Posts tagged Calais

Hear Hear, the Humanity of the INHUMANE BRITISH BUREAUCRATS! Hundreds of Ukrainian Refugees turned back at Calais Port by the UK Authorities – The French Publicly Chastise Britain for Inhumanity

On 06 04, 2022, The French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, said to the Europe 1 radio that British officials were turning many Ukrainian refugees away due to not having the necessary visas or paperwork.” Darmanin…...

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Circumstances show Intentional Murder of Immigrants in The English Channel – Immigrants’ boat sank in the English Channel after it was hit by a container ship. Killing 27 people

Two immigrants, who survived from the last man-made tragedy where 27 people lost their lives,  have indicated that a container ship collided with their dinghy.

Now the question is; “But where is the container ship?

Why did they not stop or raise the alarm? What happened, how it happened and why it happened?

A dingy is not a dot in the ocean that cannot be seen. Something suspicious here looks obvious.

An evil rhetoric of the U.K media monopolies against immigrants in the recent months has been obvious.

They have not stopped writing about how much bothered that they are of immigrants.

And this wave of hatred may have inspired the sea captain to overthrow the dinghy on purpose. So to stop them from coming in the land of oppressors. Where hatred is called, love and freedom is called, slavery.

Intentional murder of immigrants has happened on 28th March 1998 as well. Where an Italian naval vessel, inspired by the hatred of Italian Media against Albanians, hit an Albanian ship heading to Italy killing 84 Albanians on board.

Albanian ship full of immigrants hit by Italian racists to kill and murder on purpose.

So, do not be surprised. Authorities should investigate the matter and bring to justice those who are responsible.

For circumstances here show but Intentional Murder of immigrants in ....

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27 Immigrants have drowned crossing the English Channel near Calais. Western Imperialism, Boris Johnson and the cruel Emmanuel Macron are to be blamed

It is the sad news of the day, where we hear again and again that other immigrants and more immigrants have lost their lives for a better life and a better future.

My heart breaks and tears flow as natural as our existence. Why can we not do something for better? I ask.

So again we hear that on 24 11 2021, 27 immigrants have drowned while crossing the English Channel.

Now you ask, who are those who responsible for the murder of these immigrants?

Let me tell you that this is not a natural tragedy but a man-made tragedy. A tragedy made by European imperialism that creates divisions, wars and that unjustly controls the economy of the world.

Never forget, that economical oppression towards other nations, that is created across the world through the accumulation of wealth in our western world through our western global companies, means more wealth for us and more poverty for others.  

Life is hard to be lived in utter misery and utter oppression. And this blame goes out to people like the hypocrites and cruel politicians of Europe, like Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron.

Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron, they are the first ones to...

Since you're here… …we'd like to ask you for a small favor. We have never been read by more people, and yet we earn too little. You know what we have to ask you. This publication costs time, money and work. Please become a member today. It'll only take a minute. If you prefer you also can donate straight in my bank, Lloyds Bank account number; 14982760 – sort code – 30 - 94 - 79. Name, K Bouki, - Thank you very much!
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