human – the all-controlling system. For as such women then, who happily carry a snake of the System within them, so refusing freedom and humanity on earth, for as such women I would vomit for a million years in row unceasingly. For the system and the snakes of the system, I have my pen and my thinking. So those who are born today and learn after I die can hear both my pain and my ideas. And they would be called the children of philosophy. The ones who when adults, they think like humans. Not like new Nazis. So when you discriminate and defame me with the brute ideas of the hysteria of the system like Lola Hammersmith. Then, I would say, down with the snakes of the system and down with the system. Whoever wants a war in thinking, I am ready for this war at any moment and time. I look forward to create a new human with my humanist ideals just like I was recreated myself mentally by the ideals of great philosophers. Ideals of truth, compassion and care. And just like the hysteria of the British Media has created a human with a snake within like Lola Hammersmith. Just like Nazis created the German Nazi. With blonde and brunette fair German women pulling their hairs in despair of deep want to conceive a child or just connect for once sexually with Mr Adolf Hitler.[/caption]


A Preface

1. Who is a product of the system, who is a sperm of the hysteria of the system and who is an Independent thinker and Humanist?

2. Psychoanalyse yourself – are you a child of Philosophy and a Humanist or a Sperm of British Imperialist Culture? Lola Hammersmith is the example.

3. An Introduction to the Pain created by the Offensive and abusive thinking of Lola Hammersmith. Why People like Lola Hammersmith are created out of the Laboratory of all-controlling Imperialist culture with a snake within in their blood and mind.

4. Like Lola Hammersmith there is created a group of people, and masses of new generations are turned into adults just like Nazis created their Nazi adulthood by controlling the Youth and brainwashing them. And this is a Danger for it is Evil Incarnate

5. What is human and what makes you human and how I lead the world through thinking and philosophy?

A Preface

Why am I writing this blog? Is here any point to be made?

The way of how vagina and penis should connect has preoccupied human minds from the time of savagery. When tree-dwellers were feeding on fruits, nuts and roots. And sharing their women in common. Then human feelings and tolerance were much higher and more natural than in today modern barbarians. Who know nothing of what is human except what they have heard on the radio or read from a social idiot or slave of the system in schools, universities and media. So, now, women of the system or those who identify themselves with the system or follow faithfully the system of today. They are attracted to you if you have or own what the system has preached them to appreciate and value. And you are disliked or hated if you are not in the same level of thinking like the people of the system.

 An independent  thinker, the highest and most fair character on earth and a living God, does neither attract the attention nor does get the respect of the snakes of the system. Who are created by the laboratory of the ideas of the system of the time in a way like snakes may be created out of snake eggs in scientific laboratories. And the system two big negative ideas preaches best. That are: deep greed and deep hatred. Facts that are seen in the political oppression of today where the poor gets even poorer, and the rich get even richer. And the fact of greed and hate, also can be seen in mass murders committed abroad by our Imperialist British Politics. Like it happened in Yemen, Syria, Palestine etc in the last decade at least. And we were told here in the U.K and U.S.A that mass murders are good for the system!

So, in our time the hysteria of how vagina and the penis should connect has created a world of dystopia. A human with a snake within. The worst form of a human that has ever existed in the human existence. A human with a snake within created from scratch to finish as either a product or as a sperm of the laboratory of the hysteria of all-controlling Nazi British Imperialist media.

From the history of thinking and doing, we learn that it is in the nature of Imperialists, Nazis and Fascists and all preachers of death and hate and violence that they come to take your human rights and your existence for two main reasons. One reason here is to control the economy of the world and the second reason is to control the sexual desire of humans. What else is there to control on earth if you control the economy of the world and the sexual desire of humans? So in this way, oppressors rule like kings over men and women of each epoch and each time. The latter, they are the people of the system. In this blog I will write about a character created by this system.

