Date Archives January 2017

What is the Feeling to Stand Alone Against The World?

  As an activist and thinker I have been standing against the Big Media Evil power for many, many years on my own.  But why?  I didn’t want them to control our minds and the…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Democracy is not a sole Idea. It is not a sole Value. It rather is a Complexity of Ideas and Values


“If our generation fails to do its duty not only do we defraud our children of inheritance which we receive from our fathers, but we blast the hopes of the friends of the liberty throughout our continent, throughout Europe, throughout the world to the end of time.”

Edward Everett’s Oration July 4, 1848

A Preface 

 I ask, "What is our task today? Or the duty of our generation?"

Isn’t this task of today first of all for us to defend our liberty and our....

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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