Date Archives July 2015

Worshippers of Money, Worshippers of a New God, Worshippers of… or Beings that Have Blood in Their Hands.

Who is the god of now? Who are the priests of now? Who are the idolaters, worshipers, devotees and believers of now? Who are the killers, slayers and murderers of now, of our time and…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Why Do We Write? What Calls For Writing?

Human history begins with the invention of writing, civilization makes its first steps with the invention of writing, the world moves like a toddler, full of love of unknown desires, unknown passions and undiscovered lands, towards a…...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Why Altruism? Why selflessness? Why Self-Sacrificing? Why Do We Bother About the World?

Well, I made all the questions of my ideas on the headline of this composition.

So now all what is left here is to take these questions one by one. And express our thinking by putting these questions on the table of philosophy. And thus explain as such ideas, like people of wisdom do. That is through thinking and creating.

Hence, I ask, Why altruism? 

Here, first of all let us indicate what do we mean by the word 'altruism?'

The concept of Altruism comes from the Italian concept of altrui, that means someone else. And that is derived from the Latin concept, ‘alter.’ That means, other.

So, altruism is an image or idea that brings in my mind the image of Jean Paul Sartre, and his philosophy of “The Other.” That in certain points of the meaning of his thinking says, 'I'm the other and the other is me.” A philosophy that is somehow like that famous expression of Buddha that says, “One in all and all in one.”

Now, at this point of thinking, we see that the East and the West become one through altruism. For, the Western philosophy of the other of Sartre and the oneness of Buddha of the East here, in the altruist thinking or philosophy, become ‘one oneness’ within another oneness in the oneness of the oneness of nothingness within the nothingness of somethingness.

So I ask, “Is the other I and am I the other?

Here, by making this question, we intend to penetrate deep in the human consciousness. Deep in the mysteries of the human mind. And deep in the unknown and philosophy. For at this point of thinking, we enter into the inconceivable that is only slightly perceptible. And we enter or dive in the slightly perceptible thinking that looks like ‘the imperceptible.’

And I say that or think so by withdrawing my reason from this question that ask continually my thinking mind: Can I be like the other? And can the other be like me? Can we be one in all and all in one in any way of thinking?

My answer is this.

I think that we are...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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The Good is Dead, But…

Do you remember that value that our forefathers and our ancestors praised historically so high? That values that they raised up to the skies and glorified heroically and with great heroism. That value that they compared with the gods of the beyond worlds and the light of the bright stars. You remember it, don't you, dear folks of the today?

From Zarathustra of the East to the Socrates of the West, from Aristotle to Nietzsche and from the latter till now all these great humans of the past times have spoken with such a great pleasure, great love and great virtuosity about the

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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Conditions and Circumstances Annihilate the Freedom of Choice – Why we, Western people, have turned into mass slaves without a freedom of choice?


Western philosophy for centuries has asked itself, do we have a free will or god or gods command us to think and act as god or gods like?

Now even though many rational philosophers came to the conclusion that we have a free will. And therefore we can choose what to do with our lives ourselves.

Still, many of them did not consider the conditions and the circumstances of our lives or our world, when thinking of Free Will.

So, today many western men and women think that they have a choice. They think that they have a free will. And therefore they can choose what to think and what to do! And no one can tell them this. Right?

They think that they can choose to work or to rest. They think that they can choose their companions based on love. And they think that they can choose their careers based on merit! They think that they can choose to become heroes or scoundrels and so on.

However, here I like to ask, you who think so, do you ever consider the conditions and the circumstances of these choices?

Do you ever think that you chose your career because of merit or because of luck or because you grovelled well, and did what they told you to do?

Do you ever think that you really choose your companion because of the feeling of love or because of one's social status and perhaps because of a predefined cultural thinking? That in turn controls your conscious thinking all the time without you even understanding why or how!

In short, I ask, do you consider what social conditions do and what a certain mode of production or political theory or form of government create for your lives? And do you consider what circumstances do as such governing theories or bodies make for your existence on earth?

Now to begin with my answer. In a world where state power makes the rules for all to follow. It can be fairly and justly said that this world is....

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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