So, Lola Hammersmith is a character that suddenly decided to bring a poisonous snake out of the depths of her soul. Throwing over 8 months of a cool friendship in the bin, so to make me her victim with the poisonous ideas of the hysteria of the system. She hurt me and poisoned me with her ignorance worse and deeper than a king cobra could do. For months, I barely did say a “Hi” to a woman in this city of greed and hate called London town where you are seen as a piece of paper by the majority of the women of this city.  Who exists as an embodiment of greed and metaphorically speaking, as a sperm of the Hysteria of the all-controlling Oppressive U.K Media. A U.K Media that with its power and hysteria rules over this city and this nation with an iron Nazi hand – they are being heard, we are being silenced. That is the iron hand of oppression that here is called, Freedom.

So, I was hurt so badly that I did not even try to attract a woman knowing the damage that the hysteria of the system has done to the "WOMEN OF TODAY" by controlling the media fanatically worse than medieval barbarians. And thus brainwashing new generations with a philosophy of hatred worse than all past Nazism and fascism and imperialism together.  Knowing that this "poisonous snake within" is planted in masses of adults by the all-controlling hysteria of the NAZI BRITISH IMPERIALIST MEDIA. That hurts. For to see new generations becoming adults with a poisonous snake within instead of embracing freedom, responsibility and care. That is human hatred. That is self hatred. For hatred for what is human is self hatred. That is dystopian. And a lack of hope.

For there is one in a million that may have escaped the all-controlling clutches of this barbaric all-controlling New Nazi abhorrent British Imperialist Media. And those people who are one in a million are called, curious characters. Sooner or later, they become philosophers. The rest it is logical to say that they have fallen the victim of this all-controlling system. It is logical for to be natural and human in as such controlling conditions requires learning and enlightenment. And as such actions rarely come to humans. 

Can the hysteria of the system control humans? you may ask here. 

To begin with the women, who have suffered more than men from the system, allow me to say, precious reader, that it is a well-known fact that the system used to control women like slaves in all history.

 Like beat women for adultery, stone them to death for expressing their sexual desire freely or throw them on fire. In short, the system used to burn women alive for their humanity. And still the system calls women bitches and whores for being "free" and expressing their sexual desire freely. 

For example, our system and our culture even in the 21st century rap lyrics, promoted widely by the BBC, global media etc., calls women, “bitches and whores” for following their sexual feelings naturally. The system of all epochs and each time in civilisation then thinks and controls women so badly. And it is beyond a pity.

So as Lola Hammersmith made me her victim. So I said, let me make her ignorance an example of enlightenment for too many reasons. First because this person was an assumed adult open-minded former friend, that was holding a snake of the system deep in their soul and not telling me the truth from day one. She could have been a murderer. I could have never doubted that. For you are judged for your thinking and actions. And if you are cunning and dishonest then hard can one know someone. Hence true and honest characters are the brightest ones on earth for a humanist reason.

Secondly, because in her two-faced character and within poisonous snake was a link between the Hysteria of the all-controlling New Nazi British imperialist media. And secondly because her ignorance or media hysteria is a cancer that has affected the hearts and minds of too many adults. Forming a group of people that live their lives in the darkest caves of earth with a snake within their soul until they die. And what is more painful, it is the fact that this media hysteria is bringing new generations into adulthood with a snake within. Adults who refuse freedom, reason, truth, care, and responsibility. And happily, they embrace the slavery and a feeling of DEEP MEANNESS, where lies and violence sound sweeter than truth and care,  of a Nazi all-controlling British Media Hysteria. The official institution of the System. 

So whenever, I meet and see these lowlifes of Hammersmith and London or Europe or the snakes of the system in my life who may try to hurt me or anyone else with the ignorance of the MEDIA HYSTERIA. Then I will send them a link to hear my thinking. And to see themselves in the mirror. They are the snakes of the system who preaches death, hatred and mass murder in each epoch. Not the children of philosophy that question everything and let themselves by questioned by everything, living life by way of freedom and humanity and what is human. For this blog tells them that the system has created you. Just like philosophy and philosophers created me with their ideas.

For myself as a Philosopher I think and feel to have been recreated by the ideas and ideals of Philosophers of all time.
Now if you are not convinced with my statement that shows that ideas create you anew.

Then, I can give you some more statements to tell you that the system creates humans mentally through ideas. And as our example is about the character of a woman of the system. And how the system controls women. Then, let me give you an example to prove my thoughts. For example, look how masses of today women scream and shout of some celebrities or rappers who preach gun violence and death. Or simply singers and rich people.

