Daily Corruption in London and in the U.K is created Daily by a Manipulative, Monopolistic, Evil of All Evil, U.K Media News Monopolies

Today, 9 January 2020, I enter a local shop to top up my oyster card in South East London. And I see the Daily Mail U.K, a news media monopoly that has been created since 1896, and the entire U.K media news monopolies showing on their front pages Prince Harry and the pretty Meghan!


Wow, I was shocked by this. “Why” I asked myself, “isn’t there any other more important thing going on in London or in the U.K than the faces of Mr Harry and his wife, Mrs Meghan?

(picture taken at local shop in SE London)


Now let me tell you how important things are brushed aside. And instead stupid things take the attention of our corrupt Monopolistic Media. And the purpose is to control our minds through some do-nothing brain-dead celebrities. Of course.

For example, yesterday, that is a day before U.K Media bursting with Prince Harry and Meghan headlines, in my area, I saw almost 30 police officers arresting a black woman. A black woman that appeared to not have ID.


And when I approached the police officers and asked them what is going on, they said me “Go away. It is not your business.” And imperialistically so.


Of course, because the police of Boris Johnson have made “stop and search” a racist routine now. And the U.K media have made Prince Harry and the pretty Meghan their daily business as always. Speaking about them and selling millions of papers daily!


What about daily violence that we experience ourselves in our London and U.K? What about police and state injustice? Isn’t there any other more important message than Prince Harry to be written or put in the front pages of the News monopolies of the Daily Mail and of the U.K media in general?

Ej, you, U.K Media what are you doing to our humanity? Why are you playing with us always? To control us like sheep because so it suits to your class interest?


We see daily homeless people begging for food. We hear daily here and there of stabbings, drug dealings and death. We hear daily of political mu…
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