Posts tagged Profiteer

Bloodsuckers, Profiteers and Despots – How London’s Landlords and Letting Agencies are left to profiteer from ongoing Covid-19 Crises and pain by our Laws

Even though there is an ongoing Covid-19 pandemic crises, in the U.K there are no laws to limit or restrict the greed of those who demand to profiteer and suck the blood of the most oppressed of this country – Renters or people who rent a place as a basic right of their human soul to have a roof over their head.

For example, a room in Hammersmith, London, in the middle of 2021 was costing at around £650 per month. By the end of 2021, a room increased to £750 and above. New rules have come into the playbooks of landlords and letting agencies as well, making it more than difficult to .......

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