Isn't this a link between our culture that highlights money and fame to new generations through media focus on celebrity life instead of a focus on values and ideals? Our culture that creates daily adults with a cult celebrity culture. That means your thoughts matter only if are famous and rich. And hence only them should be trusted and idolised.

Out there also have been studies, that show that married women would divorce immediately if their future economic security was assured or if the one who liked them was a celebrity. That means big money. And here in my examples then, it is the link  clear between culture and thinking.

Let me give you a better example of how the system controls women. And this example it is from a pretty blue eyed German woman of the Nazi Germany. For an admirer of Adolf Hitler once wrote: “Hitler looked me in the eye and stroked my cheek. For me this was an indescribable event. It was fantastic. I did not want to wash. My mother said I was crazy. And I was too.”

Hitler could not even be called a handsome man at all. Yet the idea that he was powerful, and a strong mass murderer would make the German women of the Nazi time scream and shout and die in deep want to conceive a child or even connect sexually for once with this mass murderer.

These women though were told that this mass murderer was the ideal of good and an embodiment of what should be good in society. So the system and the ideas of the system in short led masses of German women in Nazi Germany to want and desire what the system tells them to want and desire.  

The above examples though again are an example only of woman. It does not tell you about men.

A universal example that speaks of men and women can be the Imperialist, Nazi, and Fascist movements in history. Or even communism. Or even religious movements that even in our time tell women to cover themselves and tell men and women that sex outside of marriage is a sin or that they should pray to expiate their sins. So controlling both men and women.

So, I understand that in 2023 the hysteria of the British media has fully created a new human. A human with a snake within. I cannot find a name to call this mean, hateful, negative creature that the British imperialist culture has created. But I can tell that it is the worst form of a creature that has ever existed in the human history. And it is produced by the highest level of hyper capitalism and greed – a mean hypocrite creature with a snake within. Not too different from a ....

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Why American, British and EU Imperialist Expansionism cannot continue forever with Double Standards – They say: Ukraine must Defend itself against Russia! But Israel can commit Genocide and Apartheid in Palestine

American, British and EU Imperialist International politics and their current politicians cannot continue forever with double standards in today politics. And get away with crimes against humanity with no court proceedings and no prison terms…...

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Emily Tamkin, the U.S. Editor of The New Statesman, Preaches Self-Cannibalism and Anti Human Ideas in relation to Abortion Laws – A Human Eater below the thinking of a Serial Killer. Read

When a writer writes, he or she consults with the Philosophy of Right. But when you read Emily Tamkin, you see her consulting with the Philosophy of Wrong on purpose to pass evil for good…...

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Humanist Thinking Begins with Love for Truth and Tolerance – Dr ACactivism Explains Why

What kind of education on earth would teach “Lies” and manipulative thinking? You may say Machiavelli philosophy would teach murder for personal benefit. You would say that Hitler would teach death for political power. And…...

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ENOUGH Hypocrites. 44,286 knife crime offences recorded in one year in the U.K. So David Amess’s Stabbing is not above the Stabbing of any Citizen. Is it Corrupt U.K Media MONOPOLIES?

Today 17th October 2021, MPs are crying on the U.K media monopolies. There is the BBC and the LBC inviting MPs who show how dreadful that life has become for them!

Say that there is every day a citizen wanting to stab an MP! What a joke! People who get such luxurious salaries, that are paid by the taxes of the same people that they now fear and distrust, these people tell us that they demand bigger security. Because they cannot trust anymore those who pay their salaries!

WHAT A JOKE THAT UK POLITICS AND UK MEDIA THAT THEY ARE! Bear with me, I will show you how painful is life for us, working class people, here at the bottom. How many stabbings that we see in comparison to the class of MPs.

Hypocrite MPs who just recently allowed a pay cut of £20 to universal credit claimants,. MPs who campaign for an increase of their MP salaries and a pay cut for the oppressed. Now they are shaking from horror!

Journalists writing in favour of a pay rise to politicians,

And what horror? The horror that they make with the laws that they pass into the U.K parliament. A horror that they daily create for the working class people with the rules of the oppression and unfairness that they daily produce in action. From theory to practice.

