Posts tagged law

Let to Discriminate by Law! Renting in London Discriminatory, Inhumane, yet Lawful! – How Many More Centuries will British Working Classes be Fooled and Used by Corrupt and Abusive Laws?

A British Historian called, David Englander, says in a study in the housing matter called, Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, that “Contempt for the landlord was exceeded only by that of his alter ego,…...

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The British Nationality and Borders Act 2021 is equal to the Nazi Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. Dr ACactivism explains

In this critic of the Nationality and Borders Act 2021, as the writers of this law want it to be called, I intend to focus my critical thought on the essential content of this law. A law, where we will see through facts and reason how evil that it is.  A law that does abuse human dignity through an abusive and oppressive thinking. A law that metamorphoses Great Britain into a New Nazi Britain. And that furthermore, it tries to confuse the reader through a very bad structure of writing. Instead of being clear and obvious in their ideas.

So, let us begin expressing and analysing the content of the Nationality and Borders Act 2021.

Power to the Secretary of State and to Courts to be above the Law.

The Nationality and Borders Act 2021’s essential thinking does not only abuse human rights but also it gives super powers to courts, to authorities and to the Secretary of State. And it makes these powers above the law. That is, this LAW allows people of authority to be above the law itself. Instead of writing a crystal clear law where people of authority can obey to the ideas of the law in itself.

For example, at page 56, the writers of this law give super powers to the Secretary of State to change the current laws of immigration. And do whatever he desires with the immigration laws. So putting the Secretary of State above and beyond the law itself by saying:

 “The Secretary of State may by regulations make such amendments and modifications of....

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