Posts tagged Taliban

Where did the US-UK Imperialist Politics Fail in Afghanistan? Dr ACactivism explains

The Afghans once the friends of the US and the enemies of the Soviet Union, between 1979 and 1989, they turned into bitter foes of the US after the al-Qaida found shelter in Afghanistan. And the latter attacked U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

1983, Ronald Reagan meeting Afghan fighters that opposed the Soviet Union.

It all sounds like a dystopian novel. But that is how unjust politics led by greed and evil are essentially.

The Taliban were young students who in 1994 turned into fighting to defend their country for peace. And came out of mujahideen groups, that had the same religious teaching theory. And that were welcomed by Ronald Reagan in the White House a decade earlier.

Taliban armies now heavily armed with US arms.

Now the question is: "Where did the US-UK Imperialist Politics Fail in Afghanistan?"

From its very inception the war in Afghanistan was...

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Taliban Fighters Take Over Afghanistan – The failure of Western Imperialism to create JUSTICE and FAIRNESS leaves Afghanistan in Pain and Chaos and loss of innocent human lives

What is happening in Afghanistan shows exactly the idea that Freedom was born out of the idea of oppression.

For that is very logical to be said that there was no need for freedom when we lived in the wild. And only a few people covered the space of an entire planet!

So, people disdain oppression and oppressors and fight for freedom. And as a matter of fact history shows us that “foreign invaders” are hated even more than domestic dictators.

Now, you ask, Who is better the cruel Taliban Barbarians or the Murdering Imperialist USA-UK-EU politics?

Let us begin explaining our reason with some facts. Since Western imperialism, with USA and U.K on the top, entered Afghanistan 20 years ago, in 2001, they begun by butchering, shooting and enslaving.

Incensed by September 11 attacks, the United States with U.K, as its best ally and others, invaded Afghanistan. Oppressing an entire nation, killing thousands of innocent people and keeping an entire nation under continual foreign oppression. (These facts are recorded in the history books.)

How can you do that?

The famous speech of George W. Bush on 20 Sep 2001, that said "you are either....

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