Let us be daring and ask of this horror that we working class people live in the U.K: "How many working class people are stabbed in a year in the U.K? "

According to the ONS, a U.K government statistics website, there were 44,286 knife-enabled offences recorded by the police in the year ending March 2021. That is between March 2020 and March 2021.

Number of stabbings in 2020 - 2021

Killings by firearms.

LBC non stop speaking of the Stabbed MP.

most of the BBC news about the stabbed MP as well

So then, I ask, "Why is the stabbing of an MP hurting so much the class of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES and politicians? When the horror that working class people face in the U.K from stabbings is nowhere near a stabbing in a decade that MPs have faced, right?

Or is the stabbing of David Amess more worthy than the stabbings of 44,286 people in the U.K?

The answer. Because David Amess was one of them. So David Amess makes sense because he is part of the class of politics and media monopolies. Part of their animal group. Part of their family not part of the U.K family.

Now you see the difference. You see that U.K Media monopolies are not there to defend the British people but defend the interest of their class of greed and oppression.

What about the good that he, David Amess, made?

Politicians have never ever done any good to society. For it is the greed of politicians that decade after decade and century after century create further injustice, unfairness, corruption and abuse of power.

The housing problem is but the mess that U.K politicians have created with their hands. Brexit. The oppression of the Palestinian people and the arm deals with the Nazi Israeli politics. To not mention the business deals with the Saudi Arabia that butchered Jamal Khashoggi and continually abuses human rights.

So the reason why the U.K media monopolies pay so much attention to David Amess’ stabbing and care nothing, when it comes to working class people, is because of their common good or common class interest.

The U.K Media treats British people as aliens when they stab each other. That is a fact,. Do they pay the same attention with analysis and public discussion for each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, like they do to David Amess?

No, they do not do that. Because they do not care of the British working classes. They know deep down that political oppression drives man to crime. So they just write about everyday crime in passing, “Hey another stabbing happened today, enjoy it!”

While when it happens that the problem becomes any immigrant or Albanian, then they appeal to the Brits, “The Albanian…”

In this way, they unite all British people. The media here pretending that they care of British people by creating a common enemy – The Albanian Criminal or Albanian Mafia saga.

In short, the U.K media monopolies do not care of the British people. For if they cared they would pay to each stabbing, that happens in the U.K, the same attention. Like the attention that they pay to David Amess.

And through close analysis and humanist thought, we would probably think to give more to the oppressed. And make equality and fairness a law.

Yet the MEDIA MONOPOLIES do not do that.

Because all the U.K Media monopolies are discussing these days is the security of the MPS, when it should be discussed EQUALITY and FAIRNESS and Humanist education.

So people do not stab or kill or rob. Do not follow like sheep the thugs of upper classes. But idolise truth and reason and fairness and equality and stand up for....

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Creativism Religion – What is our Philosophy?

What is Creativeism Religion? What is our Philosophy? Where is our Temple?

Let us begin the philosophy of this religion by saying that the fathers of all religions were but creative writers or thinkers.

That is, people who learnt in different ways, thought and created.

Now with what I just stated, I do not intend to hurt the feelings of anyone but simply state the truth. And truth even though sometimes hurts, it must not be a shame nor should we feel fear to express it.

 For truth is a value of human existence, and without truth the human existence has no meaning. For that form of existence would be based on lies, manipulation and murder or perpetual wars. 

Thus, it comes to pass that the historical thinking of humanity show us that people believed in different ideas. And in terms of religious thought, these different ideas can be translated as different religions. 

Now somehow different religions have different...

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Entry into My Philosophy

Imagine yourself naked in the middle of nature. With no clothes whatsoever on you. No strange hats, no glasses, no pants and not even tree leaves to cover your private parts.

And then ask, Who am I? Perhaps you are a human being that is made of elementary particles like all other animate and inanimate beings in being?

That's an honest way of thinking to express the human being question. 

However, the fact that we are made of elementary particles like anything else in being does not tell us who we are or what we should know. 

Hence that is why we need to know ourselves well. 

However, to know yourself as a...

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