Posts tagged Plymouth Shooting

Jake Davison Psychology before Plymouth shooting calls for THINKING – The HATE of the U.K MEDIA MONOPOLIES against MEN have Turned Women against MEN – Isolating men and Controlling Women

In one online video before the shooting, the 22-year-old Jake Davison had said that he was socially isolated and struggled to meet women.

It has always been and it always be this way: Women play the biggest part in men’s lives after the food on the table. Women give both a meaning to men’s lives and to their sexual desire, that is the feeling and power of human creation,. A feeling from where these sick controlling maniac-like new nazis of the British media also come from. 

The crime scene in Plymouth.

Without any prejudice or small-minded judgment, let us go deep to the psychological analysis from facts. 

This form of thinking, that Jake Davison expressed, shows the psychology of Jake Davison hours, days and even months before shooting. He was isolated and....

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